
Because lucky? Chen Meng was reused, Wang Yidi was selected for the singles quota, the reason was exposed, and Ma Lin was surprised

author:Nine clouds

In the fierce competition of the Paris Olympic cycle, the selection process of the national table tennis women's team is particularly eye-catching. Among them, the rise and setbacks of Chen Meng and Wang Yidi are not only related to their personal sports careers, but also tugging at the heartstrings of countless fans. This article will conduct an in-depth analysis of the competitive position of Chen Meng and Wang Yidi in the national table tennis women's team from multiple dimensions, in order to present a more three-dimensional and comprehensive story line.

Chen Meng, the player who once overtook in the corners without being favored, did not qualify for the Olympic singles by chance. In the past few years, Chen Meng has gradually gained a firm foothold in the national table tennis women's team through unremitting efforts and persistence. Her technical versatility and tactical agility have led her to excel in crucial moments, which has led her to a series of international successes. According to statistics, Chen Meng's winning rate in international competitions in the past two years is as high as 85%, which is enough to prove her strength.

Because lucky? Chen Meng was reused, Wang Yidi was selected for the singles quota, the reason was exposed, and Ma Lin was surprised

After Ma Lin became the new head of the national table tennis women's team, his employment orientation was also obviously biased towards Chen Meng and Wang Yidi. As a coach who has a close relationship with Chen Meng, Ma Lin's understanding and trust in Chen Meng can be imagined. Not only did he give Chen more guidance and support in training, but he also firmly put her in an important role in the competition. This kind of wisdom in employing people enabled Chen Meng to dispel doubts from the outside world with his excellent performance at critical moments, and further consolidated his position in the team.

However, what happened to Wang Yidi is a bit regrettable. Although she also has good strength, in the fierce competition, she eventually missed the singles spot due to her lack of ability. Wang's technical and tactical system is still weak in some areas, which makes it difficult for her to perform at her best against top players. Despite this, we cannot deny Wang Yidi's dedication and efforts in the national table tennis women's team, and her fighting spirit is still worthy of respect.

Because lucky? Chen Meng was reused, Wang Yidi was selected for the singles quota, the reason was exposed, and Ma Lin was surprised

The current competition pattern of the national table tennis women's team has caused widespread controversy. On the one hand, some people support the reuse of Chen Meng, believing that her stability and experience are the key to the national table tennis women's team to achieve good results in the Olympic Games; On the other hand, some people also called for Wang Yidi to be given more opportunities, expecting her to break through herself and become a new star of the national table tennis women's team. Behind this controversy, there are actually different views on the future development direction of the national table tennis women's team.

In the editor's view, the competition of the national table tennis women's team should be diversified, not only to pay attention to experienced veterans, but also to cultivate potential newcomers. Chen Meng and Wang Yidi each have unique advantages, and they should be given equal opportunities to show themselves. At the same time, we should also see that the success of the national table tennis women's team not only depends on the performance of individual people, but also requires the cooperation and efforts of the whole team.

Because lucky? Chen Meng was reused, Wang Yidi was selected for the singles quota, the reason was exposed, and Ma Lin was surprised

To sum up, the competitive position of Chen Meng and Wang Yidi in the national table tennis women's team is dynamically changing, which is not only affected by personal strength, coach employment orientation, but also by the team atmosphere and public opinion. We hope that both players can play at their highest level in future competitions and win glory for the national table tennis women's team.

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