
On the concept of wealth and poverty and the theory of elites

author:Calm squirrel Wp

Lao Hu Pandao regarded himself as a social elite everywhere, arrogantly looked down on the people at the bottom with a supreme attitude, always said some strange remarks that were out of place to confuse the public, and said that the exploiting class was justified in harming the people, and the landlord rented land to the peasants, and the peasants paid rent to the landlords, which is a normal thing, and the state implemented land reform, divided other people's land, and wanted to fight and defeat people, which is really unfair. Illegally occupying peasants' land is said to be a virtuous ancestor, and one should enjoy great blessings and great wealth. This is the so-called elite, which is really incredible!

On the concept of wealth and poverty and the theory of elites

Ignoring the people at the bottom and blindly scolding the so-called rich is a manifestation of the distortion of socialist values. When he saw that the reason why the poor lived at the bottom of society was entirely the result of not studying well when he was a child, imagine that if he worked hard, he would definitely be able to be admitted to the university of his choice, and the living environment would be turned upside down. Moreover, even if you don't have the opportunity to go to college, as long as you rely on your own hard work, you can still achieve a little wealth and a little wealth. The poor should be poor, but it is entirely their own fault, and they are lazy and lazy, and they are no wonder of others. This is obviously some empty preaching, and it is a bottomless slander against the peasants with a domineering posture. He also threatened to be a peasant, knew the peasants best, and made endless criticisms of their inferior nature.

Is this really the case? This is to sprinkle salt on the wounds of the broad masses of the people, and it is a manifestation of falling into the well. It is to intensify class contradictions and create national antagonism, and its sinister intentions are clearly exposed. He also said in a high-sounding manner that he is a good medicine, bitter mouth, good for disease, and loyal to his ears is good for deeds. Dress yourself up as a savior, swagger through the market, and win the joy of everyone.

Even if a person achieves certain achievements and climbs to the upper echelons of society, it is in vain if the three views are not correct, and he regards the people as enemies everywhere, curries favor with the capitalists, and rides on the people's heads to make a fortune

On the concept of wealth and poverty and the theory of elites

If one's own happiness is based on the suffering of others, can his happiness last? Those who claim to be the elite of society and use empty words and clichés that are divorced from practice to confuse the people will not end well.

To say that the peasants have a low cognition, have no ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and think that the peasants themselves have no contribution is completely slanderous to the peasants. Those who truly benefit the people will never be forgotten by themselves. The eyes of the masses are bright for those who regard the people as their enemies everywhere, who sabotage the workers' and peasants' alliances, and who have sinister intentions.

A good actor can't exist independently from the audience, even if he is an artist, he must be deeply rooted in the soil of the masses, and he can only be deeply rooted in the soil of the masses, and he sees himself as a person who is not cannibalistic and pretentious, forgetting to raise his own emperor, will his life be long?

Don't think that you are the elite of society, in fact, without the nourishment of the people, you are nothing, you exist like garbage. Fallacies and heresies are untenable after all. Only by doing things for the people in a down-to-earth manner can we win the support of the people, and it is wise to do more things that are beneficial to people and change their ways.

On the concept of wealth and poverty and the theory of elites