
The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is out! China and Australia met again and hit the 17th crown

author:Tyumen on the ball
The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is out! China and Australia met again and hit the 17th crown

Today, the final of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup will stage another showdown between Australia and China. In the semi-finals, Australia narrowly defeated Japan 68-63, while China defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the final.

Looking back at the semi-finals, the matchup between Australia and Japan can be described as thrilling. In the first half, Australia took a slight lead, but Japan showed a strong counterattack in the second quarter, turning the score around, leaving the fans in the stadium to exclaim. In this stalemate game, the players of both sides showed tenacious will and unyielding spirit.

"Seeing the Australian team leading in the first half, I thought they would win the game easily, but I didn't expect the Japanese team to overtake in the second quarter, it's really thrilling!" A netizen named Basketball Maniac commented on social media.

The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is out! China and Australia met again and hit the 17th crown

In the second half, the game was even more intense, and the Australian team, under the leadership of the overall strength of the team and the leading players, gradually found their form and stubbornly fought fiercely with the Japanese team. "Japan had a good touch on the outside, but Australia's inside advantage and defensive ability ultimately played a decisive role." Another fan commented after the game.

At the same time, the Chinese team also showed strong dominance in the semi-finals against South Korea. Zhang Ziyu's performance in the game was eye-catching, and her strong offensive in the first two quarters helped the Chinese team quickly take the lead. "Seeing Zhang Ziyu's dominance on the field is simply amazing! Her performance not only helped the Chinese team establish a lead, but also hit the morale of the South Korean team. One fan took to social media to express his opinion.

The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is out! China and Australia met again and hit the 17th crown

In the second half, the Chinese team continued to maintain a steady rhythm and controlled the process of the game, so that the South Korean team could not find a chance to turn the tables. "The Chinese team's defense and fast attack in the second half were very good, and they didn't give the South Korean team a chance to breathe at all." A netizen shared his views on the game in the circle of friends.

This final is not only a battle for honor, but also a duel full of revenge. In the last competition, the Australian team successfully ended the Chinese team's five-consecutive championship hegemony, and this time they meet again, the Chinese team must go all out to win back the championship.

The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is out! China and Australia met again and hit the 17th crown

"Whether the Chinese team can succeed in revenge this time will be a game not to be missed!" A basketball enthusiast shared his expectations for the upcoming finals in the circle of friends.

Before the game, both teams were well prepared for this final. "The Australian team must defend the Chinese team's attack, especially Zhang Ziyu's breakthrough and interior attack." A fan took to the social platform to appeal for the team's tactical arrangement.

China needs to be on high alert on the defensive end, "We need to keep an eye on Australia's outside shooters and not give them a chance to shoot. Another fan published his tactical analysis on the eve of the game.

The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is out! China and Australia met again and hit the 17th crown

For basketball lovers and fans alike, this final will be a feast for the eyes and spirits. "Although the game cannot be broadcast on CCTV, we can still support our favorite teams through live webcasts and live coverage." A fan took to social media to encourage other fans to follow the exciting match.

In anticipation of basketball fans around the world, the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final will kick off tonight. Regardless of the final outcome, this game is destined to be a testament to the wonderful performance of young basketball players and a feast for basketball fans to look forward to.

This game is highly anticipated, especially for those fans who love basketball, and it is a feast not to be missed. However, some fans expressed their dissatisfaction and regret that CCTV was unable to broadcast the game.

The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is out! China and Australia met again and hit the 17th crown

"Tomorrow is the last game, the final! If CCTV doesn't broadcast it, it's really too much to say. Netizen "enthusiastic Tsingshan UO" expressed his views on social platforms. His comments reflect the concerns and expectations of many fans about the broadcast of the game.

"I hope CCTV can adjust in time and bring this wonderful final to the national audience, which is not only a support for the Chinese team, but also an encouragement to young basketball players." Another netizen "Beiqiu FC" also expressed a similar opinion. These fans hope to witness the Chinese team's game style through live TV broadcast, and feel the passion and tension of this final.

