
During the Anti-Japanese War, a traffic officer poked the donkey's belly with a cone, and successfully broke through the puppet army checkpoint and transported more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition

author:Talking about Xiao Li

During the Anti-Japanese War, a traffic officer poked the donkey's belly with a cone, and successfully broke through the puppet army checkpoint and transported more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition. Can you imagine that in that cruel era of war, there was a small traffic officer who successfully evaded the enemy's blockade line and transported thousands of rounds of ammunition with a trick of "poking the donkey in the belly"?

This is simply an absurd "peerless magic block"! When this bullet later resounded in the chamber of the gun, did it also make the enemy mad and bitterly scold this brilliant plan of "strange goods"? The story takes place in the year 1942, and let's walk into this thrilling experience together.

During the Anti-Japanese War, a traffic officer poked the donkey's belly with a cone, and successfully broke through the puppet army checkpoint and transported more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition

In 1942, the city of Dezhou, Shandong Province, was filled with a suffocating atmosphere of slaughter. The narrow alleys are sparsely populated, and only the puppet army guarding the street corner rudely checks the people entering and exiting from time to time. The ferocious search is like a devil's claw in every corner of this city.

But under the oppression of this unwilled terror, there is also a tenacious force that is not afraid of sacrifice. These are the underground party members, who secretly accumulate weapons and ammunition, waiting for the opportunity to take back the world. It was an underground party member named Liu Qingde who, by virtue of his relatives, managed to get more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and after a few months, the traffic officer sent to collect ammunition was brutally killed by the enemy. This heavy blow made the enemy engineering department of Pingyi County anxious like ants on a hot pot.

During the Anti-Japanese War, a traffic officer poked the donkey's belly with a cone, and successfully broke through the puppet army checkpoint and transported more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition

Therefore, they sent a battle-hardened "second old brave" Guo Xinping to carry out this dangerous bomb transport mission. Five or six times he went deep into the enemy camp, Guo Xinping was familiar with the terrain of Texas and the style of the enemy army. Finally, on December 13, 1942, Guo Xinping disguised himself as a hawker, carried a black donkey and quietly came to Liu Qingde's grocery store, and completed the joint through a code. The bullet was safely hidden under the black donkey's purse.

Level 1, Level 2...... Guo Xinping cautiously passed through the four checkpoints. But at the last gate of the West City, a dazzling scene appeared - the puppet army actually began to conduct a thorough search of all the people who left the city!

During the Anti-Japanese War, a traffic officer poked the donkey's belly with a cone, and successfully broke through the puppet army checkpoint and transported more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition

Seeing that groups of people were forcibly lifted and carefully inspected, Guo Xinping felt a rush in his heart. Once the thousand bullets on his body are discovered, he will definitely be severely punished! He could only slow down and secretly think about countermeasures.

At this time, a bold idea scorched in Guo Xinping's mind - while people were not paying attention, he twisted up a small iron cone and poked it at the black donkey's buttocks!

During the Anti-Japanese War, a traffic officer poked the donkey's belly with a cone, and successfully broke through the puppet army checkpoint and transported more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition

The howl of "hum, hum, hum" alarmed the surrounding puppet army, and the black donkey ran frantically, and the pears on their backs rolled to the ground. Guo Xinping shouted and hurried over, pretending to be sorry to cover the money bag. Seeing the lively puppet army swarming up to snatch Ya Pear, no one noticed that he successfully passed the last level!

In this way, the wonderful trick of "poking the donkey's belly with a cone", coupled with the excellent "cooperation" of the black donkey and Yali pear, allowed Guo Xinping to successfully transport more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition. These bullets injected new strength into the underground armed forces in later battles.

During the Anti-Japanese War, a traffic officer poked the donkey's belly with a cone, and successfully broke through the puppet army checkpoint and transported more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition

The years of gunfire and gunsmoke are filled with clouds of life and death. No one could have imagined that an insignificant "country traffic officer" could accomplish such a thrilling bomb transport mission under the obstacles of many enemies.

During the Anti-Japanese War, a traffic officer poked the donkey's belly with a cone, and successfully broke through the puppet army checkpoint and transported more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition

The strange trick of "poking the donkey in the belly" is really ridiculous. However, if we think about it further, is it not the heroic character of the people who were not afraid of danger that was honed in the war years this source of ingenuity and wisdom?

Behind each character, in fact, there is a greatness hidden in the ordinary. It would be too superficial to say that history only remembers the glorious side. We should explore and excavate the shining points hidden in the long river of time, and reassemble the magnificent picture of the year. #头条首发大赛#

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