
Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

author:A fish on the island


After more than a month, Wang Sicong's illegitimate daughter once again detonated the speech on the social platform, originally thought that this marriage farce would soon subside, but the child's mother Huang Yiming relied on Wang Sicong on the social platform, saying that the baby could inherit Wang Sicong's property in the future.

Originally, everyone was concerned about Wang Sicong and the company's situation, but as soon as this Weibo came out, everyone could guess what the baby's mother meant, do you see if this is ready to persuade divorce!

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

How is this scene staged, I heard that it is the mother of Wang Sicong's illegitimate girl, so this Wang Sicong can't hide.

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

1. Wang Sicong handled it in a low-key manner.

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

While the child's mother showed off the baby, Wang Sicong has not responded, and this time is no exception.

He chose to remain silent about the baby's mother's words and did not respond to the other party's remarks.

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

During this period of time, a reporter exposed that Wang Sicong took his girlfriend to Japan for a short vacation, both of them were wearing casual clothes, Wang Sicong also chose to take his girlfriend to Japan to play, and he didn't notice that there was a child on the side whose mother was his own thief.

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

During this period, Wang Sicong's social platform did not post a single photo, and even the originally active social platform became very deserted, and he didn't even want to bring the child born to Wang Sicong, did he really not think that the child was his own at the beginning, so he simply didn't want it now!

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

At the same time, people have also begun to question the behavior of the child's mother, which is a very simple truth, if Wang Sicong insists that the child is not his, then he will definitely ask for a paternity test, which will delay the child's time and reduce the child's happiness in family affection.

But Wang Sicong has never conducted a paternity test, so this shows that this is his illegitimate daughter baby, which also shows that Wang Sicong has always recognized the existence of the baby, so he has never asked for a paternity test.

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

Therefore, it can be seen what the purpose of the child's mother is, she hopes to use this child as a bargaining chip to get more benefits, she also praised the baby's beautiful and well-behaved on her Weibo, and funnily said that she had scandalized Wang Sicong!

I hope that other girls will not be good with Wang Sicong again, for the sake of the child's future happiness!

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

Second, Huang Yiming was a bargaining chip.

This scene was said by Huang Yiming, Wang Sicong's child's mother, why she was able to do such a thing is that she is no longer Wang Sicong's girlfriend, her heart no longer cares about this love, she will use her children as bargaining chips in order to be able to exchange for more and better treatment, and even support herself and her children.

But her request and purpose were immediately seen by everyone, and everyone ridiculed: "I feel that not only Wang Sicong's girlfriend is not as good, but even an ordinary person is not as good as being a good person!"

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

Some people also said: "No wonder he was played with like a monkey, watching this person participate in Wang Sicong's party from the first day, step by step towards his goal, and I don't know whether he came to this party or a blind date!"

There are also some people who said: "It's just a scene, both of them are for low-key, Huang Yiming has attracted more attention for his life script, and Wang Sicong is also low-key to protect his family!"

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

Due to the limited time and energy, everyone has their own different life circles and faces different things, so they will also have various ideas, but at present, this child is just a tool or a bargaining chip for Huang Yiming.

After Wang Sicong cheated, he gave Huang Yiming a sum of money and asked him to have an abortion, but Huang Yiming rejected him, thinking that the child could inherit his property!

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

3. Protect the interests of children.

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

The relationship between parents is very important for children, especially when the child is still in the mother's womb, so some people think that Huang Yiming is not useless in doing this, maybe Huang Yiming is afraid that once Wang Sicong does not want this child in the future, then she will have nothing.

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

But there are also some people who think: "How could you not know that Wang Sicong has a legitimate girlfriend, on Wang Sicong's body, you can only get so much change!"

Wang Sicong naturally knows why he met such a woman, which is also a big lesson for Wang Sicong, and he himself knows what kind of shortcomings he has.

Huang Yiming broke the news that Wang Sicong admitted that his daughter could inherit the property, and netizens said that the money was in place

But he himself has something that he can control, but he didn't do that, and this one-sided revelation made him very passive, so he just posted a Weibo to respond.

He said it was the most important thing he had ever decided to do in his life, and he looked forward to a better future!

So we only saw one sentence, which roughly means: "No matter what, the father of this child is me, even if the father doesn't want you in the future, your current father will have a very good relationship and give you happiness!"


But Wang Sicong will not have such a good result as imagined, because the child's life will be a contradiction between parents, and will reveal the contradiction between parents in a way that is more beneficial to himself, so that it is a harm to the child, and he will grow up with a look on his face!

So I also hope that Huang Yiming will think more about the baby on the road in the future, after all, the baby is the most innocent, and I don't want the baby to become a bargaining chip to play with!

Nowadays, society is developing rapidly, and there are many single-parent families joining it, some of which are complicated, or there is a problem with one party, resulting in the failure of love, which is a kind of harm to children.

Therefore, I also hope that everyone can take this as a warning from this incident, and let the child have a more complete family!

Personal opinion

The relationship between parents cannot be interfered with by others, but in love, it often contains temptation and will get carried away, so when encountering such a thing, I hope that people can look at it with a tolerant attitude and help them tide over this difficulty.

But I also hope that Huang Yiming can no longer use the baby's way to bargain, the misfortune of the family, the baby must also bear it!

At the same time, I also hope that the society can help single-parent families more, especially children's education, after all, everyone hopes that children can live a better life!

At the same time, I also hope that the society can pay more attention to these problems, and don't spread them around, magnify this matter, and make them more painful!

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