
In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

author:Shepherd Boy Entertainment
In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

Text: Shepherd Boy

Edited by Shepherd Boy

In ancient times, without modern maps and navigation equipment, the question of how people could ensure that they would not get lost when they traveled far away became a crucial issue.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

Despite the lack of modern technology, the ancients successfully solved this problem through their rich experience, wisdom and innovative methods.

  1. Word of mouth

Ancient societies valued word of mouth information about the path. This exchange of information is particularly important in an era when transportation is inaccessible and means of disseminating information are limited.

The lines of communication between villages and between cities are constantly transmitted and renewed through the oral accounts of the people. Word of mouth is not only a simple way to disseminate information, but also a traditional way of accumulating wisdom, carrying a wealth of experience and practical knowledge.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

In ancient times, written materials were far less widespread than they are today, and many ordinary people were unable to obtain information by reading the written word. Therefore, word of mouth has become the main means of obtaining and disseminating information, especially in the case of path information, which is extremely effective.

Merchants, messengers of the inn, travelers, etc., will accumulate and share information about the terrain, important signs, and routes along the route as they walk different routes.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

This information includes not only the length of the journey, the undulations of the terrain, the distribution of rivers and mountains, but also the location of villages, towns, and post stations along the way, and even the dangerous sections on the road and the places to take refuge in bad weather conditions.

This kind of oral information, through the accumulation and inheritance of many generations, has formed a reliable path guide, and the experience accumulated by different people at different times and places, through continuous communication and supplementation, has gradually formed a more systematic and comprehensive path information network.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

When a caravan travels between two cities, it encounters a variety of different situations, such as damage to roads, diversion of rivers, construction of bridges, etc. These new information will be passed on to the next departing caravan through the dictation of the caravan members, or to more people through the communication channels of the caravan.

The caravanserais played an extremely important role in the ancient transportation network, not only providing a place for travelers to rest and recharge, but also a hub for information transmission and exchange.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

With the establishment and improvement of the post station system, the post station became a key node on the transportation line, through which travelers could not only receive material support, but also ensure a safe and smooth journey through the exchange of information.

The caravanserais is not only a place for travelers to rest and recharge, but also a center for information exchange. At the inn, travelers from different places can share and get the latest route information.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

Whether it is a merchant, an official, a messenger, or an ordinary traveler, they can exchange information in the inn. Through this communication, travelers can learn about the road ahead, including road conditions, weather changes, possible hazards, etc., so that they can better plan their trips.

The information collection and transmission mechanism of the post station is very efficient, and the post man will take the initiative to ask each traveler who arrives at the post station about their travel route and the situation encountered along the way.

Through these inquiries, the postman was able to obtain a large amount of information about the route and record this information, which included not only dictated information, but also some brief written notes, which were usually posted on the bulletin board of the post station for easy access by later generations.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

The bulletin board is an important tool for the exchange of information at the post station, and the bulletin board of the post station is usually located in a prominent position at the post station, including the latest route information, weather forecasts, important landmarks and safety tips.

The information on the bulletin board is concise and straightforward, so travelers can get the directions they need in a short time, and for illiterate travelers, the post guards will give verbal explanations to ensure that everyone has the necessary information.

The exchange of information at the post stations was not limited to oral and written records, but also included physical markings and maps, which often contained simple hand-drawn maps drawn by experienced travelers or post guards, indicating the main roads, the location of the stations, important landmarks, and potentially dangerous areas.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

These hand-drawn maps, while not as accurate as modern maps, were already very valuable navigational tools at the time.

Depending on the season and weather conditions, the station also offers different travel advice, and in winter, travelers are reminded to bring warm clothing and plenty of food to cope with the cold and snow.

During the rainy season, the inn provides up-to-date information on rising river levels and muddy roads, reminding travelers to choose safe crossings and avoid dangerous sections.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

Through the caravanserais, travelers can meet people from different places and exchange experiences and information with each other, which not only helps to improve the safety and efficiency of travel, but also strengthens the overall connection and cohesion of society.

In the station, people of different identities and professions have formed a network of mutual assistance through communication and cooperation, and jointly face various challenges during the journey.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

The post station also promoted the spread and exchange of culture to a certain extent. Travelers from different regions share their customs, cultural customs and life experiences in the inn, so that the cultures of different regions can meet and integrate.

