
The 38-year-old girl complained about the blind date man on the Internet, and she was scared away after only five conditions, what happened to the men now?


Title: Blind Date Adventure: A 38-year-old girl complained about a blind date man on the Internet


"Hey, what's wrong with the men now?" Xiao Wang, a 38-year-old girl, complained in the circle of friends. It turned out that she met an "extraordinary" blind date man on the blind date, and the other party's five conditions made her jaw drop, and she couldn't help but sigh: Is this world crazy?

The 38-year-old girl complained about the blind date man on the Internet, and she was scared away after only five conditions, what happened to the men now?

1. Blind date encounter: the troubles of a 38-year-old girl

Xiao Wang, an independent and excellent woman, has worked hard in the workplace for many years, but unfortunately her love life has been blank. At the urging of relatives and friends, she had no choice but to enter the blind date market, hoping to find a suitable partner. However, this blind date experience made her completely devastated.

2. Five scary conditions revealed

The 38-year-old girl complained about the blind date man on the Internet, and she was scared away after only five conditions, what happened to the men now?

(1) Height 180cm or more: The reason is "to bring out to save face". Xiao Wang is 160cm, and the other party requires a height of 180cm or more, is it to highlight his "advantages"?

(2) Annual income of more than 500,000 yuan: the reason is "to have enough economic strength to support the family". Xiao Wang's annual income is 200,000 yuan, but the other party is twice as much as hers, which seems to be understandable. But Xiao Wang wonders if the other party treats marriage as a transaction?

The 38-year-old girl complained about the blind date man on the Internet, and she was scared away after only five conditions, what happened to the men now?

(3) The names of both parties should be written on the real estate certificate: the reason is "to prove the sincerity to me". Xiao Wang has a small house of his own, and the other party asks for the names of both parties to be written on the real estate certificate, which makes Xiao Wang feel uneasy: Is this coveting my property?

(4) Housework must be divided equally after marriage: the reason is "equality between men and women". Xiao Wang agrees with equality between men and women, but the other party seems to have forgotten that housework is also labor, and responsibilities should not be divided solely because of gender.

(5) After marriage, the parents shall not interfere with each other: the reason is "respect for the respective families". Xiao Wang understands the other party's thoughts, but the other party seems to emphasize the boundaries too much, which makes people feel that they lack a sense of family responsibility.

3. Big analysis of the slot: the confusion of the blind date man

Xiao Wang couldn't help but sigh: What's wrong with the man now? In her opinion, these five conditions reveal all kinds of confusion of blind date men: the excessive pursuit of height and income makes people feel that he treats marriage as a transaction; The sharing of housework seems to be equal, but in fact it lacks a sense of family responsibility; The interference of both parents exposed his lack of wisdom in handling family relationships.

4. The Blind Date Market: Current Situation and Reflections

In the blind date market, encounters like Xiao Wang are not uncommon. Many people regard material conditions as the cornerstone of marriage and ignore the importance of relationships. The blind date pays too much attention to each other's conditions, but ignores the fit of each other's personalities, interests, values, etc. This phenomenon makes people wonder: do we ignore the essence of marriage while pursuing material things?

5. Differences in Perceptions between Men and Women: Collisions and Sparks

Xiao Wang's experience also reflects the difference between men and women in the concept of marriage. Men may pay more attention to material conditions, while women pay attention to the fit in terms of feelings, personality, etc. This difference can easily cause collisions and sparks in the blind date process. How to balance the concepts of both men and women and find a suitable marriage partner has become a difficult problem for many people.

6. Finding true love: Where is the road?

On the road of blind date, Xiao Wang was deeply puzzled: where is true love? Perhaps, true love does not depend on each other's conditions, but on mutual understanding, tolerance and support. In the process of finding true love, we need to let go of too many material pursuits and pay attention to the inner fit. Only in this way can true happiness be found.


38-year-old Xiao Wang encountered an "extraordinary" blind date man in the blind date market, and the other party's five conditions made her jaw drop. Through this experience, we can't help but reflect: what is wrong with men now? In the process of blind date, how should we balance the differences in the concepts of men and women and find true love? Perhaps, true love does not depend on each other's conditions, but on mutual understanding, tolerance and support. On the road to finding true love, let us let go of too many material pursuits and pay attention to the fit of our hearts, so that we can find true happiness.