
Who would have thought that Guo Youcai and the Internet celebrity "Bai Bing" with 40 million fans quarreled?

author:Kawako Films

Breaking news! The adventures of Zhangjiajie, Guo Youcai and Bai Bing's "tongue storm", the Internet celebrity world earthquake!

Who would have thought that Guo Youcai and the Internet celebrity "Bai Bing" with 40 million fans quarreled?

Hey, friends, today let's talk about the unexpected Internet wave in the picturesque landscape of Zhangjiajie! Guo Youcai, this popular traveler, has just left footprints in Zhangjiajie, the beautiful scenery is current, it should be peaceful, but I don't want to, and another big name Bai Bing "firefight" in the air, this wave of operation, is simply more jaw-dropping than the three thousand peaks!

Who would have thought that Guo Youcai and the Internet celebrity "Bai Bing" with 40 million fans quarreled?

The source of the story is Guo Youcai's self-exposed experience of "conscience refusal of money" during the live broadcast. The sky-high game endorsement came to the door, but he was stunned and refused, saying that he wanted to use everyone's support for more meaningful things. These words warmed the hearts of fans and became the fuse of this "moral war".

Who would have thought that Guo Youcai and the Internet celebrity "Bai Bing" with 40 million fans quarreled?

On Bai Bing's side, he directly threw a "depth charge" in the comment area, with sharp words, pointing directly at the "hypocrisy" of some people.

Who would have thought that Guo Youcai and the Internet celebrity "Bai Bing" with 40 million fans quarreled?

His position is clear: I advertise, I earn mine, why do you make irresponsible remarks? But this explosion has caused a lot of controversy, and as soon as the "archway theory" came out, netizens couldn't sit still!

Who would have thought that Guo Youcai and the Internet celebrity "Bai Bing" with 40 million fans quarreled?

The addition of Li Yuchan's big V made this fire burn even more vigorously, and an article "The Archway is a Coffee Position" attracted a lot of discussion inside and outside the circle. For a time, the balance of morality and interests became the focus of attention. ⚖️

Who would have thought that Guo Youcai and the Internet celebrity "Bai Bing" with 40 million fans quarreled?

The voices of fans are also mixed. Some people support Bai Bing's outspokenness, and some people feel sorry that Guo Youcai's kindness is misunderstood. The tracks are different, and they should have run their own ways, but this wave of mutual confrontation made netizens begin to reflect: The world of Internet celebrities, true and false, where is the boundary?

Who would have thought that Guo Youcai and the Internet celebrity "Bai Bing" with 40 million fans quarreled?

Finally, in our Internet era, everyone is a microphone, and every word and deed can make waves. The dispute between Guo and Bai actually reflects the pain points of the entire industry: how to find a balance between traffic and responsibility? How do you stay authentic in plain sight?

Who would have thought that Guo Youcai and the Internet celebrity "Bai Bing" with 40 million fans quarreled?

As a bystander, I believe that whether it is an Internet celebrity or an ordinary person, it is the long-term solution to keep your own bottom line and respect the choices of others. Although this wave of "war" is hot, it also reminds us to look at it rationally and not let the smoke of the Internet obscure the truth.

Who would have thought that Guo Youcai and the Internet celebrity "Bai Bing" with 40 million fans quarreled?

Seeing this, don't you think this thing is quite interesting? If you feel the same way, you might as well move your fingers, like, retweet, and let more people join this thinking about morality and interests! Let's work together to contribute to the clarity of the network environment!

Who would have thought that Guo Youcai and the Internet celebrity "Bai Bing" with 40 million fans quarreled?

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