
The enrollment of military schools was shocked, and the scores were greatly reduced, and they were still dissatisfied, why?

author:Shuo Shuo eats melons

Why is military school enrollment cold? What's the truth behind it?


Hey, did you hear that? The military school that once made countless hot-blooded young people want to enter is now cold! As soon as this news came out, it was really a big surprise. Back then, the military academy was a golden signboard, and many people dreamed of it. Why is it so unpopular now? Could it really be that times have changed, and military schools are no longer popular? Don't worry, let's reveal the truth behind it!

The enrollment of military schools was shocked, and the scores were greatly reduced, and they were still dissatisfied, why?

First, the threshold is high, which is daunting

Back then, our dream when we were children was to be able to wear that handsome military uniform when we grew up to defend our family and country. However, the threshold of this military school is not ordinarily high. You have to pass the academic performance level first, and you have to score high in subjects such as math and English. This is not the end, the physical condition must also be excellent, and the eyesight, height, and weight must meet the standards. These conditions are like mountains, blocking the face of countless hot-blooded young people. How can you say that makes people not sad?

The enrollment of military schools was shocked, and the scores were greatly reduced, and they were still dissatisfied, why?

But then again, there are benefits to this high standard. After all, military academies are places to train future military talents, and the best seedlings must be selected to cultivate. So, although the threshold is a little higher, this is also to ensure that our country's military strength can become stronger and stronger.

The enrollment of military schools was shocked, and the scores were greatly reduced, and they were still dissatisfied, why?

Second, the political examination is strict, and the family background is the key

In addition to academic performance and physical condition, there is a particularly important link in military schools - political examination. This link, but it has brushed a lot of people down. You have to make sure that you and your immediate family are clean about their political background, and you can't do the slightest problem. It's a lot harder than getting into college! How do you think this doesn't make people uncomfortable?

The enrollment of military schools was shocked, and the scores were greatly reduced, and they were still dissatisfied, why?

However, there are also benefits to strict political review. After all, military academies are places where the pillars of the country are trained, and every cadet must be made sure to be loyal and reliable. Therefore, although the political trial is a little stricter, this is also to ensure the security and stability of our country.

The enrollment of military schools was shocked, and the scores were greatly reduced, and they were still dissatisfied, why?

Third, the employment prospects are unclear, which makes people suspicious

In addition to the above thresholds and political trials, there is another reason why many people are hesitant - employment prospects. In the past, graduates of military academies were assigned jobs by the state, with good pay and high status. But now? You have to participate in the unified distribution, and the place of work and the position are full of variables. This makes many people feel uncertain, and they don't know where they will go and what they will do after graduation. You say it's not hard to choose?

The enrollment of military schools was shocked, and the scores were greatly reduced, and they were still dissatisfied, why?

But then again, although the job prospects are a little uncertain, this is also an inevitable result of the development of the times. Now, the state encourages the free flow of talents and the independent choice of occupations. Therefore, although military academy graduates have to participate in the unified distribution, this is also to allow everyone to have more opportunities for choice and development.

The enrollment of military schools was shocked, and the scores were greatly reduced, and they were still dissatisfied, why?

Fourth, the style of the military academy is still the same, and the charm has not diminished

Having said so much, in fact, the charm of the military school is still the same as it was back then. Those students in military uniforms are sweating and honing their will on campus. They not only have to learn various military skills, but also learn cultural knowledge and exercise their physical fitness. This kind of experience is not something that ordinary people can have. Moreover, the teachers of the military school are also very strong! They are all top military experts and scholars from all over the country. It's really a blessing to be able to learn and grow here!

The enrollment of military schools was shocked, and the scores were greatly reduced, and they were still dissatisfied, why?

Of course, military schools aren't for everyone! It requires you to have strong faith, tenacious will, and solid knowledge. Only those who truly love the military cause and are willing to contribute their own strength to national security and stability can find their own stage and position here!

The enrollment of military schools was shocked, and the scores were greatly reduced, and they were still dissatisfied, why?


Alright, alright! That's all that I said! Actually! The fact that the enrollment of military schools is cold! It's not a big deal! It's just a microcosm of the changing times! Although the current military academy enrollment threshold is high, the political examination is strict, and the employment prospects are uncertain! But it's still a place full of charm and challenges! As long as you have firm faith and tenacious will! You will be able to find your own stage and position here! So! If you also have a dream of defending your home and country! Then don't hesitate! Sign up for the army now! Let's contribute to the security and stability of the country together!

The enrollment of military schools was shocked, and the scores were greatly reduced, and they were still dissatisfied, why?