
Regardless of men and women, the more "hair" here, the healthier, but there are many people who are ugly, don't shave anymore

author:Dr. Huang of the Department of Pediatrics

Ms. Li, 35 years old, is a white-collar woman who pays attention to her appearance.

For a long time, she was very unhappy with the thick body hair on her calves and arms.

In pursuit of smooth skin, she uses a razor to shave these body hairs almost every day.

However, as time went on, she found herself shaving more and more often;

At the same time, the skin is becoming more and more sensitive, and even symptoms of redness and itching begin to appear.

When Ms. Li first came to my clinic, she looked anxious and complained that her skin was getting worse.

Regardless of men and women, the more "hair" here, the healthier, but there are many people who are ugly, don't shave anymore

After a detailed examination, I found that the skin on her calves and arms was already showing obvious signs of inflammation and infection.

After asking her about her daily care habits, I learned that her frequent shaving behavior was the main cause of skin problems.

Ms. Li elaborated on her experience: Since junior high school, she has felt that body hair is an "ugly burden".

However, this habit has made her skin problems worse.

As her doctor, I not only treat her skin problems, but more importantly, help her realize the physiological function and importance of body hair.

Functions of Body Hair:

Many people, especially women, want to have smooth, hairless skin.

However, body hair isn't just a "burden" to the human body, they actually play an important role in protecting our skin and overall health.

1. Protection function:

Body hair forms a natural barrier that protects the skin from mechanical damage, UV radiation and harmful substances.

For example, eyebrows and eyelashes can block sweat and dust from entering the eyes;

Regardless of men and women, the more "hair" here, the healthier, but there are many people who are ugly, don't shave anymore

Armpit and pubic hair, on the other hand, reduce friction and protect the skin in sensitive areas.

Ms. Lee's calves and arms lost this natural barrier after frequent shaving;

Exposing the skin to the outside world and making it susceptible to bacterial infections and mechanical irritation. This is where her skin problems arise.

2. Temperature Regulation:

Body hair also plays an important role in helping regulate body temperature.

When we feel cold, our body hair stands up to form an insulating layer that reduces heat loss.

When we feel hot, body hair is close to the skin and helps dissipate heat.

Ms. Li often feels dry and cold skin on her legs and arms, which is also caused by frequent shaving.

The lack of body hair deprives her skin of its important function of regulating temperature.

3. Health Indicator:

The growth of body hair can also reflect a person's health.

Sudden body hair loss or abnormal growth may indicate an underlying health problem;

Regardless of men and women, the more "hair" here, the healthier, but there are many people who are ugly, don't shave anymore

Such as hormonal imbalances, malnutrition, or other systemic diseases.

As a result, shaving too often can mask these important health signals.

Ms. Lee's frequent shaving caused her to ignore her hormone level fluctuations and underlying nutritional issues.

Her body was signaling to her through the change in body hair, but she didn't realize it.

Treatment & Rehabilitation:

After explaining the importance of body hair in detail, I developed a comprehensive treatment plan for Ms. Lee.

First, I prescribed her antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications to control her skin infection and inflammation.

At the same time, I advised her to stop shaving frequently and switch to gentle hair removal methods;

Such as electrolytic hair removal or laser hair removal, these methods are more costly but less irritating to the skin.

Regardless of men and women, the more "hair" here, the healthier, but there are many people who are ugly, don't shave anymore

In addition, I recommended some moisturizing products and skincare products for her to help her restore her skin's barrier function.

These all help regulate hormone levels in the body and promote healthy body hair and skin.

After several months of treatment and adjustments, Ms. Li's skin condition has improved significantly, the inflammation has subsided, and her skin has become healthier and smoother.

She has also come to accept the existence of body hair and understands that it plays a significant role in her physical health.

More body hair does not mean unsightly, on the contrary, it is part of our physical health.

Regardless of men and women, the more "hair" here, the healthier, but there are many people who are ugly, don't shave anymore

Let's correctly understand body hair, cherish and protect it, and no longer damage our health because of the pursuit of momentary beauty.

I hope that through this article, more people can understand the function and importance of body hair;

Reduce misconceptions and prejudices about body hair, embrace the beauty of nature, and maintain the health of your body.