
The secret of being able to firmly grasp a man's heart "learn to disconnect"


Many people say that women are cute because they are very sincere in their love and have always maintained their childlike innocence. Unlike men, women tend to be more involved in their relationships.

Even if you don't feel anything about a man at first, as time goes by, emotions slowly spring up in your heart, and gradually you fall in love with him and don't hesitate to dedicate yourself to him.

In relationships, honesty and seriousness are good qualities, but sometimes women may not understand how to get along with men, and if they are too enthusiastic, they will hurt themselves.

Getting along with a man is not about sticking together, and doing so does not enhance the relationship between each other. When you want to pursue the man you like, you can't show all of yourself in one go. You have to learn how to get along with men in order to better maintain your emotional life.

The secret of being able to firmly grasp a man's heart "learn to disconnect"

My friend Xiaoli is a very cute girl, very energetic and optimistic, and has always been a pistachio in the office. In the past, as long as she was there, everyone would feel the warm sunshine and laughter. But Xiaoli seems to have become a little different recently.

Xiaoli was in a very heavy mood because she broke up with her boyfriend Xiao Kai. They have been in love for more than two years, and now Xiaoli is struggling with grief every day. She has always cared about Xiao Kai very much, and her colleagues are very envious of her for being able to have such an excellent boyfriend.

Xiao Li felt very aggrieved, she thought that she had given everything and had never done anything wrong to Xiao Kai. But in the end, Xiao Kai proposed to break up because he felt that Xiao Li was too "clingy", so he didn't have room for himself.

Xiao Li sacrificed a lot of time to be with her boyfriend, and basically gave all her free time to Xiao Kai. Listening to Xiao Kai say that he was too clingy made Xiao Li feel even more sad and aggrieved.

I don't know if you have encountered this situation in your daily life, some lovers see each other once a month, but the relationship is surprisingly good; Some are eager to stick together all the time, but they break up because they are too close.

The secret of being able to firmly grasp a man's heart "learn to disconnect"

When a woman gets along with a man, she must know how to disconnect, which is a conventional rule. If a woman keeps pestering a man, although it will make the man intoxicated for a short time, the man will feel restrained and uncomfortable for a long time.

When dealing with men, it is very important to know the skills of when to "stay detached". This is also what I want to share with you today.

Proper exercise can maintain feelings

Getting too close doesn't necessarily deepen the relationship, but can create estrangement. When a woman feels that the relationship between two people is about to enter a period of exhaustion, keeping a certain distance from the man appropriately will improve the relationship between the two people.

Men are creatures who need space to be alone, and if the distance between two people in a relationship exceeds the limit of what his heart accepts, the man will retreat, but if the woman knows how to keep a proper distance, the man will naturally move closer to the woman.

Originally, the relationship between two people was just plain, but the woman consciously left, creating a subtle sense of distance, and the man will take the initiative to approach you and be affectionate to each other.

The secret of being able to firmly grasp a man's heart "learn to disconnect"

Proper exercise lets men know how important you are

When many women are first with a man, they will keep a little distance and lure the man into taking the bait. However, when you are together, you forget to take good care of yourself.

Women and men have been together for a long time, and many women will continue to give, thinking that only by constantly giving can they maintain the relationship between the two, but in fact, doing so will only attract men not to cherish it.

If a man is accustomed to the care that a woman takes care of him, he sometimes forgets to cherish it. He may take it for granted, but it's only when you take the initiative to disconnect that you can make him realize how important you are in his life.

Proper exercise can make a man more obsessed with you

Eason Chan sings: "What you can't get is always in your heart", this affectionate phrase accurately expresses the male psychology, only those who do not completely belong to themselves can stimulate men's desires.

The secret of being able to firmly grasp a man's heart "learn to disconnect"

Not only do you need a sense of stability in a relationship, but tension is also very important, and the sense of stability you give to a man, the man will feel that you are down-to-earth and have more sense of responsibility; And giving a man a sense of tension will make the man ignite feelings for you in his heart.

Proper spacing makes a man feel uneasy and also makes him cherish you more, feelings will heat up when they are not in touch with each other, and women will not be completely controlled by men.

Emotional Interpretation:

Learning to cut ties is not about being a "bad woman", but about learning a way to protect yourself, and breaking ties not only protects yourself but also maintains the relationship between two people.

Keep your distance so that the relationship has time to calm down and always stay fresh; Women learn to keep their distance, and they also learn a way to manage their feelings. If your relationship with your boyfriend doesn't progress, why not try to keep your distance from him for a while?