
Destroy the three views! Two women fought because of the problem of turning on the air conditioner, can this kind of person be left in the company?

author:Fun, fun, fun, fun

It's so hot now. It is estimated that it is unbearable to turn on the air conditioner for a while.


However, there are these two beauties in the office, because of the problem of turning on the air conditioner, from the initial quarrel to fight, and then to colleagues coming to persuade them. It's a real shame.

Destroy the three views! Two women fought because of the problem of turning on the air conditioner, can this kind of person be left in the company?

Source, Henan Rural Channel.

What's going on?

It turned out that when she came back this morning, the woman in black felt that the weather was very hot and she couldn't stand it. So he said to his colleague in the front row, it's so hot, I want to turn on the air conditioner.

Destroy the three views! Two women fought because of the problem of turning on the air conditioner, can this kind of person be left in the company?

However, the female colleague in white sitting in front of him was not a good man or a woman. He felt that it might be because the air conditioner was facing the top of his head, and it would be very cold if he turned it on, so he didn't allow the air conditioner to be turned on.

Destroy the three views! Two women fought because of the problem of turning on the air conditioner, can this kind of person be left in the company?

They went from talking in ordinary words at the beginning to arguing with each other. Then there was a woman in white, and suddenly she rushed and threw a book at the colleague who was in black and wanted to turn on the air conditioner.

Destroy the three views! Two women fought because of the problem of turning on the air conditioner, can this kind of person be left in the company?

The woman in black was intimidated by the sudden humiliation, but he was not a bully. So, he strode up to the woman in white and tore up with him.

And just like that, a new round of fights took place.

Destroy the three views! Two women fought because of the problem of turning on the air conditioner, can this kind of person be left in the company?

It's just that the woman in black is not the opponent of the woman in white, so at this time, many colleagues came to persuade them, and they were pulled away by their colleagues. The corners of the eyes of the woman in black and many other places showed obvious scars.

Destroy the three views! Two women fought because of the problem of turning on the air conditioner, can this kind of person be left in the company?

Originally, the woman in black was prepared to call the police for green video, but they had all been persuaded by their colleagues.

I don't know, have you ever encountered strange things in the office?

Destroy the three views! Two women fought because of the problem of turning on the air conditioner, can this kind of person be left in the company?

Seeing that this office is so wide and big, their positions should be quite high, but their quality is really average.

I wonder what they will do next? Will they be fired?

If the dedicated staff continues to stay in this company, it may not be good, and as a result, their economy can be like this, so what will happen next time? And they don't have a mentality of obedience at all, nor a mentality of unity, such a person is a fatal wound for a company.

Destroy the three views! Two women fought because of the problem of turning on the air conditioner, can this kind of person be left in the company?

Work together, do things together, everyone accommodates each other, understands each other, and those who don't want to turn on the air conditioner can wear a little more clothes, and if the air conditioner blows their heads, they can wear a hat. What is going to turn into such a fight?

Destroy the three views! Two women fought because of the problem of turning on the air conditioner, can this kind of person be left in the company?

If the air conditioner is blowing cold, you can wear a little more clothes, but if you don't turn on the air conditioner in such a hot weather, it will be really uncomfortable, and you may even suffocate.

Such people have no team spirit at all.

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