
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look
The rules of kowtow left by the ancestors have increased knowledge, so collect them and take a look

In ancient times, there was a prosperous city-state called "Lidu" on the land of the Central Plains. The reason why the capital of rites got its name is because the residents here have attached great importance to etiquette since ancient times, especially an ancient and solemn ritual - kowtow. Kowtow is not only an expression of respect for elders and sages, but also an important ritual for inheriting family culture and morality.

In Lidu, there is a family surnamed Li, who is a local noble family. The Li family has been studying for generations, and the family style is rigorous, and etiquette is an indispensable part of the family. The elder of the family, Li Gong, is a well-known scholar who understands the deep meaning of kowtowing etiquette and regards this tradition as the soul of his family.

Li Gong had a grandson named Li Xuan. Li Xuan has been smart and clever since he was a child, but he is quite puzzled by the etiquette of kowtowing. In his opinion, this seemingly simple action does not seem to reflect any special significance. As a result, he often questioned the necessity of kowtowing in private, and even expressed his dissatisfaction with it in conversations with his peers.

One day, Li Gong gathered the whole family to prepare for an important ancestor worship ceremony. Before the ceremony began, Li Gong solemnly told everyone about the origin and deep meaning of the kowtow etiquette. "Kowtowing is not just an action, it represents our respect and gratitude to our ancestors, respect and filial piety to our elders," he said. By kowtowing, we pass on the values and morals of our family so that future generations can remember our history and pass on our culture. ”

However, Li Xuan was skeptical of these words. He thought to himself: "Is kowtowing really so important?" Isn't there any other way to show respect and gratitude? ”

The ancestor worship ceremony began, and Li Xuan followed his family to kowtow to the ancestral tablet. In the process of kowtowing, he closed his eyes, trying to feel the meaning of this action. At this moment, pictures suddenly appeared in his mind—the hard work of his ancestors, the stories of his family passed down from generation to generation, and the careful teaching of his elders...... These pictures made him feel the warmth and strength of the family, and also gave him a deeper understanding of the etiquette of kowtowing.

After the ceremony, Li Xuan found Li Gong and expressed his feelings. He said: "Grandpa, I didn't understand kowtow before, and even thought it was a bit outdated. But today, when I really kowtow with my heart, I feel the cohesion of the family and the inheritance of culture. I learned that kowtowing is not just a courtesy, but also a responsibility and a mission. ”

Li Gong smiled with relief after hearing this, he patted Li Xuan's shoulder and said, "Child, you finally understand the deep meaning of kowtowing. Remember, no matter how times change, family etiquette and culture cannot be lost. We will carefully pass on these precious treasures and make them a unique mark of our family. ”

Over time, Li Xuan gradually became the pillar of the family. He not only inherited the family's academic tradition, but also carried forward the etiquette of kowtowing. Whenever there is an important occasion or ceremony, he always personally demonstrates the etiquette of kowtowing, passing on the family values and morals to the younger generation.

Under the influence of Li Xuan, more and more people began to pay attention to the etiquette of kowtowing. They understand that kowtowing is not just a form of respect, but also a deep respect and gratitude. This respect and gratitude make them cherish the culture and traditions of their families even more, and also make them work harder to inherit and carry forward these precious treasures.

In this story, we see the deep meaning behind the kowtow ritual - it is not only a form of etiquette, but also an important means of cultural inheritance and moral education. By kowtowing, we express our admiration and gratitude to our ancestors, respect and filial piety to our elders, and also convey the values and morals of the family. Let's cherish these precious traditional rituals and carry them forward with our hearts!

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