
After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

author:It's raining again


Mu Nianci's dreams and reality

Mu Nianci's wedding was originally a dream in her heart. She thought she had finally found her home and married the person with whom she could spend her life.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

In fact, this wedding has become the cruelest reality of her life. Yang Kang's choice made her see his true colors thoroughly.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

He is no longer the boy who met her for the first time in the ring and experienced life and death together, but Wan Yankang, who became a golden man, and continued his career as a little prince.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

All this is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Mu Nianci. She once thought that the two could spend the wind and rain together, not seeking glory and wealth, but only flounder.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

But the reality is that Yang Kang's betrayal made her heart like a knife. Mu Nianci's heart gradually turned from sweet anticipation to disappointment and pain.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

Netizens left messages in the comment area: Mu Nianci is really miserable, Yang Kang, how can you treat her like this!

The determination to cut off the hair


On the wedding night, Mu Nianci discovered Yang Kang's deception and use, and Yang Kang's collusion with Wanyan Honglie made her heart completely cold.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

She called him Wan Yankang, declared her renunciation with him, and warned him that if he dared to take a step forward, he would die. Mu Nianci has given Yang Kang countless opportunities, hoping that he can reform and return to the right path.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

But all of this came to naught. Mu Nianci made an astonishing decision in despair - to cut his hair and cut off his love. This scene moved countless audiences.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

Mu Nianci's determination is not only a disappointment to Yang Kang, but also a commitment to the righteousness of the family and country. This move shows her firm stance and unyielding spirit.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

Netizens praised Mu Nianci's courage: Mu Nianci is so cool, cutting her hair and breaking her love, this is a real heroine!

Huang Yi's wonderful performance


Actor Huang Yi's performance in the play has also become a hot topic among netizens. From her shyness as a bride to her determination to give up enough disappointment, every detail is vividly interpreted.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

Her performance made the audience feel the pain and struggle in Mu Nianci's heart. Netizens said: Huang Yi's acting skills are fantastic, and the role of Mu Nianci was played by her!

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

Netizens are hotly discussed

Mu Nianci's story is undoubtedly a tragedy. Her dedication and sacrifice were ultimately rewarded with betrayal and disappointment. Yang Kang's choice made her see his true colors thoroughly.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

Her cutting off her hair is not only a rejection of Yang Kang, but also a commitment to the righteousness of her family and country. This series of events has sparked heated discussions among netizens.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

Some people think that Mu Nianci's decision is the right choice, and some people think that she should give Yang Kang more opportunities.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

In any case, Mu Nianci's story left a deep impression on the audience.

After Yang Kang changed into Yan Kang, Mu Nianci cut his hair and broke his love, this plot is too bloody!

Netizens left messages in the comment area, expressing their support and love for Mu Nianci, and also expressing strong condemnation of Yang Kang's behavior.