
It's up to you to regain your old dreams

author:The erudite Aoyama 7K
It's up to you to regain your old dreams
It's up to you to regain your old dreams
It's up to you to regain your old dreams

It's up to you to regain your old dreams

In this noisy world, people come and go, and everything seems to be so hurried and casual. However, in my heart, there is a voice that always echoes, that is the call to you, that is the nostalgia for the past.

It's up to you to regain your old dreams

We've had laughter, we've had tears, we've had arguments, we've had reconciliations. Those days, like an old movie, played over and over again in my head. I remember your smile, I remember the look in your eyes, I remember the temperature when you held my hand. Those details, so real, so clear, as if they happened yesterday.

It's up to you to regain your old dreams

However, at some point, the distance between us has become more and more distant. Maybe it's because of a small misunderstanding, maybe it's because of each other's stubbornness and pride. Neither of us said "I'm sorry" or bravely reached out to hug each other. In this way, we silently bear the thoughts and pain in our respective corners.

It's up to you to regain your old dreams

But, I know, I can't go on like this. I don't want to let the past continue, and I don't want our story to end like this. So, I want to say to you: "Let's reconcile, I don't want dignity anymore, I don't want to hold other people's hands except you." ”

It's up to you to regain your old dreams

This sentence may be a little humble and helpless, but it is the most sincere call in my heart. I am willing to put aside all my self-esteem and pride, just to be able to hold your hand again and walk with you through the days to come.

It's up to you to regain your old dreams

I know, the process is not easy. Maybe we'll quarrel again, maybe we'll face difficulties and challenges again. However, as long as we can understand and tolerate each other, as long as we can treat each other with sincerity, I believe that we will be able to go through this difficult time.

It's up to you to regain your old dreams

In the days to come, I hope we can rediscover that original intention and passion. I hope we can watch the sunrise and sunset together, listen to the sound of the waves together, and feel the beauty of this world together. I hope that our love can be like that old song, after years of precipitation and baptism, and still be able to maintain the original touching and beauty.

It's up to you to regain your old dreams
It's up to you to regain your old dreams
It's up to you to regain your old dreams
It's up to you to regain your old dreams

So, my dear, please give me a chance and let's start over. I am willing to use all my sincerity and courage to exchange for our future happiness and beauty. Because in my heart, I really don't want to hold other people's hands except you.

It's up to you to regain your old dreams
It's up to you to regain your old dreams
It's up to you to regain your old dreams
It's up to you to regain your old dreams
It's up to you to regain your old dreams