
The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

author:Willing to talk about emotions

In the spring of 2024, the sun shines on a university campus. Five 22-year-old young people shuttled between the school buildings, busy and fulfilling. They are brothers and sisters, but they have different appearances. These five young people have a special identity - the first surviving quintuplets in China.

There is a hint of sadness hidden in the laughter: the story of their father who died seven years ago in this special family dates back to 2002, a year full of miracles and challenges, when an ordinary rural couple faced a major decision that changed their lives......

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

In 2002, 36-year-old Liu Jinxia accidentally discovered that she was pregnant with quintuplets when she was pregnant, and the news was like a bombshell, causing an uproar in the medical community. The probability of conceiving quintuplets is only 1 in 10 million, which is a medical miracle.

When they learned the news, Liu Jinxia and her husband Chen Guangying's mood was like turning over the river, and all kinds of complex emotions were intertwined, both excitement and worry. As ordinary rural couples, they are deeply worried about the enormous challenges despite the imminent arrival of five new lives.

Doctors are also caught in a dilemma, from a medical point of view, multiple pregnancies are a high risk that not only threatens the health of the pregnant woman, but can also have an impact on the development of the fetus, and they recommend selective fetal reduction to ensure the safety of some fetuses and the mother.

However, Liu Jinxia and Chen Guangying are faced with an extremely difficult moral choice. How do they decide which child to keep and which to give up? For them, every life is extremely precious.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

After deep thinking and a long discussion, the couple made a brave and risky decision: they decided to keep all five fetuses.

Chen Guangying held his wife's hand tightly, his eyes shining with determination, and he told his wife: "No matter how difficult it is, we have to face it together." Children are a gift from God, and we have no right to decide who lives and who dies.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

In this way, this unpretentious rural couple, with awe of life and longing for the future, began a life journey full of unknowns. Little did they know that this decision would not only change their own fate, but would also leave a mark on the history of Chinese medicine.

However, the process of conceiving quintuplets is not an easy one. Liu Jinxia often feels unwell and even sometimes shows signs of complications. At this time, Chen Guangying will take care of his wife in every possible way, and give her the greatest support and comfort as much as he can.

As the due date approached, the whole family was nervous, both expecting the arrival of a new baby and worrying about the possible risks. Finally, on an ordinary day, Liu Jinxia was admitted to the hospital.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

Under the careful care of the doctors, five new lives were born one after another.

When the five little lives were hugged by the nurse in front of Liu Jinxia and Chen Guangying, tears of happiness overflowed in their eyes. They understand that from this moment on, their lives will be completely changed and a challenging but hopeful journey will begin.

As the news of quintuplets spread, an ordinary rural family instantly attracted the attention of the whole country. Major media rushed to report on this rare medical miracle, and the stories of Liu Jinxia and Chen Guangying touched many people.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

All walks of life have generously donated and dedicated. Caring people, businesses and organizations have donated money and materials to help this special family. Some volunteers took the initiative to help take care of the soon-to-be-born quintuplets, which not only gave substantial help, but also gave Liu Jinxia and Chen Guangying great courage and strength.

After learning about the plight of the quadruplets family, the China Youth Development Foundation quickly included them in the "Hope Project" key funding targets. This not only provides long-term financial support and security for the family, but also makes them feel the care and warmth of the society.

However, as the attention rose, Liu Jinxia and Chen Guangying felt unprecedented pressure. They are deeply troubled by the fact that they have to deal not only with the upcoming parenting challenges but also with the expectations of the public.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

Chen Guangying often tossed and turned in the middle of the night, sighing in a low voice: "We are just ordinary people, can we afford the expectations of so many people?" "。

Liu Jinxia always comforted her husband softly, and said gently: "We don't have to be heroes, just do our best to love our children." "

With the birth of quintuplets, social attention has reached its peak, and the entrance of the hospital is crowded with people and reporters who want to see the quintuplets. Although they were a little caught off guard, Liu Jinxia and Chen Guangying sincerely expressed their gratitude to the society.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

The touching story of this special family evokes a sense of awe and cherishment for life and love. For this family, this is not only a history of family struggle, but also a vivid example of the brilliance of human nature and social warmth.

One can see that in the face of the miracle of life, the whole society can unite and lend a hand.

The birth and growth of quintuplets is like a microcosm of an era, witnessing the progress of Chinese society and the flash of humanity. This story will continue to inspire more people to pass on their love and build a warmer and more humane society together.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

The birth of quintuplets completely changed the lives of Liu Jinxia and Chen Guangying. Family expenses skyrocketed in an instant, and the couple had to work harder to raise five children.

Chen Guangying returns early in the morning, carrying bricks at construction sites during the day and working as a waitress at restaurants at night. While taking care of the children, Liu Jinxia will also take on some odd jobs to earn living expenses.

