
"The drama misleads the country, and science and technology prospers the country", look at which celebrities have been criticized by the People's Daily

author:Who dances with me

"The drama misleads the country, and science and technology prospers the country" is actually a critical article from the People's Daily. The article mentions the bad behavior of some celebrities, and also touches on their influence on the atmosphere.

"The drama misleads the country, and science and technology prospers the country", look at which celebrities have been criticized by the People's Daily

Wu Jinyan, the actress who became popular for playing Wei Yingluo in "Yanxi Raiders", originally had a good image in the entertainment industry. But a simple interview made her image plummet. One day, CCTV Movie Channel invited her to participate in an exclusive interview, which is an honor for any actor.

"The drama misleads the country, and science and technology prospers the country", look at which celebrities have been criticized by the People's Daily

When CCTV reporters arrived at the agreed location on time, Wu Jinyan's team suddenly proposed to change the location. The reporters had no choice but to cooperate, traveling dozens of kilometers to the new location. But after arriving at the new location, Wu Jinyan's team informed Wu Jinyan again that Wu Jinyan had other arrangements and could not be interviewed. They even demanded that CCTV pay for the additional venue.

"The drama misleads the country, and science and technology prospers the country", look at which celebrities have been criticized by the People's Daily

This obvious disrespectful and unprofessional behavior made the CCTV staff feel very angry and disappointed. Afterwards, CCTV publicly criticized Wu Jinyan's behavior on the Internet.

"The drama misleads the country, and science and technology prospers the country", look at which celebrities have been criticized by the People's Daily

As an actor, Chen He is well-known for starring in works such as "Love Apartment". He also ventured into business and opened the "Xianhezhuang" hot pot restaurant. However, the business status of this hot pot restaurant has frequently caused controversy.

"The drama misleads the country, and science and technology prospers the country", look at which celebrities have been criticized by the People's Daily

According to consumers, the quality of the dishes in this store is very unstable, and sometimes the ingredients are not fresh and the taste is poor. The service attitude has also been unsatisfactory, and consumers often encounter indifference and impatience from the clerks in the process of waiting, ordering and checkout. What's worse is that the hygiene situation in the store is worrying, and food safety problems have been exposed many times.

"The drama misleads the country, and science and technology prospers the country", look at which celebrities have been criticized by the People's Daily

As the owner of this restaurant, Chen He was inevitably caught in the whirlpool of public opinion. The People's Daily report stressed that as a public figure and business owner, Chen He should be responsible for his own actions and, more importantly, for the rights and interests of consumers. Clearly he didn't do enough in this regard.

"The drama misleads the country, and science and technology prospers the country", look at which celebrities have been criticized by the People's Daily

Zeng Yike may not be as famous as the first two, but her actions are just as concerning. During an airport security check, Zeng Yike clashed with the security personnel because of some unreasonable requirements, and there was also an insult to the police. This disrespect for laws and regulations made her immediately the focus of public opinion.

"The drama misleads the country, and science and technology prospers the country", look at which celebrities have been criticized by the People's Daily

These three things reflect some of the current problems in the entire entertainment industry. Under the glamorous surface, many celebrities have serious deficiencies in professional ethics and personal conduct.

"The drama misleads the country, and science and technology prospers the country", look at which celebrities have been criticized by the People's Daily

Look at the behavior of these celebrities, they are glamorous on the surface, but in fact they show extremely poor professional ethics and personal qualities on different occasions. damaged our own image and ruined our overall view of the entertainment industry. This situation is really "misleading the country", and I have to reflect on the true value of the entertainment industry again.

"The drama misleads the country, and science and technology prospers the country", look at which celebrities have been criticized by the People's Daily

We should pay more attention to the development of science and technology and academic progress, rather than indulging in these superficial halos and short-term entertainment. Rejuvenating the country through science and technology is the foundation of a strong country. We must improve our scientific and technological literacy, pay attention to and support scientific and technological innovation, and only then can we contribute real strength to the development of the country, instead of being confused and consumed by some bad entertainment news.

"The drama misleads the country, and science and technology prospers the country", look at which celebrities have been criticized by the People's Daily

In short, we must have clear values and be clear about our responsibilities and missions. Supporting those that are truly meaningful, such as science and technology, education and health care, so as to promote the overall progress of society and the long-term development of the country. In this way, we will be able to build a stronger and more harmonious country.

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