
How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

author:Collect the sights and hears
How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

I believe that there are many only children around us, and their lives have been much more comfortable than ours since they were young, and everything in the house is theirs.

When an only child is young, it can be said that he wants to be windy and rainy, as long as he opens his mouth, his parents will basically meet their requirements, and he will not be troubled by life when he grows up.

How good is life for an only child? Let's see what an only child has to say.

My only child eats slowly, because no one ever robs me.

How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

There are two sisters in the family, which is understandable, if you have an older brother or brother, do you think your parents will buy you a house and a car? [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet]

How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

This is where the pride and confidence of an only child lies.

How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

Not an only child, but living the same life as an only child.

How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

Everything in the home of an only child is his own.

How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

Nominally, you borrowed it from your parents, but your parents never asked you to pay it back.

How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

When an only child gets married, the parents will feel very lonely at home and always want the child to go back to spend time with them.

How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

Not in his own name is just a formality, and the actual dominance is still oneself.

How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

The only child is in the second generation, and it can be said that he was born with a golden key from birth.

How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

The family atmosphere of an only child is generally harmonious, and there are no quarrels over trivial matters in life.

How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

An only child wants to travel and has no money to bring his parents with him.

How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

The only daughter is still a free shipping area, I guess it is Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

It's not the idea that it's indoctrination, but that's what it is.

How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

Write at the end

The only child has enjoyed all-round love from his parents since he was a child, and when he grows up, his parents will buy a car and a house for his children in full, so that their lives are carefree.

This makes many children from multi-child families very envious, and many children get married, buy a car, and buy a house on their own, and their parents can't help a little.

This is also the advantage of being an only child, what do you think about this?


How comfortable can life be for an only child? Netizen: Everything in the family is mine, money and love

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