
Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

author:Tenacious larks

The last 3 lottery numbers were announced, and in this issue we bring you the latest predictions based on the data of the previous period!

Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

Rank 3 Issue 2024171

Lottery result: 0 7 0

Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

Analysis of lottery results

Span: The span is the difference between the largest and the smallest number in the drawn number. In the set of numbers 070, the maximum number is 7 and the minimum number is 0, so the span is 7 - 0 = 7

Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

Sum Value: Sum value is the sum of all the numbers in the drawn number. In the group of numbers 070, the sum value is 0 + 7 + 0 = 7

Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

Odd-even ratio: The odd-even ratio refers to the ratio of the number of times the odd and even numbers in the drawn numbers appear respectively. In the group of numbers 070, even numbers (0 and 0) appear 2 times, and odd numbers (7) appear 1 time, so the odd-even ratio is 1:2

Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

Size trend: In Rank 3, 0-4 is usually defined as a decimal and 5-9 as a large number. In the group of numbers 070, the decimal (0 and 0) appears 2 times, and the large number (7) appears 1 time. This indicates that the numbers in this issue are skewed towards decimals

Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

Qualitative trend: Prime numbers refer to natural numbers that have no other factors besides 1 and itself, while composite numbers refer to natural numbers that have other factors besides 1 and itself. 1 is neither prime nor composite. In the group of numbers 070, there are no prime numbers (because 0 and 1 are not prime numbers), only the composite number (7) appears 1 time. But since permutation 3 usually only considers positive integers (i.e., 1-9), and 0 is not considered a prime or composite number

Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

Rank 3 2024172 analysis and prediction

Span analysis: The span of the 2024171 period is 7, and the span values that can be considered in this period range from 6-9

Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

Sum value analysis: The sum value of the 2024171 period is 7, and the sum value of the current period may increase slightly, and is expected to be between 8-12

Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

Odd-even ratio analysis: The odd-even ratio in the 2024171 period is 1:2, and the frequency of even numbers is higher. The odd-even ratio may be skewed towards balance or slightly odd-skewed in this issue. The odd-even ratio can be considered 1:2 or 2:1 for recommendation

Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

Size trend analysis: The size trend of the 2024171 period is biased towards decimals. The size trend in this period may be skewed towards large numbers. The recommended size ratio can be considered 2:1 or 1:2

Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

Qualitative trend analysis: There are no prime numbers in the 2024171 period, all of them are composite numbers. In this issue, we can consider adding prime numbers appropriately, but mainly composite numbers

Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

Number referral

Group 1: 2 5 7 odd-even ratio 2:1 size ratio 2:1 with prime numbers 2 and 7

Group 2: 3 6 9 odd-even ratio 1:2 size ratio 2:1 All composite numbers

Group 3: 4 8 9 odd-even ratio 1:2 size ratio 2:1 all composite numbers

Rank 3 2024172 and values may rise slightly

The above analysis and number recommendations are based on historical data and number trends only, and the actual lottery results are still random. Buying lottery tickets should be treated rationally and not indulged. At the same time, please note that the above referral numbers do not constitute any guarantee of winning.