
The pension adjustment plan has been announced, and the quota has been lowered in many places, what is the difference in the increase in the retirement of enterprises and undertakings?

author:Social Security Navigator

The pension adjustment plan has been announced, and the quota has been lowered in many places, what is the difference in the increase in the retirement of enterprises and undertakings?

In the context of an aging society, pension is an important guarantee for the life of the elderly, and every adjustment of pension affects the hearts of hundreds of millions of families. Recently, with the notice on the adjustment of the basic pension of retirees in 2024 jointly issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance, specific pension adjustment plans have been announced across the country. Compared with previous years, this year's adjustment plan shows a significant feature: the quota adjustment in many places has been generally lowered, and the difference in the increase between corporate retirees and career retirees has become the focus of public attention. This article will delve into the logic behind this adjustment, its reasons and how it affects different groups of retirees.
The pension adjustment plan has been announced, and the quota has been lowered in many places, what is the difference in the increase in the retirement of enterprises and undertakings?

Background and significance of the pension adjustment plan

Pension adjustment is an important part of the social security system, which aims to ensure that the basic living standards of retirees can be gradually improved with the development of social economy. Since 2005, the mainland has raised the basic pension of retirees for many years, which not only reflects the state's care for the elderly, but also an important measure to maintain social stability and promote economic development. However, with the deepening of the aging of the population and the increase in the payment pressure of the pension insurance fund, how to achieve the sustainable development of the pension system while ensuring the life of retirees has become an urgent problem to be solved.

The pension adjustment plan has been announced, and the quota has been lowered in many places, what is the difference in the increase in the retirement of enterprises and undertakings?

Analysis of the reasons for the adjustment and reduction of quotas in many places

In this year's pension adjustment plan in many places, the fixed amount adjustment has generally been reduced, and there are multiple reasons behind this. First of all, from the macroeconomic level, although the mainland economy has maintained stable growth, the growth rate has slowed down, coupled with the increased uncertainty of the global economic situation, which poses a certain challenge to the ability to pay pensions. Secondly, the relatively low price increase, especially last year, was only 0.2%, which means that the cost of living for retirees has not increased significantly, so the increase in pensions has been adjusted accordingly. In addition, the balance of the pension insurance fund is also one of the important factors to consider. While ensuring the basic livelihood of retirees, it is also necessary to ensure the long-term stable operation of the pension insurance fund.

The pension adjustment plan has been announced, and the quota has been lowered in many places, what is the difference in the increase in the retirement of enterprises and undertakings?

Discussion on the difference between corporate retirement and career retirement growth

In the process of pension adjustment, the difference between the increase of corporate retirees and career retirees has always been the focus of public attention. From the perspective of historical evolution, due to historical reasons and differences in system design, the pension level of enterprise retirees is generally lower than that of public institution retirees. However, in recent years, with the continuous improvement of the pension insurance system, this gap is gradually narrowing. In this year's pension adjustment plan, although the fixed amount adjustment is generally reduced, the adjustment method still follows the principle of "combination of fixed adjustment, linked adjustment and appropriate tilt". This means that, in addition to the quota adjustment, the peg adjustment and tilt adjustment will compensate for the impact of the quota adjustment to a certain extent.

For corporate retirees, because their pension level is relatively low, they can often get more growth in the linkage adjustment link. The linkage adjustment is directly related to the contribution period and pension level of retirees, reflecting the incentive mechanism of "paying more and getting more for a long time". For corporate retirees with long payment years and higher pension levels, they are expected to get a greater increase through the peg adjustment. In contrast, due to the generally high level of pensions, retirees in public institutions have relatively little room for growth in the link of linkage adjustment. However, this does not mean that their increase will be lower than that of corporate retirees, because the tilt adjustment link tends to give more care to elderly retirees and retirees in difficult and remote areas.

The pension adjustment plan has been announced, and the quota has been lowered in many places, what is the difference in the increase in the retirement of enterprises and undertakings?

Equity and sustainability of pension adjustment schemes

When discussing the pension adjustment plan, fairness and sustainability are two dimensions that cannot be ignored. Fairness requires that pension adjustment should fully consider the actual situation and needs of different groups of retirees, so as to ensure that every retiree can share the fruits of social and economic development. Sustainability, on the other hand, requires that the pension system must maintain its own stable operation and long-term financial balance while ensuring the lives of retirees.

This year's pension adjustment plan strikes a good balance between fairness and sustainability. The reduction of the fixed amount adjustment reflects the consideration of the payment pressure of the pension insurance fund, and the linkage adjustment and the tilt adjustment make up for this impact to a certain extent, ensuring the fairness of the adjustment plan. At the same time, the sustainability of the pension system is ensured by reasonably determining the adjustment ratio and level, as well as strictly implementing the filing system.

The pension adjustment plan has been announced, and the quota has been lowered in many places, what is the difference in the increase in the retirement of enterprises and undertakings?

Build a better future for old-age security

The announcement of the pension adjustment plan is not only related to the vital interests of every retiree, but also reflects the country's continuous attention and efforts to the pension security system. Today, with the accelerated arrival of an aging society, building a fair and sustainable old-age security system has become the consensus of the whole society. We believe that under the strong leadership of the party and the government, and with the joint efforts of all sectors of society, the mainland's old-age security system will become more and more perfect, providing a more solid and reliable living security for hundreds of millions of elderly people.

Let us work together to build a better future for old-age security! Let every retiree enjoy his or her old age and share the fruits of social development. This is not only a respect and care for the elderly, but also a vivid interpretation of the progress of human civilization.
