
A man who is willing to "support" you really wants to live with you for the rest of his life


Women are sometimes carried away by the gentleness of men on the surface in their relationships, thinking that some of men's behaviors are love for themselves, and then unconsciously indulge in them, and finally be deeply hurt by men.

A man is sometimes very good at hiding his emotions in love, pretending to be indifferent or not caring, but he has long been deeply in love with someone. For many men, as long as they treat them sincerely, care more, and tolerate more, so that women can feel his sincerity and sincerity, they can make women completely fall in love.

The most feared thing in the relationship is that she can't get out if she falls too deep, and after a woman falls in love with someone, she doesn't know if the other party really loves herself, and she slowly loses herself. Despite the effort, it can end up being irreparable and lead to tragedy.

My friend Wenwen and her boyfriend Xiaofeng have been together for three years and are at the age when they should enter the palace of marriage. However, Xiaofeng never seems to have put forward plans to propose.

A man who is willing to "support" you really wants to live with you for the rest of his life

Wenwen is worried, on the one hand, her parents are eager to let her get married, and on the other hand, Xiaofeng is ignoring this. Although Wenwen and Xiaofeng's relationship is very stable, it has not reached the point of being fairy, and it is usually very sweet.

The marriage between the two lovers is still not progressing, but a new situation arises, and Wenwen's colleague snatches a project she is in charge of in the company, which makes her very angry and hopes that Xiaofeng can support her.

Xiaofeng's attitude surprised Wenwen, he felt that if he wanted to help Wenwen, he would be very faceless, and his colleagues would not get along well in the future, so he had to let Wenwen bear this unfair treatment by himself.

Wenwen felt very aggrieved, and when she asked Xiaofeng why he didn't propose to her, she became more and more angry. The quarrel between the two became more and more intense until Xiaofeng told the truth. He was just bored and wanted to find a partner. But he didn't plan to marry Wenwen. Wenwen's family conditions were not good enough, and it did not help Xiaofeng's career, which eventually made Wenwen's heart ache, and the two broke up.

A man who is willing to "support" you really wants to live with you for the rest of his life

A man's love for a woman is not just a way of supporting her, but if he can't even do this, then such a man is definitely not really in love with a woman. True love, how can it tolerate a woman being wronged? The editor wants to share with you that the psychology of a man supporting a woman is to be with her for the rest of his life.

I can't see my own woman being wronged

Helping a woman may seem insignificant, but it can cause a lot of embarrassment and embarrassment to a man. In the process, they may lose their self-esteem and image.

Supporting women means that men are willing to give up something for their sake and let go of their dignity is not something that all men can do. But if he does, it's a manifestation of what he wants to do with you for the rest of his life.

A man who really loves a woman will be reluctant to see her wronged, if a man is indifferent to seeing you wronged, then how can he really love you.

A man who is willing to "support" you really wants to live with you for the rest of his life

I want you to rely on him

If a man is just playing with feelings and cynicism on the surface, in fact, there is no need to support the woman, as long as the two people make do with each other in face, the spiritual resonance does not have to be taken too seriously.

Men want women to trust, want to take care of women, show their good side in front of women, and want to grow old with women to give support.

A woman's dependence is a warm burden for the man who loves her; And for men who don't love her, it's a useless baggage. Only a man who truly loves a woman will gladly accept this sweet burden.

I want you to see his determination

In the TV series "Parents' Love", no matter whether An Jie has a dispute with Jiang Defu's sister or comrades-in-arms, Jiang Defu always stands beside his lover without hesitation, openly declaring that his wife is more important than everything.

An Jie left his hometown and came to this island with Jiang Defu, Jiang Defu understands An Jie's hardships and difficulties, so no matter what happens, he will protect his wife, which also makes An Jie more at ease and happy.

A man who is willing to "support" you really wants to live with you for the rest of his life

A man is willing to go forward for the sake of a woman, in order to make the woman feel at ease, he is willing to do whatever it takes for you, and you will not be wronged when you are with him, so you can entrust him with the rest of your life without any worries.

Emotional Interpretation:

Marriage is a very important thing for a woman, and it can give a woman a second life. If a woman marries a man who is unable to protect herself, then she will have a very miserable life for the rest of her life.

A man's love for a woman takes on different forms, and each person expresses their emotions differently. However, when the woman he loves is hurt, every man who is responsible, responsible, and truly loves a woman will stand up bravely.

Love is not just about blindly looking at feelings, only when a man is truly willing to give everything for a woman can it mean that he really wants to spend his life with you. Let us not be blinded by false love, otherwise it will be too late to regret it, and it will only leave heartache and sorrow.