
Huawei's Secret: Yu Chengdong's 22-minute speech shocked the audience!

author:Book from the sky

Huawei Vice Chairman Yu Chengdong recently detonated the audience in a speech held at the Western University of Technology in 22 minutes! In addition to sharing Huawei's development history and technological innovation, he also revealed many untold stories.

Have you always wanted to know the story behind Huawei? Then, you must not miss Yu Chengdong's 22-minute speech at Western University of Technology! His passionate and powerful words will unveil the mystery of Huawei for you.

Huawei's Secret: Yu Chengdong's 22-minute speech shocked the audience!

Huawei's development history and breakthroughs

Yu Chengdong first reviewed Huawei's development history. As a company that started as a small workshop in Shenzhen, Huawei has experienced many difficult moments. He pointed out that the key to Huawei's global expansion lies in continuous innovation. Huawei has always been committed to the advancement of science and technology, and has made many leading breakthroughs in the field of information and communication. It is this spirit of excellence that has made Huawei a leading global technology giant.

Technological innovation and future development blueprint

Huawei's Secret: Yu Chengdong's 22-minute speech shocked the audience!

Yu Chengdong further introduced Huawei's efforts in scientific and technological innovation. He mentioned the exploration of the field of artificial intelligence, emphasizing that Huawei is committed to applying artificial intelligence technology to various fields to promote the progress of society. He revealed the latest products that Huawei is working on and revealed some technological innovation plans beyond imagination. These programs will transform people's daily lives and completely disrupt traditional industries.

The untold story and the effort behind it

In addition to Huawei's development history and technological innovation, Yu Chengdong also revealed many untold stories. He recounted the countless nights of tossing and turning of Huawei employees before the project was launched, and the sleepless work state in order to successfully complete the task. He said that Huawei's success is inseparable from the hard work and sacrifice of each and every employee. The bitterness and dedication behind it are the cornerstone of Huawei's brilliance today.

Huawei's Secret: Yu Chengdong's 22-minute speech shocked the audience!

Huawei into the future

Yu Chengdong is full of confidence in Huawei's future development. He said that Huawei will continue to invest more resources and energy to accelerate the pace of technological innovation. At the same time, he also called on more young people to join the technology field and contribute to Huawei's future.

Huawei's story never stops. Yu Chengdong's speech opened the door to scientific and technological innovation for us. Huawei's development history, technological innovation, and the story behind it all make us deeply feel the greatness and glory of Huawei as a national brand.

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