
U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

author:Talk in the dark
U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

Disclaimer: The content of this article is written by quoting network materials combined with personal opinions, and the reference information source has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

The Chang'e-6 probe has successfully returned, this time bringing back 1,935.3 grams of soil samples from the far side of the moon. This is the first time in human history that a probe has been able to bring back soil from the far side of the moon.

In the era of the Apollo program in the last century, the United States also only let their probes land at low latitudes on the front side of the moon, and never went to the far side of the moon. Therefore, the Chang'e-6 program is bound to be a great space program that will be recorded in the annals of human history.

Now the soil on the far side of the moon brought back by Chang'e-6 is also very important, so the United States is also eyeing China's soil. But netizens called for not to give, unless the United States agreed to a condition.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

The United States has long set its sights on China's lunar soil

In fact, as early as after the Chang'e-6 lunar probe successfully landed on the far side of the moon and began to collect soil samples, some countries have already set their sights on these lunar soils. After all, with Chinese technology, it is not difficult to bring a probe back to Earth.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

At that time, the director of NASA publicly praised the mainland's Chang'e-6 program, which is very rare. You know, NASA used to accuse China of not being transparent about its space program, and even if we achieved something, the United States was mainly criticized.

However, the director of NASA suddenly expressed his goodwill this time and praised our space program, which obviously has other plans. They wanted to get the soil on the far side of the moon that we had worked so hard to bring back from China.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

And it is actually normal for the United States to do this, after all, the soil on the far side of the moon is too important. The mainland has previously released news that the soil on the far side of the moon brought back by the Chang'e-6 probe this time is likely to be the soil in the lunar mantle.

Because the place where Chang'e-6 landed happened to be the Aitken Basin at the south pole of the moon. The basin itself is a large basin created by the impact of a comet or a huge meteorite.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

Scientists have previously predicted that during the impact, it is very likely that some of the moon's mantle soil will be overturned and then stuck to the ground. Therefore, experts believe that the geological age of these soils on the far side of the moon brought back by Chang'e-6 this time may reach more than 4 billion years, which is a very staggering number.

You must know that the geological age of the soil on the front side of the moon brought back by the Americans is about 2 billion to 3 billion years old. In other words, the soil on the far side of the moon brought back by Chang'e-6 will be the oldest lunar soil that humans have come into contact with.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

By analyzing the lunar mantle, we can get a lot of data. For example, when did the moon cool down, what natural resources are in the soil of the moon, and is it possible to turn the research station into a mining station when a research station is established on the moon in the future? This can all be speculated on by analyzing the soil on the far side of the moon.

And the United States will definitely not be able to send astronauts to the moon again for a while and a half, and they will now have problems sending astronauts to the International Space Station, let alone landing on the moon. Therefore, if we want to continue to promote our own space technology progress, and if we want to maintain the name of the United States as a space power, it is indeed a shortcut to cooperate with China.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

That's why the director of NASA publicly praised China, after all, the situation has developed to this point. He now took the initiative to bow his head to show goodwill, if he could really deceive some soil on the far side of the moon from China, everyone would naturally be happy.

If China has been wary of the United States and has not agreed to their conditions, he can continue to use this as an excuse to attack and smear China. In any case, he only paid lip service to China's space program, which had no practical significance.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

Chinese netizens do not want to give it to the United States

But for China, we definitely don't accept this set. The vast majority of Chinese netizens are opposed to giving the soil on the far side of the moon to the United States, after all, the United States' attitude towards China is not very good.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

Our Chang'e-6 program also spent a lot of money, and it was the mainland's scientific research talents who worked day and night for many years to ensure the completion of the Chang'e-6 program and bring back these precious soils on the far side of the moon. And the amount of soil we brought back is not much, so why should we give the results of our hard-earned scientific research to the United States for free?

When the United States sent a spacecraft to the moon, it brought back so much lunar soil, and I didn't see much of it to China. Then the United States is not in a position to ask us to give the soil to the United States.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

Moreover, China has also put forward a basic requirement for the United States early on Sino-US space cooperation, that is, the United States must cancel the "Wolf Clause". The Wolf Clause was signed into law by then-US President Barack Obama in 2011.

