
Urgent reminder! Chronic gastritis recurrent stomach pain, beware of stomach ulcers coming to the door!

author:Dr. Koppwang

Stomach pain is a problem that many people have experienced, especially those with chronic gastritis. However, you know what? Recurrent stomach pain can be a sign of a stomach ulcer! Today, we are going to talk about this topic and remind everyone to take precautions!

Urgent reminder! Chronic gastritis recurrent stomach pain, beware of stomach ulcers coming to the door!

1. The relationship between chronic gastritis and gastric ulcer

Chronic gastritis refers to a disease in which the gastric mucosa is stimulated by various factors for a long time, resulting in an inflammatory response. Patients with chronic gastritis are often accompanied by symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Gastric ulcer is a type of ulcer formed by damage to the gastric mucosa. There is a strong link between chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers.

2. The severity of recurrent stomach pain

People with chronic gastritis who experience recurrent stomach pain may be a sign of a stomach ulcer. Stomach ulcers can cause stomach pain that worsens and lasts longer, and may be accompanied by symptoms such as loss of appetite and weight loss. If not treated early, gastric ulcers may cause serious complications such as gastric bleeding and perforation, posing a great threat to health.

Urgent reminder! Chronic gastritis recurrent stomach pain, beware of stomach ulcers coming to the door!

3. Ways to prevent gastric ulcers

1. Eat regularly: Develop good eating habits and try to avoid spicy, greasy, irritating foods, and excessive alcohol consumption.

2. Avoid stress: Prolonged mental stress can lead to excessive gastric acid secretion, irritate the gastric mucosa, and induce gastric ulcers.

3. Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Tobacco and alcohol are important causes of gastric ulcers, and quitting smoking and limiting alcohol is of great significance to prevent gastric ulcers.

4. Regular physical examination: Patients with chronic gastritis should have regular gastric examinations to detect and treat the condition in time.

Urgent reminder! Chronic gastritis recurrent stomach pain, beware of stomach ulcers coming to the door!

4. How to deal with stomach pain

1. Seek medical attention in time: Once symptoms such as stomach pain appear, you should seek medical attention immediately to clarify the cause and avoid the deterioration of the condition.

2. Life care: Maintain a good work and rest time, avoid staying up late, and ensure adequate sleep.

3. Psychological adjustment: Maintain a good mood and avoid negative emotions such as excessive tension and anxiety.


Stomach pain, while common, can be a sign of a stomach ulcer! I hope that everyone can pay attention to this signal and seek medical attention in time to prevent the occurrence of stomach ulcers. At the same time, developing good living habits and maintaining a good attitude are also of great significance for the prevention of gastric ulcers. Let's focus on stomach health and stay away from stomach ulcers!

[The article is for reference only, if you have stomach pain and other symptoms, please seek medical attention in time] #头条创作挑战赛##妙笔生花创作挑战#

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