
The torrential rain entrenched in the south finally went north, but the torrential rain was "drifting", why did it "tilt"?

author:Stormy weather

The Northern Rain God has finally exerted his strength! The large-scale rainstorm is finally coming to the north this time. But don't worry, the rain area in the north is different from the south, this rain god seems to be a little naughty, and the rainstorm belt also has a "drift", which will fall here and there for a while, just like playing "hide and seek".

The torrential rain entrenched in the south finally went north, but the torrential rain was "drifting", why did it "tilt"?

Okay, okay, no kidding, let's get serious. This northern rain has been determined, and it is still escalating. Although the current intensity is not too large, it has made the friends in northwest Hebei, western Beijing, and northern Shanxi feel the long-lost wetness. But ah, this rain comes and goes quickly, like a "flash in the pan", which makes people scratch their heads.

The torrential rain entrenched in the south finally went north, but the torrential rain was "drifting", why did it "tilt"?

Such an uneven distribution makes many people who are plagued by the scorching sun very anxious and envious. However, the good news is that a new round of rain is brewing, and the rain in Shandong, Jiangsu and other places has improved, and there is also a scattered "red wave", which means that if you don't go down, you will end up big!

Speaking of which, we have to mention the rainwater situation in Shandong and Jiangsu. The rainwater in Shandong is mainly concentrated in the western direction, and there is also a little in the south; The rainwater in Jiangsu is mainly concentrated in the central region, which is connected with the rainwater belt of the Yangtze River basin, forming a "sloping" rainwater belt. It's like nature painting an ink painting, but instead of ink, rainwater is used.

The torrential rain entrenched in the south finally went north, but the torrential rain was "drifting", why did it "tilt"?

The rains in the north are not so rosy. Because there is still a wide range of high temperature weather in North China, Huanghuai and other places. That is to say, the rain and the high temperature are seamless, which is equivalent to the end of the rain and directly enters the high temperature, which is like a "steamer", which makes people breathless. Therefore, friends in the north, when enjoying the coolness brought by the rain, don't forget to take measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down.

So how will this rainstorm belt "drift" next? According to the forecast, the rainstorm may be adjusted, but it will not be too intense.

The torrential rain entrenched in the south finally went north, but the torrential rain was "drifting", why did it "tilt"?

Judging from the detailed distribution of rainwater, 11 provinces and cities including Jiangsu, Anhui, and Hubei will be hit by heavy to heavy rain. Among them, five provinces, including central Anhui, eastern Hubei, and northwest Jiangxi, will also face the test of heavy rain. These areas may also be accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds.

After this wave of rain, the rain will continue to develop. It is mainly concentrated in Guizhou, Jiangxi, Anhui and other places. Especially in Guizhou and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, there will be heavy rain and heavy rain. This wave of rain is not expected to change until July 2. During this period, the rainfall in Jianghuai, near the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and in the northwest of the Yangtze River will be 1 to 2 times more. Locally accumulated rainfall may even approach or exceed historical levels.

The torrential rain entrenched in the south finally went north, but the torrential rain was "drifting", why did it "tilt"?

Speaking of which, I have to mention this time period of "seven down and eight up". "Seven lower and eight upper" refers to the period from late July to early August every year, when precipitation is most concentrated in North China and Northeast China. This rainy time is usually very strong.

In addition, there is new information on the formation of typhoons, and in early July, a tropical depression may form over the ocean east of the Philippines. It's not sure if this low pressure will develop into a typhoon, but it's worth looking forward to!