
What's New! Wang Manyu failed to qualify for the women's singles at the Paris Olympics! Coach Marlene is very happy!

author:A great player in the sports world

On June 30, the International Table Tennis Federation officially announced that the women's singles qualifications for the Chinese women's table tennis Paris Olympics are Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng.

There is no doubt that Wang Manyu is the most uncomfortable, and Coach Ma Lin is very happy.

Fans only sigh:

Admittedly, Lee regretted not setting the deadline for the Olympic points ranking in April or June.

What's New! Wang Manyu failed to qualify for the women's singles at the Paris Olympics! Coach Marlene is very happy!
What's New! Wang Manyu failed to qualify for the women's singles at the Paris Olympics! Coach Marlene is very happy!
What Coach Ma Lin means, China just doesn't want this singles Olympic champion, and it can't let Wang Manyu be a black herd!

Wang Manyu's excellence is undeniable, and many people in China are still influencing sports competitions. It is hoped that the country's politics will be clearer, and the phenomenon that the Games will be able to achieve good results if they do their own work well will appear in all the leading cities of the country. Eradicate the soil in which corruption exists.

Wang Manyu is crying with red eyes, a total of two singles places, once every four years, everyone wants to show it, work hard, whoever loses is in a bad mood, if you want to open up, just do your best, there is no absolute perfection in the world!

What's so uncomfortable, playing table tennis is not a big deal, Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng are still very ordinary people when they participate in singles, what is it in front of more than 1.4 billion people?

What's New! Wang Manyu failed to qualify for the women's singles at the Paris Olympics! Coach Marlene is very happy!
What's New! Wang Manyu failed to qualify for the women's singles at the Paris Olympics! Coach Marlene is very happy!
With Liu Guoliang in office, he used his power to hug Ma and hug him, and he did not hesitate to suppress it by despicable means, and he couldn't do it at all! This is: say you can, say you can't say you can't, don't do it and don't accept it.

Wang Manyu has the ability to participate in singles, but Ma Lin and Liu Guoliang are not allowed to go? Obvious repression? How dare you blatantly suppress Wang Manyu? Table tennis is the national sport, not someone's private property? Could you please listen to the voices of the fans?

The happiest should be those who are behind the ghosts, letting the Chinese kill each other.

The editor thinks:

What's New! Wang Manyu failed to qualify for the women's singles at the Paris Olympics! Coach Marlene is very happy!
What's New! Wang Manyu failed to qualify for the women's singles at the Paris Olympics! Coach Marlene is very happy!

On June 30, we want to encourage Wang Manyu that at the 2028 U.S. Olympics, you are still young and have a chance to win gold.

Coach Ma Lin and Chen Meng are big winners, but it's really unfair!

Do you mean that?

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