In the past matches, both the Chinese team and the Australian team have shown strong strength and superb technology. And this final is not only a battle for the championship, but also a battle of revenge for the last competition. "I remember that the Australian team defeated the Chinese team last time, and this final is a good opportunity for revenge!" Netizen "Enthusiastic Warm Yang jF" commented excitedly.

The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is out! China and Australia met again and hit the 17th crown

"The Chinese team must play at the best level this time and keep the championship in their own hands!" Another netizen, "Cheerful Warm Yang jF", cheered for the Chinese team with confidence. Their support and expectation for the Chinese team also reflects the importance and attention of basketball fans across the country to this final.

On various social platforms, fans not only discussed the game itself, but also shared their support and emotions for their favorite teams. "This final is not just a competition, it is an encouragement and motivation for the young athletes, who are already our pride no matter what the result is!" Netizens exchanged their expectations and feelings for this game with each other in the comment area.

For basketball lovers, this final is of great significance, not only a competitive competition, but also a meeting of youth and dreams. "I hope these young basketball players can play well in the finals and win glory for themselves and their country!" A fan left a message on social media.

The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is out! China and Australia met again and hit the 17th crown

Before the game, the preparation of both teams was extremely intense and fulfilling. Australia's coaching staff and players are closely discussing strategies to deal with China's strong attacking firepower. They are well aware that the Chinese team, with Zhang Ziyu as the core, not only has a strong scoring ability under the basket, but also can effectively organize the offense, so how to limit her performance has become the top priority of the Australian team. The team's defensive strategy has also been readjusted, especially when dealing with Zhang Ziyu, to adopt a tighter package and defensive coordination, in order to effectively reduce her influence.

At the same time, the Australian team also pays special attention to the opponent's fast break and outside shooting. They strengthened their coordination and quick transitions on the defensive end in practice to deal with the Chinese team's fast-break and perimeter shooting threats. The coaching staff has made precise analysis and adjustments to every detail, hoping that through the solidity of the defensive end, the team can strive for more opportunities on the offensive end.

The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is out! China and Australia met again and hit the 17th crown

The Chinese team also made full preparations before the game. They identify their opponents' strengths and weaknesses and how to deal with them effectively in the game. As one of the core of the team, Zhang Ziyu not only showed excellent scoring ability on the offensive end, but also played an important role on the defensive end. In her pre-match training, she focused on improving her individual skills and working closely with her team-mates to deal with Australia's various defensive strategies.

At the tactical level, the Chinese team pays special attention to the connection between defensive counterattacks and rapid attacks, hoping to disrupt the opponent's defensive layout through fast ball conversion and efficient offensive rhythm. The coaching staff simulated various game scenarios in training, emphasizing the overall combat ability of the team and the technical and tactical execution of individual players.

The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is out! China and Australia met again and hit the 17th crown

Fans and analysts of both teams are full of anticipation and discussion about the key players. Zhang Ziyu is pinned on great hopes as the scoring ace of the Chinese team, and fans expect her to continue to perform well in the final. And the core players of the Australian team, especially in terms of playmaking and outside shooting, have also received a lot of attention. Fans took to social media to buzz about their MVPs (Most Valuable Players) and made various predictions and analyses about their performance in the game.

"Zhang Ziyu's performance in the semi-finals is amazing, I hope she can continue her form and lead the Chinese team to win the championship!" Netizen "basketball fanatic" left a message on Weibo. This appreciation and anticipation of key players reflects the importance and passion of the fans for the outcome of the game.

For fans, it's not just a sporting feast, it's a moment to showcase the talent of young basketball in all its glory. Although the match was not broadcast on CCTV, fans were still eagerly awaiting the outcome of this fierce matchup.

With the attention of basketball fans around the world, the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is about to open a new chapter. Who will have the last laugh? Let's wait and see what this exciting competition is for young players!

The U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is out! China and Australia met again and hit the 17th crown

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