
The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

author:Kageshi Qiji
The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

Everyone in the world knows that Kong Rong made pears, but they didn't know that he was a drunkard when he grew up, and he was killed by Cao Cao on a casual charge because of disloyalty, filial piety, and rebellion.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

Not only him, but the 3 historical figures who were touted in textbooks when he was a child have actually become bad guys, completely subverting people's cognition!

When I was in school, the glorious deeds of heroes and writers in the textbooks were desirable, and while peeking into their lives, many children also regarded them as role models for their own lives.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

It wasn't until we grew up and our understanding of history was no longer one-sided, that we finally saw that the people we used to hold up as role models were actually all bad to the core.

Living extravagantly, corrupt officialdom, framing good people for personal gain, etc., these celebrities are no longer what we remember, and their endings are also very tragic.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

"Compassion for Nong" Li Shen

The world only knows that Li Shen was compassionate and compassionate to others, and wrote "On the afternoon of hoeing day, sweat drops fall into the soil", but they don't know that his life is all obtained by the people of fish and meat!

The idiom "commonplace" is also tailor-made by Liu Yuxi to satirize Li Shen's extravagant face, what does the real Li Shen look like?

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

The word Sikong refers to Li Shen's official position at that time, he was a first-class official, and Liu Yuxi was only a third-grade official, and Li Shen also specially invited Liu Yuxi at that time.

In fact, it was not only Liu Yuxi, but many officials at that time, Li Shen, almost all had banquets, which shows that Li Shen was in the officialdom and later became a person with a slippery slope of thought.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

When Liu Yuxi was invited to the banquet, Li Shen not only prepared good wine and food, but also specially called many kaki to help the fun, and listened to music and dance while eating and drinking, Li Shen's life was not happy, but Liu Yuxi's heart was very unpleasant.

But on Li Shen's territory, Liu Yuxi did not accuse him on the spot for the sake of face, but after returning to his humble room, he wrote a poem "Gift to Li Sikong Trick" to Li Shen to satirize him.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

After reading the poem, Li Shen not only did not have any intention of repentance, but also gave one of the courtesans to Liu Yuxi, and the intention of bribery and wooing for this purpose was very obvious.

But Liu Yuxi is already in a humble room and is an upright official, so he naturally will not go along with him, but in exchange for all kinds of abuse and sarcasm from Li Shen's colleagues.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

From this incident alone, it can be seen that Li Shen has long become the kind of person who forms gangs and factions in the officialdom, although he knows that the peasants' "every grain is hard", but all his actions are completely contrary to the whole thing.

It is commonplace to say that Li Shen has long been familiar with this kind of extravagant life, gangs and other behaviors, because he has done more, so more people are willing to become his colleagues.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

"Chisel the wall to steal the light" Kuang Heng

The world only knows that Kuang Heng chiseled the wall to steal light, was sensitive and studious, but few people knew that he abused his power, embezzled and took bribes, and was finally demoted to a commoner by Emperor Han Cheng.

Digging the wall and stealing the light is that Kuang Heng dug a hole in the wall of his neighbor's house in order to study when he was a child, but if it is put to this point, this kind of behavior will definitely be chased and beaten by his parents.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

But this is just to educate children to study hard, and the real "stain" of Kuang Heng is that after he became an official and became a prime minister.

Kuang Heng's journey to becoming prime minister was smooth and smooth, and he felt like he was being taken special care of by God, but after his reign, he failed to keep his original intention.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

In the Han Dynasty, the way to enter the official was the inspection system, as long as there was a doctor's disciple or official recommendation, you could go to the examination, and Kuang Heng's teacher at that time was the postdoctoral Cang at that time.

The teacher has a very high achievement in the "Book of Songs", and Kuang Heng also got the teacher's legacy, and went to the exam under the recommendation of the teacher, wanting to ask for an official position.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

But he had no choice but to fail in this exam, and the teacher valued him very much, so he recommended him again and again, and finally got a fairly good ranking in the ninth exam.

But because there were too many exams and the results were very average, Kuang Heng was not reused, but was sent to a far away place to be an official assistant in charge of copying.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

But because he was passed on by his teacher, and the truth in the "Book of Songs" was perfectly used by him, many officials recommended Kuang Heng, hoping that he would have the opportunity to go to the capital to do things.

At that time, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty was not optimistic about Kuang Heng, so he ignored these requests, and it was not until Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne that Kuang Heng was reused.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

Later, Kuang Heng used his knowledge to continue to make suggestions, and was deeply appreciated by Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty, and his official position was also promoted all the way, and when the prime minister died, he replaced him as the prime minister.

Kuang Heng naturally also got a large number of fiefs, but the person in charge of measuring the land inadvertently secretly calculated a few hundred hectares more for Kuang Heng, and Kuang Heng knew this.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

But later, after the matter was revealed, Kuang Heng was not only unwilling to take the initiative to hand over these lands that should not belong to him, but also used his power to make no one below dare to say a word.

Paper can't contain the fire after all, as more and more people report Kuang Heng, his son killed people and robbed prisons, which completely angered the emperor at that time, but because of his hard work, Kuang Heng was not killed, but he was also demoted to a commoner, and died of illness at home not long after.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

"Papermaking" Cai Lun

Cai Lun was not only an inventor at that time, but also a eunuch, and this doomed him to be deeply involved in the power struggle in the palace, indiscriminately killing innocents, and finally committing suicide by poisoning.

After Cai Lun entered the palace, he worked beside Queen Dou, and since then he has completely fallen into the whirlpool of power struggles in the palace.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

After Dou became the queen, many concubines waited for the opportunity to prepare to "usurp the throne", and for a queen, Dou had a fatal flaw: unable to have children.

After Song Gui gave birth to a son, he was soon made the crown prince by the emperor, and Empress Dou tried her best to provoke her relationship with the emperor, and finally caused the emperor to alienate Song Guiren.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

Then Queen Dou designed to frame Song Guiren, and the case was handed over to Cai Lun for trial, he was a chess piece in the hands of Queen Dou, and Song Guiren naturally ended up committing suicide in the end.

Later, Empress Dowager Dou was also forced to die of depression in the power struggle, and Cai Lun also failed to have the last laugh in this chaotic power struggle whirlpool.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

When Liu Hu ascended the throne, he had already planned to kill Cai Lun, because Song Guiren was Liu Hu's grandmother, and Cai Lun knew that his life was short, so he chose to commit suicide by taking poison.

In the final analysis, Cai Lun is actually a pawn in the struggle for power among many palace nobles, he can be used as a sword when needed, and he is a victim when he is not.

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

Although there are many criticisms of these three historical figures in their lives, this does not hide their contributions, and we need to take the best of them and remove the dross.

Using their allusions in textbooks is just to let children learn their good qualities, and the era and environment of historical figures are also very complex, and we need to distinguish their merits and demerits.

Source source

Beijing Daily Network "Why did Li Shen, who wrote "Compassion for Nong", become an extravagant person, and was satirized by Liu Yuxi with "commonplace"? 》

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

Luoyang Net News "The Inventor Involved in the Whirlpool of Palace Struggle"

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

Qilu One Point "Kuang Heng who "chiseled the wall and borrowed light" is a native of Shandong"

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

China Tibet Network "Kong Rong, who can make pears at the age of four, grows up to be an alcoholic"

The 3 celebrities who were praised in the textbook were actually bad to the bone, and many people were deceived!

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