  1. Ancient compass

Ancient travelers would do a lot of pre-planning and preparation before setting off. This thorough preparation not only shows the importance they attach to the journey, but also demonstrates their wisdom and ability to cope with the unknown.

Whether it's a short trip or a long journey, detailed preparation is key to ensuring a safe and smooth arrival at your destination.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

Travellers learn as much as possible about the route and terrain of their destination, which relies heavily on oral transmission, simple hand-drawn maps, and the experience of their predecessors due to the lack of modern maps and navigation equipment.

Travelers will ask experienced seniors, people who go out all year round, or staff at the inn for specific routes, landmarks, and precautions, and through these exchanges, they will be able to get a clearer picture of the path and understand the main topographical features along the way, such as mountains, rivers, forests, deserts, etc.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

Understanding the weather conditions is also an important part of preparing for the trip, and the climate varies greatly from season to season, and travelers need to prepare according to the climatic characteristics of the departure time and destination.

In winter, they need to bring warm clothing and cold protection, and in summer, they need to prepare equipment for sun protection and enough drinking water.

Understanding the climate change patterns in their destinations can also help them choose the best time to travel and avoid the risks of extreme weather.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

Food and water were the most basic and important supplies for long journeys, and ancient travelers would prepare sufficient dry food and water according to the length of the journey and the availability of supplies along the way.

Dry food is usually a food that is easy to preserve and carry, such as dried meats, biscuits, dried fruits, pickled foods, etc. Water needs to be packed into water bladders or bottles in advance to ensure that there is enough drinking water even in arid or waterless areas.

On some long journeys where there is a lack of supply points, travelers also bring portable cooking utensils and fuel so that they can cook their own food when needed.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

Although ancient maps were not as accurate as modern maps, they were still an important tool for travelers, with maps showing major roads, towns, caravanserais, and natural landmarks to help them orient themselves and plan their routes.

The compass was an essential tool used by ancient travelers to find their way, pointing north and south through a magnetic needle, helping travelers to find the right route when they lost their way.

The invention of the compass marks an important milestone in the history of ancient navigation, it provides important tools and technical support for human exploration and travel, in ancient China, Sinan's invention can be traced back to the Warring States period, this is the earliest compass, it laid the foundation for ancient navigation and navigation.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

Sinan is a device made of natural magnets that is able to indicate the north-south direction. Its principle is based on the Earth's geomagnetic field and the properties of magnets.

In ancient times, it was discovered that when the magnet was suspended or floated on the water, it would automatically point to the north and south poles of the earth, which provided important clues for navigation.

Since the Warring States period, the compass has undergone continuous improvement and refinement, gradually evolving into a more portable and accurate navigation tool.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

After the Song Dynasty, the compass manufacturing process was further improved, and the purity and stability of the magnet were improved, making its accuracy and reliability in navigation greatly improved.

Improvement of the production process

After the Song Dynasty, the compass production process has been greatly improved, the traditional compass is made of natural magnets, but the quality and stability of the magnet is often not ideal, resulting in the compass pointing is not accurate enough.

In order to solve this problem, people began to try to adopt a purer and more stable magnet, and the magnet was finely processed and treated to improve the sensitivity and stability of the compass. This improvement allows the compass to indicate direction more accurately, providing more reliable support for navigation and navigation.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

In addition to the improvement of magnets, people also invented compasses that could be suspended or suspended on the water, making their use in navigation more extensive. While a traditional compass needs to be placed on a flat surface to accurately indicate direction, a suspended compass can remain stable even when the ship is rocking.

This kind of hanging compass usually uses a magnetic needle to hang on a thin line or float on the water, pointing to the magnetic north direction of the earth by freely rotating, providing reliable navigation support for ships, and the invention of the hanging compass greatly improved the accuracy and safety of navigation, becoming an important milestone in the history of ancient navigation.

In ancient times, there were no maps and navigation, so how could you guarantee that you wouldn't get lost when you went far away

The compass was widely used in navigation, military and travel, greatly improving people's ability to discern directions. In sailing, the compass helps the ship to maintain the correct course in the sea, avoiding disorientation and helplessness.

While traveling, the compass provides reliable navigation support to travelers, allowing them to reach their destination safely and smoothly.

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