
On the night of the wedding, the husband and wife were ready to go to bed, and the mother-in-law took out a white cloth to make the bed.

author:Five-year love said

At the important moments of life, everyone expects everything to go well, especially the wedding night, which should be full of happiness and sweetness. However, a couple of newcomers in Henan encountered an unexpected "test" on this special night.

On the night of the wedding, the husband and wife were ready to go to bed, and the mother-in-law took out a white cloth to make the bed.

The bride Xiaofang and her husband Xiaojie were busy all day, and finally ushered in their happy moment. The two returned to the wedding room, originally planning to have a good rest and relax their tired body and mind. However, at this moment, the mother-in-law walked into the room with a white cloth.

The mother-in-law handed the white cloth to Xiaofang and told her solemnly to spread the white cloth on the bed and return it to her the next day. After saying that, the mother-in-law turned around and left the room, leaving Xiaofang with no chance to ask.

On the night of the wedding, the husband and wife were ready to go to bed, and the mother-in-law took out a white cloth to make the bed.

Faced with this sudden request, Xiaofang felt helpless and embarrassed. She didn't understand what her mother-in-law's intentions were, but she didn't want to say anything more on this festive occasion. So, she followed her mother-in-law's instructions and spread the white cloth on the bed.

On the night of the wedding, the husband and wife were ready to go to bed, and the mother-in-law took out a white cloth to make the bed.

When Xiaofang sat on the bed, she couldn't help but glance back at her husband Xiaojie. Xiaojie didn't show much surprise or objection, as if all this was expected by him. This made Xiaofang even more confused, she didn't understand what kind of truth was hidden behind this.

However, despite the doubts and uneasiness in Xiaofang's heart, she chose to remain silent. She knew that on this particular night, the slightest argument could ruin the whole atmosphere. So, she decided to wait until the next day to ask her mother-in-law why.

This unexpected "test" made Xiaofang feel helpless and embarrassed. She couldn't understand why her wedding night had such an episode. However, she also realized that this could be an opportunity for communication and understanding between her and her mother-in-law.

On the second day, Xiaofang plucked up the courage to ask her mother-in-law why. The mother-in-law told her that it was a traditional custom to test the bride's chastity. Hearing this, Xiao Fang couldn't help but feel a burst of shock and anger. She believes that this custom is disrespectful and distrustful of women, and it also makes her dissatisfied and disappointed with her mother-in-law.

However, Xiaofang did not choose to express her dissatisfaction and anger directly. She knew that in this family, she needed to be calm and sane. So, she tried to have in-depth communication with her mother-in-law, hoping to eliminate misunderstandings and estrangements between them.

After some communication, the relationship between Xiaofang and her mother-in-law has improved. The mother-in-law also realized that her approach was a bit excessive and conservative, and she apologized to Xiaofang and promised not to interfere in their lives in the future. And Xiaofang also learned how to maintain her position and dignity in this family.

This story teaches us that we need to be open and inclusive when it comes to traditional customs and ideas. At the same time, we should also respect everyone's choices and rights, and avoid hurting each other's feelings because of some outdated concepts. Only in this way can we build a harmonious and inclusive social environment.

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