
A bowl of rolling dough has lost nearly 9 million in total, and Fat Donglai has made a lot of money in this wave of operations!

author:Shuo Shuo eats melons


Have you ever heard that a supermarket not only took the initiative to suspend business for rectification because of food safety problems, but also paid a huge amount of nearly 10 million yuan to compensate consumers? This is not a fantasy, but a real scene recently staged by Xinxiang Fat Donglai Supermarket. As soon as this incident came out, it immediately became a hot topic after dinner. Fat Donglai, the name sounds quite flavorful, and the story behind it is even more talkative.

A bowl of rolling dough has lost nearly 9 million in total, and Fat Donglai has made a lot of money in this wave of operations!

1. Fat Donglai: Not only a supermarket, but also the guardian of food safety

Fat Donglai, which sounds reminiscent of a friendly and warm name, is a household name in Xinxiang. But it's more than just a supermarket. In this era, food safety problems are frequent, and many businesses often ignore the quality and safety of food in order to pursue profits. But Fat Donglai is an exception, they have always put food safety in the first place and strictly control every link.

A bowl of rolling dough has lost nearly 9 million in total, and Fat Donglai has made a lot of money in this wave of operations!

This time, the dough rolling processing site was exposed to a dirty environment, and Fat Donglai did not choose to evade responsibility, but chose to face the problem head-on. They acted quickly, suspending the operations of all F&B outlets and setting up a dedicated investigation team to conduct an in-depth investigation. After verification, there are indeed serious problems with the sanitary environment of the processing site, which does not meet the company's processing environmental standards. Faced with such a result, Fat Donglai did not shirk responsibility, but took decisive action.

A bowl of rolling dough has lost nearly 9 million in total, and Fat Donglai has made a lot of money in this wave of operations!

Second, the resounding compensation, the sincerity and responsibility of Fat Donglai

Fat Donglai's sincerity is not just lip service. They not only dismissed the relevant responsible persons, but also offered a reward of up to 100,000 yuan to the customers who reported it. This is not enough, they even took the initiative to compensate those customers who had purchased the problematic products, 1,000 yuan per person, a total of nearly 9 million yuan! This kind of compensation not only makes consumers feel the sincerity of Fat Donglai, but also allows them to see Fat Donglai's responsibility as an enterprise.

A bowl of rolling dough has lost nearly 9 million in total, and Fat Donglai has made a lot of money in this wave of operations!

You may ask, how can a supermarket have so much money to compensate? In fact, Fat Donglai is not only a supermarket, it also has a huge business empire behind it. From food to daily necessities, from online to offline, Fat Donglai has a wide range of layouts. Moreover, they have always paid attention to product quality and service quality, which has won the trust and reputation of consumers. Although this incident has brought them a lot of losses, Fat Donglai has proved their respect and attention to consumers with practical actions.

A bowl of rolling dough has lost nearly 9 million in total, and Fat Donglai has made a lot of money in this wave of operations!

3. Netizens are hotly discussed: Fat Donglai is a real conscientious enterprise

As soon as this incident came out, netizens expressed their opinions on social media. Many netizens praised Fat Donglai's handling attitude, believing that their emphasis on food safety is worth learning from other companies. Some netizens said: "Fat Donglai is really impressive this time, they not only self-examine and self-punish, but also take the initiative to take responsibility, such an enterprise is a real conscience enterprise!" Some netizens said: "I will go to Fat Donglai to buy things in the future, and their product quality and service quality are trustworthy!" ”

A bowl of rolling dough has lost nearly 9 million in total, and Fat Donglai has made a lot of money in this wave of operations!

In addition to the heated discussions among netizens, some industry experts also spoke highly of Fat Donglai's approach. They believe that Fat Donglai not only shows the company's sense of responsibility and responsibility, but also sets a good industry benchmark. In this era of frequent food safety problems, Fat Donglai's approach has undoubtedly given a good demonstration and inspiration to other enterprises.

Fourth, the story behind it: the founder of Fat Donglai and his original intention

Speaking of Fat Donglai, we have to mention its founder, Yu Donglai. Yu Donglai is a native of Xinxiang, and he has been passionate about business since he was a child. Before founding Fat Donglai, he had worked in a variety of industries for many years and accumulated rich experience and network resources. He is well aware of the importance of food safety to consumers, so he always puts food safety first and strictly controls every link.

A bowl of rolling dough has lost nearly 9 million in total, and Fat Donglai has made a lot of money in this wave of operations!

Yu Donglai not only pays attention to product quality and service quality, but also attaches great importance to corporate culture and team building. He advocates the management concept of "people-oriented", emphasizing that employees are the most valuable wealth of the enterprise. There is a strong cultural atmosphere and team spirit within Fat Donglai, and the employees support and help each other to form a warm and harmonious family.

5. Conclusion: Food safety is no trivial matter, and Fat Donglai has set an example for us

Food safety is a major issue related to everyone's life and health, which cannot be ignored. In this era, we need more companies like Fat Donglai to ensure our food safety. They not only have strict food safety standards, but also have a high sense of responsibility and responsibility. They have proved with practical actions what true corporate responsibility and conscience are.

A bowl of rolling dough has lost nearly 9 million in total, and Fat Donglai has made a lot of money in this wave of operations!

Let us praise this feat of Fat Donglai, and look forward to more companies being able to protect the rights and interests of consumers with practical actions like Fat Donglai, and jointly create a safe, healthy and honest consumption environment. At the same time, we also hope that the government can strengthen the supervision of food safety, increase the punishment of illegal enterprises, so that food safety problems can be better solved.