
45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK! The maintenance is so good, standing with his son that he didn't recognize who was the father

author:Scientific small rice balls


One day, a netizen met Tian Liang's family of three on the street in Cambridge, England, and the three of them walked on the street with great interest, very happy.

Compared with Tian Liang, his son "Liang Zai" and daughter Sen Die are more like a pair of brothers and sisters, with handsome faces and big eyes like their fathers.

Netizens took out their mobile phones to take pictures of this warm moment, joking: "How can a family connect so many generations!"

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK! The maintenance is so good, standing with his son that he didn't recognize who was the father

Tian Liang's family's trip to the UK.

Not long ago, Tian Liang's family, who were met by netizens, made a special trip to the UK to inspect Cambridge University for Evian's studies, and for this trip to the UK, Evian began to prepare a year in advance.

Until they went abroad, the children didn't know how many days their father would be able to stay at home with them in the next month's trip, but Tian Liang just smiled and said nothing.

It turned out that this trip to the UK was not only for the children to visit the famous schools in the UK, Tian Liang also arranged for the children to visit Cambridge University, and then trained with the sports department for a period of time, and he didn't know when he would be able to return to China.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK! The maintenance is so good, standing with his son that he didn't recognize who was the father

Tian Liang and his children finally arrived at a rural primary school in the United Kingdom after an eight-hour flight, and according to the accommodation provided by Cambridge University, Tian Liang and the children settled down together.

Leaving his hometown, Tian Liang was naturally a little reluctant, but the children seemed very happy, happily having dinner with their father, and no one could see that they still had some novelty when they first came to the UK.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK! The maintenance is so good, standing with his son that he didn't recognize who was the father

Next, Tian Liang took the children to visit a famous school in the UK, and Sendie sighed: "The buildings here are so beautiful!"

After visiting the prestigious school, the children were free to move, they went to Marks & Spencer, and they went around everywhere.

Tian Liang was dressed in casual clothes, and his low-key outfit sparked heated discussions among the Chinese students present, and they all asked to take photos with Tian Liang, and after getting Tian Liang's consent, they also took photos with him with great interest.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK! The maintenance is so good, standing with his son that he didn't recognize who was the father

Tian Liang's philosophy on children's education.

The appearance of Tian Liang's family is very low-key, and even the bodyguards around Tian Liang have tall bodies that wrap Tian Liang and the three of them in the middle, trying not to let outsiders pay attention to them.

Although it seems to be calm with the Tian Liang family in the form of ordinary father and son, but its deeds should not be underestimated, Sen Die's grades are very good, although he is only in the eighth grade, but he has already practiced kendo to the fifth stage, in comparison, Sen Die's artistic ability is also very high.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK! The maintenance is so good, standing with his son that he didn't recognize who was the father

In the national competitions he participated in, Sendie got the eighth place in the country, and in terms of academics, Sendie's results were also very good.

At the age of fourteen or fifteen, he was sent to Cambridge University, an internationally renowned university, as a special enrollment, and Tian Liang's son Liang Zai also accidentally became the focus of attention.

Although Tian Liang's two children are only in the fifth grade of primary school, Liang Tsai has been struggling in taekwondo for four years, and the biggest achievement is that in the All England Taekwondo Competition in 2018, Liang Tsai reached the final and won the runner-up.

Tian Liang believes that the meaning of children's growth is to make him a loving person, not a scholar who can only do questions.

45-year-old Tian Liang appeared in the UK! The maintenance is so good, standing with his son that he didn't recognize who was the father

His educational philosophy is very rich, and he believes that the most important thing for his children to learn is not only to learn knowledge, but also to learn sportsmanship, learn social responsibility, accept love, give love, and even learn what is called family and country feelings.

Tian Liang feels that when children are young, what is the most important thing to do in family education, parents have a sense of responsibility for education, and they also have the right to educate.

Therefore, Tian Liang's education method for the children can be said to be lenient and severe, and he gives full freedom and respect to the children's learning and life.

Tian Liang's children also have a common hobby or good fortune is to eat, the family eats very harmoniously, whether it is at home or out to eat, the children are interested in chatting with their parents.

Cultivate a child's free personality.

Family education is like sowing seeds in the field, without fertile soil, no matter how good the seeds are, they will not germinate.

In Tian Liang's view, cultivating children's character and values is far more important than teaching children to achieve academic performance.

How to cultivate a person who is responsible, worried, and responsible?

To start by cultivating an independent personality, Tian Liang and Su Yonghong's way of getting along is to treat each other with kindness as the premise, give each other enough free space, and respect each other's personality.

The pursuit of equality is actually a very important value, not to require men and women to be treated equally in all aspects of the workplace, but also to require spiritual equality between the sexes.

Only by treating the relationship between people with an equal attitude can marriage be able to pursue beauty in the ordinary, and the feelings between people can obtain a higher sense of accomplishment as they become deeper and deeper.

The most important thing is the way of educating children, and Tian Liang and his wife agree with the old saying "edutainment" when it comes to children's education.

When they first started school, although the two children had just entered the school gate of primary school, they did not suffer from the boring and dull torture of learning.

The couple has developed a very interesting learning style for their children, but the most important thing is to develop hobbies.

In Tian Liang's educational philosophy, not only physics, art, martial arts and other activities can allow children to cultivate mature thinking and independent learning ability, but also very beneficial to children's personalities, thus demonstrating that the education method of Tian Liang and his wife is naturally unusual.


Tian Liang's own good genes don't need to be emphasized too much, he has also witnessed his own cognition of education in his own children, the children are excellent and healthy, and their parents are not ordinary, they are indeed very good educators.

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