
Why do some retirees like to grow vegetables, is it because they want to save money, or for other reasons

author:Migrant workers, engineers

Is it true that retired seniors grow vegetables just to save money?

In today's fast-paced city life, more and more retirees are choosing to carve out a small world in the suburbs and grow their own vegetables. At first glance, it may seem like a way to save money on living expenses, but in reality, the reasons for this are much more than that.

Let's take a look at the story of our neighbor, Uncle Wang. After Uncle Wang retired, he rented a piece of land in the suburbs and started growing vegetables. At first, he thought he was trying to save money, but soon found out that growing vegetables cost him more.

Why do some retirees like to grow vegetables, is it because they want to save money, or for other reasons

In order to take care of this vegetable field, Uncle Wang invested a lot. From all kinds of gardening tools to electric tricycles, to necessities such as seeds and fertilizers, the upfront investment is not small. What's more, he insists on not using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which undoubtedly makes it more difficult to grow.

At the beginning, Uncle Wang's vegetable garden was miserable. The leaves are covered with insect eyes, and the growth is not as good as that of others. By the time his food was finally ready to eat, the price of similar vegetables in the market had already plummeted. From an economic point of view, this is a completely loss-making transaction.

Why do some retirees like to grow vegetables, is it because they want to save money, or for other reasons

So, why does Uncle Wang insist on growing vegetables?

Growing vegetables gave Uncle Wang a new goal in life. After retirement, many elderly people feel lost and have nothing to do. The activity of growing vegetables not only fills the gap in his life, but also gives him the opportunity to learn and grow. From a novice who doesn't know anything about growing vegetables, to being able to grow good vegetables now, this process has brought Uncle Wang a great sense of achievement.

Why do some retirees like to grow vegetables, is it because they want to save money, or for other reasons

Growing vegetables is a great form of exercise. The perennial work has significantly improved Uncle Wang's physical condition. All physical indicators, which were on the verge of danger, are now back to normal. This kind of change is difficult to achieve by simply going to the gym.

Growing vegetables satisfies Uncle Wang's pursuit of food safety. Although his vegetables may not look so good, they are extra safe to eat. In today's context of frequent food safety problems, this sense of security is invaluable.

Why do some retirees like to grow vegetables, is it because they want to save money, or for other reasons

Growing vegetables has also become a bond between Uncle Wang and his family and neighbors. During the harvest season, he always shares some of the vegetables he grows with his friends and family. This not only makes him proud, but also brings people closer together.

Growing vegetables also allows Uncle Wang to get in touch with nature. In the midst of a busy city life, having a pastoral area of your own and working with the land and plants is a pleasure in itself.

Why do some retirees like to grow vegetables, is it because they want to save money, or for other reasons

For retired seniors like Uncle Wang, growing vegetables has long gone beyond mere economic considerations. It is a lifestyle choice and a quest for health, safety, and well-being. While on the face of it, this may be a "loss-making" activity, the benefits it brings are difficult to measure for money.

Why do some retirees like to grow vegetables, is it because they want to save money, or for other reasons

For those retired elderly who are still hesitant to try vegetable farming, Uncle Wang's experience may give them some inspiration. Growing vegetables is not only about growing vegetables, but also about planting a positive attitude towards life. Even if you may not have professional planting skills, as long as you have interest and perseverance, I believe you can reap your own pastoral fun.

Why do some retirees like to grow vegetables, is it because they want to save money, or for other reasons

After all, life in retirement should be colorful. Whether it's growing vegetables, square dancing, or learning a new skill, it's important to find what makes you happy. And for Uncle Wang, growing vegetables is an indispensable part of his retirement life.