
Wu Chien-hsiung, the queen of the nuclear bomb, built an atomic bomb for the United States, and the tomb is inscribed: An eternal Chinese

author:May Fourth Youth
Wu Chien-hsiung, the queen of the nuclear bomb, built an atomic bomb for the United States, and the tomb is inscribed: An eternal Chinese

On the streets of Shanghai in the 30s of the last century, a unique group photo attracted people's attention. In the picture, Hu Shi stands side by side with a young and beautiful woman, and the woman's dress is particularly eye-catching. She was dressed in a traditional cheongsam, and the embroidery on the cheongsam was delicate and delicate, just like herself, restrained and elegant. This woman is Wu Chien-shiung, who was later known as the "Queen of Nuclear Bombs".

Mr. Wu's name may not be as resounding in China as it is in the United States. But in the United States of that era, she was almost a household name and legend. She was born in a prestigious family in Suzhou and received a good education from an early age. However, she did not show extraordinary talent in childhood, but gradually emerged through acquired efforts.

In 1931, Wu Chien-shiung was admitted to the "National Central University" with excellent results, and chose the physics major she loved. After four years of college life, she put in more effort than others and finally graduated with honors. After graduating, she went to Zhejiang University to teach, but her eyes did not stop there. With a thirst for knowledge and a vision for the future, she chose to go to the United States for further study.

During his four years in the United States, Wu worked with astonishing perseverance to overcome one academic problem after another, and finally graduated from the University of California with a doctorate. Her talent and hard work have been recognized by the industry, and her life has embarked on a new journey.

In the United States, Wu Chien-shiung not only gained love, but also ushered in the peak of her career. She married Yuan Jialiu, the son of Yuan Kewen, one of the "Four Sons of the Republic of China", and the two pursued the pinnacle of academics together. Chien-shiung Wu's profound knowledge of physics led her to be invited to participate in the "Manhattan Project" in the United States, where she solved many key problems in the research and development process, and made great contributions to the development of nuclear weapons in the United States, so she was known as the "Queen of Nuclear Bombs".

Wu Chien-hsiung, the queen of the nuclear bomb, built an atomic bomb for the United States, and the tomb is inscribed: An eternal Chinese

However, many people may regret that Wu Chien-shiung did not return to China to serve. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, a large number of overseas scientists returned to China to participate in the construction of the motherland, but Wu Chien-shiung chose to stay in the United States. Actually, it wasn't what she intended. She had twice had the idea of returning to China, but she was forced by reality to give up. The first time was after the full-scale outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, she was unable to return to China as planned because of the impact of the war; The second time was after the founding of New China, when she had already obtained American citizenship, although she really wanted to return to China to see, but considering various practical factors, she could only give up this idea for the time being.

Despite being in the United States, Chien-shiung Wu has always been full of endless love and longing for his motherland. In 1971, when China and the United States had not yet formally established diplomatic relations, she returned to her motherland for a visit, and she expressed her love and concern for the motherland in her own way.

In 1997, Wu Chien-shiung died of illness in the United States. Her last wish is to be buried in her hometown in Suzhou and realize her wish to return to her roots. Eventually, her family buried her in her hometown in Suzhou in accordance with her last wishes. The inscription "An Eternal Chinese" on her tombstone is not only a recognition of her identity, but also the best interpretation of her lifelong patriotic feelings.

Wu Chien-hsiung, the queen of the nuclear bomb, built an atomic bomb for the United States, and the tomb is inscribed: An eternal Chinese

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