
The teacher told parents to come to the school to clean up, but no one responded. The teacher was furious: from now on, they will go their own way

The teacher told parents to come to the school to clean up, but no one responded. The teacher was furious: from now on, they will go their own way

When did parents be required to be responsible for cleaning the school?

近日,一位老师在家长群里通知家长到校打扫卫生,因为没人回应,老师直接发火了:“以后我只管上课‬,孩子的成绩与我无关。 ”

The teacher told parents to come to the school to clean up, but no one responded. The teacher was furious: from now on, they will go their own way

The teacher is in the group to Aite all parents, "because of the inspection, 4 parents need to come to the school to help clean up, and the parents who can come send the number 1 in the group to register." ”

sent two messages in a row, waited left and right for more than an hour, and did not see a response from the parents in the group, the teacher was angry, and directly sent a voice in the group......


The home-school relationship is always seen as an important part of a child's development, but the teacher's tone is really incomprehensible!

Why do parents need to clean the school? It's not easy for teachers, it's not easy for parents, and you have to work and always pay attention to the news in the parent group......

The teacher told parents to come to the school to clean up, but no one responded. The teacher was furious: from now on, they will go their own way

And judging from the voice message sent by this teacher, this is not the first time that parents have been asked to clean up at school......

The teacher told parents to come to the school to clean up, but no one responded. The teacher was furious: from now on, they will go their own way

"Every time there are people who clean up, it's always a few parents."

I saw parents report on the Internet before, saying that the school will not only arrange parents to be on duty every day, take turns to clean, but also ask parents to stand guard at the school gate. Nowadays, the phenomenon of schools is really difficult to understand, in the past, in our days, we used to go to school with a broom to go to school on duty.

Now why are parents being asked to clean up?

The teacher told parents to come to the school to clean up, but no one responded. The teacher was furious: from now on, they will go their own way

The teacher asked the parents: "I have asked the children, many parents have time, can't they find time to help clean up?" Ready for the test? ”

I don't know if this teacher is used to training children, and this is the tone when talking to parents. Teachers and parents treat each other as equals, just because no one responds in the group, isn't it inappropriate for her to use this tone to reprimand parents?

The teacher told parents to come to the school to clean up, but no one responded. The teacher was furious: from now on, they will go their own way

In the end, the teacher directly stumbled in the group and quit. Angry said: "

This makes people incomprehensible, as a teacher, teaching and educating people is her profession, just because parents don't go to school to clean, they will vent their anger on their children, saying that they don't care about grades, what kind of logic is this?

Since each is in charge of his own affairs, the teacher disciplines the child at school, and the parents discipline the child at home, isn't this how it should be? Opening and closing your mouth is your own responsibility, so why ask parents to go to school to clean up?

The teacher told parents to come to the school to clean up, but no one responded. The teacher was furious: from now on, they will go their own way

It's really difficult for parents nowadays, and the teacher's sentence "each in charge of his own" also reminds us that the relationship between home and school can't be so tense. Once the relationship is strained, the child's education will suffer.



The teacher told parents to come to the school to clean up, but no one responded. The teacher was furious: from now on, they will go their own way


The teacher told parents to come to the school to clean up, but no one responded. The teacher was furious: from now on, they will go their own way


In fact, the school teachers ask parents to clean the school, and they also hope that parents can participate more actively in their children's education, rather than just being a bystander.

It's just that parents have their own jobs and families, and they may really not have time to help at school, and teachers have to understand parents, right?

The teacher told parents to come to the school to clean up, but no one responded. The teacher was furious: from now on, they will go their own way

In our time, every time the school was cleaned, it was the students who carried brooms, mops, and rags from home, and all grades worked together to clean the school.

The teacher told parents to come to the school to clean up, but no one responded. The teacher was furious: from now on, they will go their own way

Now the times are different, they all pay attention to home-school co-education, to put it bluntly, it is like cooking, everyone has to work together to make good dishes, and parents and teachers can work together to cultivate good children.

So, parents and friends, don't hesitate to take action!

(The material comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, contact to delete)

The teacher told parents to come to the school to clean up, but no one responded. The teacher was furious: from now on, they will go their own way