
Can 100% domestic parts make a top-of-the-line imaging flagship? Huawei Mate 70 Pro information revealed

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Domestic parts make top image flagships, which sounds like listening to a book from heaven, but Huawei Mate 70 Pro does just that. If you think about it, the screen, the chip, the memory, the camera, the battery, the fingerprint recognition, all of them are our own things, what a lot of courage!

Can 100% domestic parts make a top-of-the-line imaging flagship? Huawei Mate 70 Pro information revealed
Can 100% domestic parts make a top-of-the-line imaging flagship? Huawei Mate 70 Pro information revealed

Huawei's move is simply a turnaround of the domestic supply chain, just like the old cow pulling a broken car, suddenly turning into a rocket and soaring into the sky. You said, if the localization rate can really reach 100%, it will take many years for the dream to come true! But, then again, can this be done? I have to be realistic, after all, the ideal is very plump, realistic, sometimes quite skinny.

Can 100% domestic parts make a top-of-the-line imaging flagship? Huawei Mate 70 Pro information revealed
Can 100% domestic parts make a top-of-the-line imaging flagship? Huawei Mate 70 Pro information revealed
Can 100% domestic parts make a top-of-the-line imaging flagship? Huawei Mate 70 Pro information revealed

Let's talk about the screen first, BOE's screen, we all know that the progress has been rapid over the years, but when it comes to comparing with those international brands, sometimes it's still so bad. Look at the chip again, the name Kirin sounds domineering, but you have to know that the research and development of high-end chips is a money-burning job, and this matter is not in a hurry, it has to be grinded slowly.

As for the memory, Yangtze River Storage, the name sounds like the Yangtze River, but if you really want to carry the banner of the top flagship, you have to look at the actual performance. Camera, Haowei Technology, sounds quite foreign, but compared with those international manufacturers, there is still a gap in popularity and strength. Battery, Xinwangda, this name is solid and reliable at first hearing, but battery technology must be stable and durable, otherwise, the mobile phone will become a hot potato, which will be embarrassing.

Fingerprint recognition, Goodix, the name sounds like a synonym for high-tech, but when it comes to fingerprint recognition, security is the key, and if something goes wrong, it's not just a shame. System, Hongmeng NEXT, the name is full of futurism when you hear it, but ecological construction is not something that can be done overnight, developers must be willing to play, and consumers are willing to pay.

Can 100% domestic parts make a top-of-the-line imaging flagship? Huawei Mate 70 Pro information revealed

But then again, if this Huawei Mate 70 Pro can really use 100% domestic parts, what a milestone it must be! This is not only a victory of technology, but also a manifestation of national self-confidence. Imagine walking on the street with such a mobile phone, the feeling is like walking with a five-star red flag, and a sense of pride arises spontaneously.

Can 100% domestic parts make a top-of-the-line imaging flagship? Huawei Mate 70 Pro information revealed

Moreover, if this thing is done, it will be a shot in the arm for the entire domestic supply chain, telling the world that we can also create top-notch goods. This is not only a victory for Huawei, but also for the entire Chinese technology industry.

Can 100% domestic parts make a top-of-the-line imaging flagship? Huawei Mate 70 Pro information revealed

Therefore, although the road ahead is long and difficult, as long as we have faith, determination and perseverance, then anything can be achieved. Huawei Mate 70 Pro, you domestic flagship, we look forward to your glorious moment together, no matter what the result is, you have already won, because you dare to challenge, dare to break through, dare to do things that others dare not think.

Can 100% domestic parts make a top-of-the-line imaging flagship? Huawei Mate 70 Pro information revealed

This thing is like a small fortune in our life, although it is full of unknowns, but it is precisely because of this uncertainty that our lives are full of infinite possibilities. Huawei Mate 70 Pro, your flagship made of domestic parts, we witness your birth together, whether you succeed or not, you have become a pride in our hearts.

Can 100% domestic parts make a top-of-the-line imaging flagship? Huawei Mate 70 Pro information revealed

In this world, sometimes people feel hopeless, but sometimes they make people feel extremely excited and expectant. Huawei Mate 70 Pro, you are the surprise that people look forward to, no matter what the future holds, you have become a bright color in our hearts, a bright color that belongs to domestic technology.

Can 100% domestic parts make a top-of-the-line imaging flagship? Huawei Mate 70 Pro information revealed

Looking at this Huawei Mate 70 Pro, do you feel a sense of pride in your heart just by looking at it? 100% domestic parts, from the screen to the chip, from the memory to the camera, to the battery and fingerprint recognition, are all things from our own home. This is not just a mobile phone, it is a symbol of China's scientific and technological strength, a clarion call for the rise of domestic science and technology, and a shining business card of national self-confidence.

The design of this mobile phone reveals a high-end atmosphere and a high-grade feeling. The lines are smooth, the star ring has a unique design, and when held in the hand, it is like holding the key to the future and opening a new chapter in science and technology. Huawei Mate 70 Pro, you are the brightest star, lighting up the sky of domestic technology and letting the world see our light.

Can 100% domestic parts make a top-of-the-line imaging flagship? Huawei Mate 70 Pro information revealed

This thing is like a small flame in our hearts, small but warm and bright. Huawei Mate 70 Pro, you are the warmth, the brightness, so that we are no longer lonely and confused on the journey of science and technology. No matter what the road ahead, you have become a hero in our hearts, the hero who writes the legend of science and technology with 100% domestic parts.

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