
A scout was captured and killed by the enemy, and the militia robbed the corpse in dog skin, never thinking that the puppet army would have a backhand

author:Talking about Xiao Li

A scout was captured and killed by the enemy, and the militia robbed the corpse in dog skin, never thinking that the puppet army would have a backhand. In the war-torn era, there are always some unknown heroes hidden among them, who use their blood and lives to compose a swan song that can be sung and cried. Today, we will tell a story of the Anti-Japanese War that took place in the forties of the last century, and see how those anti-Japanese fighters who regarded death as their home broke the enemy's insidious trap and defended the dignity of the motherland with their lives. Are they really lost forever in the long river of history? Let's find out!

A scout was captured and killed by the enemy, and the militia robbed the corpse in dog skin, never thinking that the puppet army would have a backhand

In the summer of 1943, a guerrilla unit of the Third Army Division lay in ambush for a long time near the stronghold of the Japanese puppet army in the eastern section of Bayiji on the Longhai Railway. There is a scout named Liu Qingli in this guerrilla unit, who is not chaotic in the face of danger and is extremely witty, and is the backbone of the team. On this morning, Liu Qingli disguised himself as a local villager, and in the name of delivering food to Zhao Yiming, the leader of the puppet army, sneaked into the enemy's stronghold to investigate the situation. At first, it was fine, but when he passed by a bunker, he was suspected by a puppet soldier.

The puppet soldier interrogated Liu Qingli about his intentions, and Liu Qingli hurriedly repeated the words he had prepared in advance. The puppet soldier seemed to believe it, and even said that Zhao Yiming had left the village and asked Liu Qingli to send it directly to his second uncle's house. How does Liu Qingli know where Zhao Yiming's second uncle's house is? But he didn't dare to embarrass this puppet soldier, so he could only nod vaguely. Who knew that in the next second, the puppet army suddenly took out a gun, scolded Liu Qingli for being a member of the New Fourth Army, and then captured him alive.

A scout was captured and killed by the enemy, and the militia robbed the corpse in dog skin, never thinking that the puppet army would have a backhand

That night, the enemy tortured Liu Qingli and wanted to take out the internal information, but Liu Qingli was as strong as steel, and he didn't say a word no matter how he tortured. Seeing that there was nothing to be done, Zhao Yiming became angry and ordered Liu Qingli to be skinned and tortured.

At dawn the next day, Liu Qingli was brutally killed, and his body was left outside the camp to be guarded by three puppet soldiers. The news soon reached the ears of Wu Yongchuan, the captain of the martial arts team, and everyone was heartbroken and vowed to avenge Liu Qingli.

A scout was captured and killed by the enemy, and the militia robbed the corpse in dog skin, never thinking that the puppet army would have a backhand

Wu Yongchuan deployed Li Yangzhai to lead a few people to attack at night, and he went to gather nearby militia to cooperate. However, Li Yangzhai and others failed to capture Liu Qingli's body in several consecutive operations, and were firmly guarded by the enemy's machine guns. In the midst of trouble, a stray dog met unexpectedly. The quick-witted Lee Yang-jae came up with a brilliant idea.

They killed and skinned the dog, while Li Yangzhai put on a dog's skin, took advantage of the darkness to sneak to Liu Qingli's body, and dragged it away with a rope. At first, the enemy thought it was a dog, but by the time they noticed the anomaly, it was too late. However, just as they were about to retreat, a deafening explosion sounded, and it turned out that Zhao Yiming had planted a mine under Liu Qingli's body in an attempt to catch them all. Who knew that Li Yangzhai also had a backhand, and the firepower of the armed engineering team and the militia fought back fiercely in an instant, surrounding Zhao Yiming and others.

A scout was captured and killed by the enemy, and the militia robbed the corpse in dog skin, never thinking that the puppet army would have a backhand

After a fierce battle, Zhao Yiming was killed in battle, and the stronghold was recaptured by our side. Li Yangzhai was commended on the spot for this action, but more of his comrades disappeared forever in the bloody rain and could only sleep forever under this mountain and river.

In the long river of history, there are always some unknown heroes who work hard in it. People like Liu Qingli and Li Yangzhai have guarded the safety of their home and country with their blood and lives, and they are the loveliest people in this country. Although decades have passed since these events, we can still gain courage and strength from them every time we revisit them.

A scout was captured and killed by the enemy, and the militia robbed the corpse in dog skin, never thinking that the puppet army would have a backhand

They have told us with practical actions that in any difficult period, we must maintain a firm belief and never give in. In the face of the enemy's intrigues and tricks, we must be more resourceful and outsmart the enemy. The power of unity is infinite, and as long as we are close to each other and work with one heart and one mind, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

Finally, let us remember the heroic deeds of those martyrs to be worthy of their efforts back then. May this hot land never be war-free, and the motherland will always enjoy peace! #头条首发大赛#