One of the provisions of the bill is that China and the United States are not allowed to engage in any space cooperation, and even the facilities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States are not allowed to receive official visitors from China. It was also in those years that the United States rejected China's entry into the ISS program.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

It can be said that the United States has adopted a discriminatory strategy against China in the field of space technology. So in the case of the existence of the "Wolf Clause" in the United States, wouldn't NASA first violate their own laws if they want to cooperate with China?

So if the United States wants to cooperate with China now, we will agree. After all, China and the United States are big countries, and China's space program is not only for itself, but also for the development of human civilization.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

However, if the United States still wants to discriminate against China in science and technology with its own "Wolf Clause," or even wants to empty the white wolf, it is absolutely impossible for China to demand our scientific research results from China for nothing. If the United States wants to cooperate, it must show some attitude and sincerity, and at least the "Wolf Clause" must be abolished.

And if the United States is unwilling to cancel the "Wolf Clause," then Sino-US space cooperation will never be possible. Moreover, the United States is not the only country willing to cooperate with China.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

Our Chang'e-6 program has many partner countries, such as France, Italy, Pakistan, and ESA. Almost all countries can see that cooperating with China is a shortcut to becoming a space power. And if the United States has to hold on to its past achievements, then China should not be blamed.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

The landing of a probe on the moon is just the beginning

For China, the landing of the Chang'e-6 probe on the moon and bringing back the soil on the far side of the moon is just the beginning. We have the Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 plans in the next step.

Chang'e-7 is also going to land at the south pole of the moon and further explore the lunar environment; Chang'e-8, on the other hand, will explore various natural resources on the moon. It can be said that in the future, China will definitely be the country that knows the moon the most.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

We have taken the lead in exploring the Moon, and even developing it. Parallel with Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8, the Tianwen-2 plan will be implemented around 2025; Tianwen-3 will be implemented around 2030.

At a time when the United States and Western countries are only busy engaged in internal political struggles, China's space program has entered a new height. We will break through the Earth, break through the Moon, run to Mars, run to Jupiter, and Chinese astronauts will also land on the Moon in the next ten years, and even cooperate with Russia to establish a lunar research station on the Moon.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

And if the United States does not find a way to cooperate with China as soon as possible, they will have two ways out, one is to launch their own probe to land on the moon again to prove to the whole world that the United States is still the same as it was back then. Otherwise, they will hold on to their former merits and wait to be overtaken by other countries, and no one will pity the United States.

How China's space program will develop is also up to the United States to take a stand. China has its own arrangements and plans, and we are still implementing our own plans step by step, so that the mainland will completely overtake the United States in the field of space technology and become the world's largest space country. And if the United States really wants to stop China, let it give it a try, and whether it can succeed depends on the United States itself.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

The subsequent Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 are also international cooperation projects. Not only China, but also some other countries can maintain cooperation with the mainland if they want to, after all, China is different from the United States.

We are a very responsible and particular country, otherwise we would not have freed up some space on Chang'e-6 to help other countries launch probes. However, if they want to cooperate with China, some countries also have to show a little attitude.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

China will certainly give priority to maintaining cooperation with friendly countries such as Pakistan and Russia. And those unfriendly countries, such as the United States, which still adhere to the "Wolf Clause", cannot blame China.

In this era, in fact, most people can also see that the possibility of other countries trying to succeed in confronting China in the field of aerospace engineering technology is not high. This is because China's resources and energy invested in the development of space technology are difficult to compare with other countries.

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition


Objectively speaking, the United States has achieved achievements in the field of space technology that no other country can match. In the Apollo era, the United States sent astronauts to space and the moon, and the United States at that time was really the pioneer and beacon of the development of human science and technology civilization.

However, after the end of the Cold War, the United States has changed its taste, and the complacent United States has devoted all its energy to finance and enjoyment. Then the end result is, naturally, their own level getting worse and worse.

Now it is China that leads the entire human civilization to continue to develop in the field of aerospace and leads mankind to conquer the sea of stars! If the U.S. is willing to make changes as soon as possible to keep up with the times, we welcome it; If the United States does not want to, there is no way, after all, this is his own choice.


Liu Luqiang2024-06-28The United States is eyeing China's lunar soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

MI12024-06-28 1The United States is eyeing China's lunar soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition

Lao Mei said things2024-06-29The United States wants Chinese lunar soil? Netizens shouted don't give it, the Chinese side put forward a condition

U.S. Targets China's Lunar Soil? Netizens appealed not to give, and the Chinese side put forward a condition
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