
It's heart-wrenching! The girl scored 389 points in the college entrance examination, and her parents burst into tears and said: It cost you 680,000 yuan to make up classes for three years

author:Jiejie said something

: Ouch, there's another big news here in Zhejiang! A girl's college entrance examination score was released, and she only scored 389 points, which made the family anxious. Why? Because in the past three years, her parents have spent a full 680,000 yuan in order to make up lessons for her! Thinking about this number, I can feel the sadness of this family at the moment.



In other words, the competition in Zhejiang's college entrance examination is notoriously fierce. Every year, there are so many parents, in order to let their children go to a good university, they do not hesitate to smash the pot and sell iron, enroll their children in various cram schools, and hire tutors. No, this girl's family is a typical example.

It's heart-wrenching! The girl scored 389 points in the college entrance examination, and her parents burst into tears and said: It cost you 680,000 yuan to make up classes for three years

This girl has been pinned on by her family since she was a child. Her parents always chanted "hope that the son will become a dragon, and the daughter will become a phoenix", thinking that as long as they are willing to spend money, they can pave a good road for their children. So, since high school, they have enrolled their children in a lot of cram schools, and they have also hired professional tutors for one-on-one tutoring. In the past three years, the total number of make-up fees has been as high as 680,000!

It's heart-wrenching! The girl scored 389 points in the college entrance examination, and her parents burst into tears and said: It cost you 680,000 yuan to make up classes for three years

Ouch, as soon as this number came out, I was stunned. 680,000, that's not a small number! That's a few years of family savings! But the result? This girl only scored 389 points in the college entrance examination, and she couldn't even get into a good college. At this moment, the whole family was dumbfounded.

It's heart-wrenching! The girl scored 389 points in the college entrance examination, and her parents burst into tears and said: It cost you 680,000 yuan to make up classes for three years

This girl's parents are crying even more. They felt that the 680,000 was like a waste, and they didn't get anything. In their hearts, not to mention how uncomfortable it is. This girl is also self-blaming and helpless. She felt that she had failed her parents' expectations and wasted so much of their money.

This matter can be regarded as causing an uproar in Zhejiang. Everyone, they're all talking about it. Some people say, this parent is too irrational, how can he blindly make up lessons for his child? Some people said, this girl is too uncompetitive, why is she so uncompetitive?

It's heart-wrenching! The girl scored 389 points in the college entrance examination, and her parents burst into tears and said: It cost you 680,000 yuan to make up classes for three years
It's heart-wrenching! The girl scored 389 points in the college entrance examination, and her parents burst into tears and said: It cost you 680,000 yuan to make up classes for three years

First: Parents expect too much from their children, and that's right. But ah, they should also take into account the child's actual situation and interests. If the child doesn't like to study or a certain subject, it's useless for you to make up for it. Besides, every child has their own strengths and strengths, and parents should explore their children's potential more than blindly pursuing scores.

Second: The problem of cram schools should not be ignored. Now, there are some cram schools to make money, but they dare to say anything. They exaggerate, saying how good the quality of their teaching is, how quickly they improve their scores, and so on. But really? A lot of them are deceptive! After they collect the money, they just find a random teacher to teach and send some materials for students to see. Such a cram school is simply a pit for people!

It's heart-wrenching! The girl scored 389 points in the college entrance examination, and her parents burst into tears and said: It cost you 680,000 yuan to make up classes for three years

Third: The college entrance examination is not the only criterion for measuring a person's ability. Although it is said that the college entrance examination is very important, it does not determine a person's future. We have to see that the college entrance examination is just a stage in life, and there are still many opportunities waiting for us to grasp it!

It's heart-wrenching! The girl scored 389 points in the college entrance examination, and her parents burst into tears and said: It cost you 680,000 yuan to make up classes for three years

So, what I want to say is, as parents, we have to look at children's education rationally, we can't blindly follow the trend, and we can't pursue scores too much; As children, we also have to study hard, but we also have to find our own interests and directions, and we can't blindly cater to the expectations of our parents; As a society, we also have to give children a more fair and reasonable educational environment, and we can't let them carry too much pressure and expectations!


Oh, having said so much, in fact, I just want to tell you a truth: education, you have to look at it rationally! Don't blindly follow the trend, don't pursue scores too much, and don't put too much pressure on your child! Only in this way can we let the children grow up healthily and happily on the road that suits them!

It's heart-wrenching! The girl scored 389 points in the college entrance examination, and her parents burst into tears and said: It cost you 680,000 yuan to make up classes for three years

Okay, okay, that's all for today's headlines! If you have any thoughts or opinions, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss! We'll talk next time!

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