
Congratulations, Leonard! Wei Shao executed the player option, and the Clippers became the Big Four in seconds and then rushed to the championship!

author:Strategizing basketball

Wei Shao executes the player option, stays behind the Clippers and rushes to the championship!

Westbrook will exercise his $4 million player option for the 2024-2025 season, according to ESPN reporters! This means that Wei Shao chose to stay with the Clippers! Continue to team up with Leonard and Harden to attack the championship! This is good news for both Harden and Leonard, as Willis is the most passionate player in the league today, and at the same time the purest player! Everything he does is to win, and he can give up everything in order to win! After coming to the Clippers, he was willing to play on the bench for the team's victory, and was willing to be a defensive leader on the team's bench. He has put his body to the lowest, so he is the most emotional one in the first round of the Clippers this year, and he was about to lose control of his emotions at one point, and almost clashed with the Mavericks, all because he wanted to win too much!

Congratulations, Leonard! Wei Shao executed the player option, and the Clippers became the Big Four in seconds and then rushed to the championship!

Wei Shao's stay in the team must be directly related to Harden, it was Wei Shao who recruited Harden from the Clippers, and the reunion of the second brother and the third brother is a picture that all fans want to see, and now Wei Shao has decided to stay in the team, which also indicates that Harden will also renew his contract with the Clippers! It is even possible that George's departure may usher in a turnaround, before which the three of them were exposed to leave the Clippers, and now with Wei Shao's determination to stay in the team, it will inevitably trigger a series of reactions, George sees that Wei Shao and Harden are both staying in the team, and it is possible to give up the idea of leaving! It's time to sweat for the Warriors, and they're ready to trade for George!

Congratulations to Leonard - one big has become a big four and then rushed to the championship!

Congratulations, Leonard! Wei Shao executed the player option, and the Clippers became the Big Four in seconds and then rushed to the championship!

Wei Shao's decision, the happiest is Leonard, if the three of them are gone, then the Clippers will change from the Big Four to a giant Leonard, and now the chain reaction caused by Wei Shao has made him, a bare-rod giant, become a Big Four in seconds, and the worst is the Big Three lineup! This makes them already have the strength to win the championship, even if Pickle Pepper is gone, it will inevitably join Wiggins, and the team lineup is not bad! What needs to be solved now is the professionalism of the rotation card, Leonard has completely controlled his right to play since he won the championship in 19, and whether there is an injury or not depends on him, this behavior has also made many fans scoff at him!

Congratulations, Leonard! Wei Shao executed the player option, and the Clippers became the Big Four in seconds and then rushed to the championship!

And next season will also be his last chance to redeem himself, if he still chooses to take a break because of a little inflammation problem like this season, or before, how can he not be injured, everyone is playing with injuries, especially the league's superstars, which has too much impact on the team's record, and now Wei Shao and Harden can be said to pin the last championship hope of their careers on Leonard, so do you think he can do it? I hope that Harden and Wei Shao will win the championship, please deduct 1 in the comment area!