
Germany said that the European Union, unlike the United States, has put forward two demands on China

author:I think you'll think of me too

In response to the European election, the EU's import tariff adjustment for electric vehicles with China, which was originally scheduled to be implemented before June 29, has been postponed to July 4, and this decision has caused widespread controversy in attendance. Among them, France has expressed support, while Germany is firmly opposed, and intends to take measures to ease the tariff rate to curb the leading edge of local manufacturers in the Chinese market.

The different positions of Germany and France

The fact that Germany and France have very different views on this matter reflects their strategic goals and core interests in the Chinese market. In view of the huge market share and complete sales system of German auto giants such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz in China, the German government is inclined to protect the interests of enterprises from excessive tariffs in order to maintain a competitive advantage. In France, on the other hand, policymakers are likely to rely more heavily on tariffs to adjust the trade balance due to the relatively weak influence of local auto brands.

Germany said that the European Union, unlike the United States, has put forward two demands on China
Germany said that the European Union, unlike the United States, has put forward two demands on China

A number of well-known German economists, such as Dudenhefer and others, have recognized China's prominent position and great potential in the global automotive manufacturing field. They stressed that if the EU implements trade protection measures, it will inevitably bring about a major misunderstanding, which further confirms Germany's deep understanding and recognition of the criticality and openness of the Chinese market in various fields.

The global influence of the Chinese market

China is not only the world's largest consumer market for automobiles, but also committed to promoting the research and development and practical application of electric vehicle technology. Thanks to a complete manufacturing framework and strong technological innovation capabilities, we have become a key player in leading the upgrading and transformation of the automotive industry. The reason why German car companies are so successful in China is inevitably behind the inclusiveness of the Chinese market.

Germany said that the European Union, unlike the United States, has put forward two demands on China

Recently, the mainland's anti-dumping review of EU pork products has caused pressure on local livestock companies, and if China follows the example of the German auto manufacturing industry, it will inevitably have a major impact on the German economy. In this regard, German Economy Minister Habeck expressed deep concern and resolutely criticized the so-called "excessive subsidies" and "unfair competition", showing firm support for this issue.

The contradiction between climate change and industrial development

In response to the global climate crisis, Hobeck urged China to gradually replace coal power generation with clean energy, but questioned China's current "responsibility" for new energy vehicles, reflecting Germany's complex relationship between climate and industrial development. In this regard, China actively pursues environmental protection policies and strives to achieve peak carbon emission control before 2030. Instead, the EU has set a longer-term goal of carbon neutrality – zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Germany said that the European Union, unlike the United States, has put forward two demands on China
Germany said that the European Union, unlike the United States, has put forward two demands on China

Germany's policy of "more capable people" is mainly due to the fact that its manufacturing industry, especially the automobile industry, is facing fierce market competition from China. At the same time, the situation has been further exacerbated by rising energy prices in the European Union, triggered by the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Based on this, Habeck's "climate commitments" may actually support the consolidation of Europe's domestic manufacturing by increasing China's production costs.

Europe's strategy and China's response
Germany said that the European Union, unlike the United States, has put forward two demands on China

In the context of climate change, Europe may adopt strategies to restrict the development of China's manufacturing industry, so as to release the potential of local industries. At present, given the strong manufacturing advantages that make domestic products emerge in the international market, the heavy pressure from Chinese production undoubtedly brings challenges to Europe, which cannot tolerate the squeeze of its own industry. Therefore, we question whether this is just a rhetorical device in Europe.

Environmental protection and manufacturing are not antagonistic and need to be shared responsibilities. Manufacturing is vital to the lifeblood of the country and has always played a pivotal role that cannot be ignored. Behind the German-European measures may be the intention to weaken the Russian economy and affect our energy strategy.

Conclusions and prospects
Germany said that the European Union, unlike the United States, has put forward two demands on China

In the complex environment of international political, economic and trade competition, China is facing many severe challenges, and it must maintain a clear mode of thinking and safeguard the interests of the national market, and should also actively participate in the global response to climate change. China's development should not be subject to external restrictions, and has always adhered to independent innovation and strategic implementation.

As we approach the end of this chapter, we sincerely invite readers to give valuable suggestions on how the mainland can effectively balance and coordinate domestic economic development and international responsibilities under the general trend of globalization, especially in dealing with the two major issues of international trade and global climate change. We look forward to sharing your wisdom and insights in the comment area, and at the same time, you will like and retweet it to attract more people's attention to this important topic.

Germany said that the European Union, unlike the United States, has put forward two demands on China

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