
China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

author:Kageshi Qiji
China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

Chang'e-6 is home! China has successfully landed on the moon on the back of the moon and collected the soil of the moon, which makes everyone very excited, and even foreign media have spoken highly of it.

Chang'e-6 not only returned home, but also brought back the soil from the moon, and some people have previously commented that "sampling on the back of the moon is a long-cherished wish of scientists for many years". At the same time, many countries hope that China can share the soil of the back of the moon and can study it well.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

Interestingly, the desire to ask China to share the presence of the United States in the soil. From 1969 to 1972, the United States landed on the moon six times in a row, bringing back about 382 kilograms of lunar rocks and soil from different locations, including about 268 kilograms of rock samples and 114 kilograms of soil samples.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

With so many lunar resources, why does the United States still need the lunar soil brought back by China? With the deepening of China's research and collection, the United States moon landing has been questioned a lot.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

Chang'e-6 successfully completed its mission

Many people may not know that Chang'e-6 was just a backup at the beginning, Chang'e-6 was originally a backup of Chang'e-5, and the mission on the back of the moon is a new challenge to backup.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

On November 24, 2020, the Chang'e-5 probe was successfully launched and a sample of 1,731 grams was brought back from the moon. On the other hand, now Chang'e-6 is heading to the moon, and it is also going to the moon to collect samples and bring them back to Earth, but the destination has become the far side of the moon.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) released an image of the five-star red flag of Chang'e-6 on the far side of the moon, and the bright five-star red flag once again shined on the moon, which is also the first time that China has independently displayed the five-star red flag on the far side of the moon.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

When the official account of the Chang'e-6 probe sent greetings to everyone with the lunar IP, the five-star red flag was raised on the back of the moon, and seeing the Chinese characters dug up on the back of the moon was the pride and pride of all Chinese people.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

After all, there have been more than a dozen lunar surface sample returns around the world, all of which are on the front side of the moon, and there may be more ancient lunar soil on the far side of the moon.

After preliminary measurements, the Chang'e-6 mission collected 1,935.3 grams of lunar samples, setting a new record for the quality of unmanned lunar sample returns, the previous record was 1,731 grams from the Chang'e-5 mission.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

Compared with Chang'e-5, the structure of the Chang'e-6 lunar probe will only be more complex, larger and heavier. The total weight of the probe reaches 8 tons, and the weight that this aunt gives you is only capable of a rocket with high thrust.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

However, as early as the beginning of the launch, Chang'e-6 attracted much attention at home and abroad. Although the mainland is very confident in this, it believes that Chang'e-6 will be able to successfully complete its mission. However, in the eyes of foreign netizens, they think that the mainland's science and technology are not developed, and they are not optimistic about it at all.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

Although many people are not optimistic about China's technology, let alone Chang'e-6. With the successful conclusion of the Chang'e-6 lunar exploration mission, China's aerospace industry has once again ushered in a historic moment. It demonstrates the strong strength and far-reaching influence of China's aerospace science and technology.

China's aerospace development is progressing steadily, and the whole world can also see that from China's Beidou construction, to China's Mars exploration, lunar exploration, China's space station construction, etc., each project can see that China is gradually becoming stronger.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

The soil on the back of the moon was brought back, and the pressure on the United States increased

This time, Chang'e-6 successfully completed its mission, and the news of the US lunar landing fraud seemed to have been confirmed again. One of the first proofs to prove the falsification of the US moon landing is that the moon is a vacuum environment, and there is no air on the surface.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

Judging by the photos released by the United States before, the flag of the United States flutters in the middle of the moon. After all, this photo was questioned by many people when it was first released in the United States, and now it seems to have been confirmed.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

In addition, Russia has declared this famous photo of the American astronaut landing on the moon a "fictitious photo" through a number of artificial intelligence simulation recognition missions. The photo was filtered and labeled to be "almost entirely composite".

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

Moreover, since the successful implementation of the U.S. mission to the moon in 1969, it has always attracted the attention of the world. Among them, the controversy over the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing has never stopped, and the United States has also released a large number of data to prove the authenticity of the moon landing mission, but some people still question it.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

At that time, the technology was not enough to take such a clear photo, but the United States explained that it was a camera carried by astronauts that was specially designed to adapt to the space environment and take high-quality photos. In addition, the adjustment of the photo is to restore the real scene of the moon landing.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

Since 19611, the United States has landed six manned landings on the moon, and each time the resources it brought back are extremely precious. Especially in 2006, there was a large moon rock in the most conspicuous place in the Dutch museum, but after many scientists carefully identified this so-called moon rock, it is a "wood fossil".

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

Even though a large amount of evidence proves that the U.S. moon landing was fake, the U.S. moon landing was recognized by many countries, including the Soviet Union at the time, and the U.S. also carried out many unmanned and manned missions in the Apollo program, which also provided evidence for the U.S. moon landing.

The Soviet Union, which was also a space power, was also the main competitor of the United States at that time, and it was even more a country that wanted to find the United States to falsify the moon landing. However, until the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union did not find any definite evidence to further confirm the authenticity of the American moon landing.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

In fact, spacecraft from many countries have also photographed the remains of the Apollo mission, the lunar module on the moon, and the ruts of the lunar rover are clearly visible, which also proves the strong evidence of the real existence of the Apollo moon landing in disguise.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

In particular, the lunar soil brought back by the United States, but the probe launched by the Soviet Union in 1970 was also successfully retrieved, and after comparing the soil information provided by the United States, there is no difference between the two. The first lesson on Earth from the moon was discovered in 1980, and the United States brought back lunar soil even earlier.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

In addition, the continental Chang'e-5 lunar probe brought back lunar soil from the moon for the first time, and it also proved the authenticity of the US moon landing. The U.S. moon landing was not a conspiracy, and the U.S. has also conducted many self-proofs and made public a lot of valuable information back then.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

Whether the U.S. moon landing is real or not, as long as we are strong enough in our own right. After all, China's space program has steadily achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 1, from looking up at the starry sky to a real touch, which is enough to make us proud.

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

Although there are different opinions on the current controversy over the US lunar landing program, we must admit that exploring the unknown is an important part of our scientific development, and both have brought people amazing scientific achievements and technological developments. After all, exploring the unknown has always been our goal as human beings, and we should support it wherever it is helpful to science.



"The Handover of Lunar Samples Completes and Chang'e-6 Mission Enters a New Stage of Scientific Research"

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

Qilu One Point:

"Nine days to the moon, more than exploring! Chang'e-6 embarks on a new journey of lunar exploration》

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

Chinese government website:

"Chang'e-6 Probe Successfully Launched"

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

The Paper:

"The latest ChatGPT-4o answers the US moon landing scam + specific questions and explanations"

China's moon landing brought a contrasting effect: the deeper China goes, the more controversy arises about the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing

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