Despite the hardships of life, every time they see the five children growing up healthy, their faces are filled with satisfied smiles.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

The childhood of the quintuplets was full of joys and challenges. In kindergarten, teachers often have a hard time telling who is who. Once, one of the mischievous kids swapped places with his brother, triggering a hilarious vignette.

This funny experience is brought up again and again at home, and each time it triggers a burst of laughter.

As the children grow up, their personality traits are revealed. Some of the children are active and active, others are quiet and introverted, and some children show exceptional talent for learning.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

Liu Jinxia and Chen Guangying respect each child's individuality and encourage them to develop their own interests.

At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the quintuplets were given a special opportunity that made the family popular in the world's attention. At that time, the five six-year-olds, dressed in uniform red T-shirts, participated in the solemn torch relay ceremony accompanied by their parents.

It was an experience they will never forget, and for the first time, they really felt the difference of being a "special" family.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

Despite the hardships of life, this special family is still full of laughter. The five children have a deep bond with each other, helping and encouraging each other. Whenever a difficult situation is encountered, the whole family will sit together and work together to find a way to overcome it.

This spirit of tenacity and solidarity has become their strongest weapon in the face of all challenges.

As children enter adolescence, new challenges arise. The dreams and pursuits of the five children begin to manifest, sometimes disagreements and contradictions. However, Liu Jinxia and Chen Guangying are always able to solve these problems with wisdom and patience, and guide the children to understand and support each other.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

At school, quintuplets are in the spotlight. They are not only concerned about their special status, but also because of their outstanding performance in learning and talents, which makes them loved by teachers and classmates.

Liu Jinxia and Chen Guangying are extremely proud, and their efforts have finally paid off.

Despite all the challenges in life, this special family remains optimistic and strong. Their stories not only touched the people around them, but also inspired more people to cherish life and bravely face all kinds of difficulties.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

In 2017, this special family suffered bad news, Chen Guangying, who was only 51 years old, died suddenly due to long-term overwork, leaving Liu Jinxia alone to raise five children.

Upon hearing the news of their father's death, the quintuplets, who were in high school, fell into deep grief. They can't accept this cruel reality, and the father who has been silently giving and encouraging them to pursue their dreams has left them forever.

Liu Jinxia has been trying to support the whole family, even though she is full of sadness. She knew she couldn't go down because she had five more children who needed her. She said to the children, "Although Dad has left us, his love will always be with us.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

We have to be strong, and we have to make Dad happy in the inspiration of heaven."

In the face of this sudden change, the quintuplets grew rapidly. They began to share household chores, some worked in their spare time to earn money, while others studied harder and tried to get scholarships.

Every child knows that every effort is made to reduce the burden on their mothers.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

During this difficult time, the family became more united. The bond between siblings has deepened, and they have learned to take care of each other and encourage each other. They have shown extraordinary maturity and strength in the face of difficulties.

Liu Jinxia watched the changes in the growth of the children, both relieved and distressed. She often wept silently in the dead of night, missing her husband and proud of the strength of her children.

She secretly made up her mind to replace her husband and continue to protect this family, so that the children can grow up healthy and happy.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

The sudden change brought a huge blow to the family, but it also made them cherish each other more and face life more firmly. The quintuplets and their mother, Liu Jinxia, proved with their own actions that the family is united and can overcome any difficulties.

Time flies, and the five babies have now grown up and been admitted to the university of their choice. Each of them has their own dreams and plans and is moving in different directions.

One of the children aspires to become a doctor, hoping to help elderly mothers like their mother. The other child wants to be a teacher, passing on knowledge and hope. There is also a passion for technology and a desire to make a difference in the tech sector.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

Everyone is doing their best to realize their ideals and give back to the care of the society in their own way.

Looking at the children's hopeful and expectant appearance as they pursued their dreams, Liu Jinxia's heart was full of relief and pride. She often said to her children, "Your growth is the greatest wish of my father and me."

No matter what kind of person you choose to be in the future, as long as you are happy, healthy, and useful to society, your father and I will be comforted by the spirit of heaven."

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

The quintuplets attracted the attention of the whole country at the beginning, and it is still the focus of everyone's attention. Their difficult experience is a history of family struggle, and it also shows the brilliance of humanity and the care of society.

This special family has demonstrated the preciousness of life and the power of love through their own experiences. They tell us that no matter how great the difficulties we face, as long as we have love and perseverance, nothing is impossible to overcome.

The story of the quintuplets continues, and their future is full of possibilities. No matter when, their experiences will inspire more people to bravely face life's challenges, cherish life, and pass on love and hope.

The sensational case of China's first quintuplets: the father died of exhaustion, and the children were 22 years old in college

Whenever the quintuplets go home for reunion, Liu Jinxia's mood is always mixed. She looked at the healthy and sunny appearance of the children, as if she could see the relieved smile of her husband Chen Guangying.

This family, which once attracted much media attention, has successfully survived the most difficult moments, and now they are ushering in a new chapter in their lives, and their story will continue to inspire more people to cherish life and pursue their dreams bravely.

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