
Huang Qianqian: A bright star on the road of domestic scientific research

author:Lao Li talks about entertainment
Huang Qianqian: A bright star on the road of domestic scientific research

To many, studying abroad seems like a shortcut to the pinnacle of science. However, Huang Qianqian from Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, has proved with her own experience that even if she does not go abroad, she can make world-renowned achievements in the field of scientific research. This 30-year-old female scientist, with her outstanding talent and unremitting efforts, has written her own glorious chapter on the road of domestic scientific research.

Huang Qianqian: A bright star on the road of domestic scientific research

Huang Qianqian's growth path is full of legends. At the age of 17, she was admitted to Peking University with excellent results, specializing in the Department of Microelectronics in Information Science and Technology. During her university years, Huang Qianqian showed extraordinary academic potential and a spirit of hard work. She gave up her time to socialize and play, and devoted herself to the library, studying her expertise. Her efforts were not in vain, and she was among the best in every subject, and her professional courses were even more outstanding. In her junior year, she was favored by her teachers and joined the research group for professional research training.

Huang Qianqian: A bright star on the road of domestic scientific research

Huang Qianqian's scientific research path has not been easy. In the face of obscure knowledge and heavy experimental tasks, she never flinched. On the contrary, she devoted herself to scientific research with more enthusiasm and firm conviction. During her Ph.D., she chose the most difficult direction of research – the design of new ultra-low-power transistors. The domestic foundation in this field is weak, but she firmly believes that she can make a breakthrough in this field. After a year of hard work, she finally developed the electronic device with the highest comprehensive performance, and there is no rival in the world.

Huang Qianqian: A bright star on the road of domestic scientific research

Huang Qianqian's achievements are not only reflected in scientific research achievements, but also in her love and sense of responsibility for the country. She knows that chips are the representative of the country's high-tech industry and have an important impact on the country's economy and military. Therefore, she was determined to solve the power consumption problem of the chip circuit and improve the performance of the chip. Her research results have not only been recognized by the international academic community, but also made important contributions to the development of the national chip industry.

Huang Qianqian: A bright star on the road of domestic scientific research

Huang Qianqian's success is not accidental. She used her own experience to tell us that success requires talent, but it also requires hard work and perseverance. On the road of scientific research, she has always maintained a thirst for knowledge and a sense of reverence for science. She uses her actions to explain what is the true spirit of a scientist - rigorous, professional, dedicated and dedicated.

Huang Qianqian: A bright star on the road of domestic scientific research

Today, Huang Qianqian has become a doctoral supervisor of Peking University and continues to cultivate a new generation of scientific research talents. Her experience has inspired countless young people to pursue their dreams bravely, brave hardships and hardships, and strive to scale new heights on the road of scientific research. Huang Qianqian used her story to prove a truth: as long as there is a dream in your heart, there is a road under your feet. On the road of domestic scientific research, she will continue to shine brightly.

Huang Qianqian: A bright star on the road of domestic scientific research

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