
A new round of rain is confirmed, and the rain will fall until the beginning of July! Forecast: The North is going to get wet this time

author:Stormy weather

Is it really that the rain can't stop? The new round of precipitation is no longer limited to the southern provinces, they have opened up new bases, yes, this year's super outbreak of plum rain, is coming to the north!

A new round of rain is confirmed, and the rain will fall until the beginning of July! Forecast: The North is going to get wet this time

And this time the rain is particularly "favored" to our northern region. It seems that friends in the north are ready to meet this sudden "wet" challenge! But don't worry, the rain comes step by step, since it is transferred from the south, naturally friends in the south will start to enjoy this "cool" rain first, and then it will be the turn of the north.

A new round of rain is confirmed, and the rain will fall until the beginning of July! Forecast: The North is going to get wet this time

Speaking of this rain, it is really "extreme" enough! This rain will first "exert its might" in the Yangtze River Basin, and heavy rain and torrential rain in Anhui, Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing, Guizhou and other places may hit at any time! And more northerly places, such as southern Henan, central Anhui, central Jiangsu and other places, can not escape the "claws" of heavy rain. In particular, there will be heavy rainstorms in Hubei.

A new round of rain is confirmed, and the rain will fall until the beginning of July! Forecast: The North is going to get wet this time

And that's not all! The rain will continue to move northward, but it will weaken a little bit as it moves northward. There will be more scattered rain in the northern region, such as Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other places, there will be scattered heavy rain.

And during heavy rainfall, it may be accompanied by convective weather activities, which is even more important to pay attention to! Severe convective weather is like a naughty child, which may bring us some "surprises" at any time, such as thunder and lightning, strong winds, etc.

A new round of rain is confirmed, and the rain will fall until the beginning of July! Forecast: The North is going to get wet this time

While the torrential rain was raging in the north, a new wave of rain returned to the Yangtze River from June 30 to continue to strengthen again, and there will be signs of heavy rain activity in the area from Guangxi to Jiangsu.

If you look at it in stages, on the 28th, the south ushered in a rare opportunity for light rain or sunny days, and from the 29th, especially on the 30th, the rain belt will once again press south to the north of Jiangnan and the north of Guangxi.

A new round of rain is confirmed, and the rain will fall until the beginning of July! Forecast: The North is going to get wet this time

The rainy season in the north was not as strong as previously expected. Judging from June 30, Shandong, which was originally forecast to have heavy rainfall, looks like there is only 10 mm to 25 mm of rain left, and the precipitation in Henan, another key rainfall area in the north, has become less intense, only the southern part of Henan will have 100 mm to 200 mm of precipitation, and the precipitation in the north of Henan is basically none. In other words, the cyclone lifted north to North China weakened, and the airflow was not as strong as previously expected.

The northward lifting of the rainy season will continue into July, which means that the last few days of June and the rains in July will "converge" smoothly. Although it was not as strong as previously predicted, in the case of Shandong and the surrounding Hebei, Tianjin and Beijing, light and moderate rain continued for the next week. Shandong, on the other hand, had more heavy rainfall.

A new round of rain is confirmed, and the rain will fall until the beginning of July! Forecast: The North is going to get wet this time

In addition to the rainfall, the typhoon is not to be outdone! Although Typhoon Embryo 98W, which had attracted much attention before, has been suspended, the typhoon trend in July is quite strong! Three to four typhoons are expected to form in the South China Sea and the Northwest Pacific Ocean, one to two of which may affect the South China Sea, and about one will make landfall along the South China coast. It's a love-hate typhoon season!

A new round of rain is confirmed, and the rain will fall until the beginning of July! Forecast: The North is going to get wet this time

However, it is also a fact that there were no typhoons in June. However, the most frequent typhoon months of the year are between July and October. Among them, August is the most. From July to October, many typhoons dance together, which becomes a significant feature. In history, the highest record for multiple typhoons dancing together was in August 2018, when there were six typhoons dancing together in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Of course, the dance of six typhoons is just an accident, but this year's climate anomalies are many, and it remains to be seen whether it can break the record of six typhoons dancing together in the northwest Pacific Ocean.

Although the rain and typhoon are coming this time, it will also bring us some benefits! For example, rain can alleviate drought conditions in the north and allow crops to grow better; Typhoons, on the other hand, can bring abundant precipitation, which can also help alleviate the drought in the south. So, we still have to face these weather changes with a positive attitude.