
Big S changed the hexagram again, reiterating that he would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and would not let the two babies return to Beijing, which was full of gunpowder!

author:Heaven and earth


It is said that the ups and downs of the entertainment industry are more exciting than serials.

Today, let's talk about Wang Xiaofei and Da S, the former fairy couple, from the love show full of screen to the emotional entanglement of "cutting constantly, sorting out and messing", it is simply a sigh while eating melons.

Recently, Big S didn't let the two babies go back to Beijing, and it was even more uproaring, and even the "national mother-in-law" Zhang Lan couldn't help but open the microphone live broadcast, hitting the pain point, this melon, keep ripe!

Big S changed the hexagram again, reiterating that he would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and would not let the two babies return to Beijing, which was full of gunpowder!

Cause of the incident: From fairy tale to bubble

Back then, the marriage between Wang Xiaofei and Da S was simply a "modern version of the prince and princess" that came out of a fairy tale book, and the sweetness index exploded, making a group of single dogs both red-eyed and itchy teeth.

But just like all beautiful fairy tales are always followed by a "yet", the seemingly impregnable wall of marriage can't resist the distance between the two hearts after all.

The emotional incompatibility, the subtle differences between Eastern and Western cultures, and the small frictions that are untidy and messy have turned a good story into a conversation after today's tea and dinner.

Big S changed the hexagram again, reiterating that he would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and would not let the two babies return to Beijing, which was full of gunpowder!

As soon as the chapter of divorce was turned, Wang Xiaofei turned around and met his "sweet upgraded version" - Ma Xiaomei, the two of them are like glue, and the sweetness does not decrease but increases; And Big S is not to be outdone, and ushered in her Korean drama actor Gu Junye, continuing to write a new chapter of her own.

This has come and gone, and both sides seem to have found their own "second spring".

Big S changed the hexagram again, reiterating that he would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and would not let the two babies return to Beijing, which was full of gunpowder!

But in this drama of adults' pursuit of happiness, the most worrying thing is the pair of little feet - children, who have become veritable "love sandwich sandwiches", in a dilemma, innocently facing the changes in the adult world.

I hope that in all this turmoil, they can still maintain that innocent smile and become the truest "source of sugar" in life.

After all, no matter how complicated the world of adults is, children's happiness is always worth protecting.

Big S changed the hexagram again, reiterating that he would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and would not let the two babies return to Beijing, which was full of gunpowder!

Big S's "Variations"

Speaking of the focus of this turmoil, it is that Big S has prevented his children from returning to Beijing to visit relatives several times.

One time was that the itinerary that was promised suddenly changed, the second time I found a reason to shirk it, and the third time, I was able to find a new trick.

Behind this, there may be Da S's discomfort with his ex-husband's new life, his fear of the children leaving his side, and Ma Xiaomei's inadvertent small actions, such as peeling a shrimp, can touch sensitive nerves.

Hey, in the final analysis, the "dark war" in the adult world is still suffering from children.

Big S changed the hexagram again, reiterating that he would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and would not let the two babies return to Beijing, which was full of gunpowder!

Zhang Lan's "Live Broadcast"

Big S refused here, Zhang Lan couldn't sit still over there, and opened her mouth directly in the live broadcast, which was called a true outpouring, angry and a little helpless.

The old lady was anxious in her heart, and she knew better than anyone that her grandchildren were homesick.

Zhang Lan worked hard for the rights and interests of the children, not only in verbal support, but also in practical actions.

The old lady's heart is fleshy, and her love for the children is not ambiguous at all.

Big S changed the hexagram again, reiterating that he would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and would not let the two babies return to Beijing, which was full of gunpowder!

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei's "warm card"

The new combination of Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei is also actively responding to this sudden family turmoil.

rushed back to Taipei and solved the problem face-to-face, and the love for children can be felt through the screen.

The little sweetness between them and the warmth of supporting each other also make people see the hope of a new life.

Love is precious, family affection is more valuable, along the way, they work hand in hand, in order to give the child a complete love.

Big S changed the hexagram again, reiterating that he would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and would not let the two babies return to Beijing, which was full of gunpowder!

Netizens are hotly discussed: There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people

Oops, as soon as this incident came out, netizens were really more lively than their own hot pots, waving their keyboards and staging a collision of opinions.

Some friends think that the operation of Big S is a bit like a remote control that has not been adjusted, and the channel is wrong; On the other hand, Aunt Zhang Lan has gained a lot of "iron fans", everyone calls her a "hardcore grandma", full of responsibility, and she is simply a family version of "Superwoman".

Big S changed the hexagram again, reiterating that he would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and would not let the two babies return to Beijing, which was full of gunpowder!

Of course, there is also a group of warm spiritual mentors who light up small light bulbs in the crowd, reminding everyone not to forget that children are like little angels who have strayed into the battlefield of adults, pure and innocent, even if the family's boat encounters wind and waves, you must remember to drive around the children's small world, and don't let the disturbance of the adult world affect that pure land.

This back and forth, the housework that originally belonged to the "private dish" has become a "public banquet" watched by the whole people, making people think while eating melons: Hey, this family harmony is not the number one seasoning in life, without it, the days will really become a soup without salt, light and tasteless.

So, home and everything is prosperous, this is more reasonable than the old fire soup!

Big S changed the hexagram again, reiterating that he would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and would not let the two babies return to Beijing, which was full of gunpowder!

Who will guard the future of children?

In the final analysis, Xiao Yue'er and Xiao La's two immature hearts have become the most innocent weather forecasters in this adult emotional storm.

Their little wish is just to want a father's love that is as stable as an old tree, a calm growth environment, but they are helplessly swept into the eye of the emotional typhoon that seems to be forever peaceful in the adult world.

In a child's worldview, the sky should be rainbow-colored, and the days should be sweetened by lollipops, not occupied by the thunder and lightning of adults.

Big S changed the hexagram again, reiterating that he would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and would not let the two babies return to Beijing, which was full of gunpowder!

Friends from all walks of life have become a beacon of warmth at this moment, calling in unison: no matter where the giant ship of emotions ends up, adults should learn to press the button of "reconciliation" and throw those old stereotypes into the recycling bin like expired cheese.

After all, paving a sunny future for children is the most important project to be completed together.

Let our little warriors and princesses travel lightly to chase their own rainbows, instead of carrying the bags in the adult world early, which is a heavier burden than reciting 300 Tang poems!

Big S changed the hexagram again, reiterating that he would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and would not let the two babies return to Beijing, which was full of gunpowder!

Apocalypse of events: Home and Prosperity

This series of entanglements is not only a private matter of celebrity families, but also a mirror, reflecting the difficulties that countless families may face.

It reminds us that it is not easy to maintain family affection, and what is needed is understanding and tolerance.

Deal with family conflicts, be more rational and less impulsive, after all, home is a place of love, not a battlefield.

I hope that this turmoil can subside as soon as possible, so that the children can grow up healthily surrounded by love, and let everyone understand that true happiness is not to win each other, but to protect the temperature of the home.

Big S changed the hexagram again, reiterating that he would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and would not let the two babies return to Beijing, which was full of gunpowder!


The story is not finished, as bystanders, in addition to eating melons, we must learn to learn lessons from it, cherish the people in front of us, and make our small family harmonious and happy.

After all, in life, harmony is the truth.

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