
Why doesn't a man like a woman who is really good to him? After reading the comments of netizens, I instantly realized

author:World viewers
Why doesn't a man like a woman who is really good to him? After reading the comments of netizens, I instantly realized


In the world of emotions, we often hear the question: Why do some men not seem to cherish the woman who is genuinely good to him? This question is like an unsolvable mystery that has puzzled countless people.

Why doesn't a man like a woman who is really good to him? After reading the comments of netizens, I instantly realized

However, when I deeply browsed the comments of netizens, it seemed that a new world of emotions had opened up overnight - it turned out that the reason behind this was both realistic and profound, and people couldn't help but sigh: the subtlety of human nature is really not something that can be explained in one or two sentences.

Next, please take a look at the comments of netizens

Too much love, too much love, can't make love last, a woman's spiritual sustenance, can be work, can be food, can be mountains, rivers and seas, but only can not be people

Why doesn't a man like a woman who is really good to him? After reading the comments of netizens, I instantly realized

I have been cultivating my husband's sense of being needed, he will think that I can't do without him, I need his protection, because I am always stupid in front of him, I can't do anything, I have been married for many years, I will warmly welcome him when he comes home, put on makeup, let him work, call his husband artificial intelligence to start, like a child to praise him for his ability. Now that he is more and more diligent and self-conscious, no one can see that he is younger than me

Why doesn't a man like a woman who is really good to him? After reading the comments of netizens, I instantly realized

Regardless of men and women, when they reach a certain age, they will only like to be really good to themselves

Why doesn't a man like a woman who is really good to him? After reading the comments of netizens, I instantly realized

Why should a man guess what he thinks! You pay sincerely, he has, naturally cherish! He didn't, he was leaving! Why do you want to stay, it's boring

Why doesn't a man like a woman who is really good to him? After reading the comments of netizens, I instantly realized

He was never good to men, and he was not considerate of men, but he dumped me and said that I didn't take him seriously

Why doesn't a man like a woman who is really good to him? After reading the comments of netizens, I instantly realized

Regardless of men and women, the more sincere the other party is, everything will not be cherished.

Why doesn't a man like a woman who is really good to him? After reading the comments of netizens, I instantly realized

If you dare to ask too much, you will be said to be material. Lazy. In case you can't be together for any reason, you will be called a scumbag and a vampire. If you don't spend money with others, you spend money. If you encounter irritability, you may also lose your life

Why doesn't a man like a woman who is really good to him? After reading the comments of netizens, I instantly realized


"The world of emotions is complex and changeable, and every subtlety hides the mystery of human nature. Perhaps, we can never give a one-size-fits-all answer to why some men do not value women who are good to him.

Why doesn't a man like a woman who is really good to him? After reading the comments of netizens, I instantly realized

But it is these discussions and reflections that make us better understand how to love, how to be loved, and how to find our own happiness on the emotional road. Remember, true value is not in being cherished, but in being willing to be a better version of ourselves and embrace every worthwhile moment in our lives. In this process, growth and self-discovery are the most valuable gains. ”