
My father used a lot of soy sauce when he cooked, and he used soy sauce as chicken essence

author:When will my spring breeze come?

The use of light soy sauce is no stranger to everyone, it is a condiment to prepare delicious dishes in the kitchen, and its application is very common.

My father used a lot of soy sauce when he cooked, and he used soy sauce as chicken essence

From the moment it was born, it continued to enter the dining table of thousands of households and into the kitchen of every household.

The function of light soy sauce is to enhance the freshness of cooking food, and soy sauce is often used in stir-fried, stir-fried, fried, stuffy, and pickled dishes, but it is generally not used in dishes with clear soup.

Some food lovers also like to use it as a dye for food, replacing the role of dye professional household soy sauce.

When people make food, except for the clear soup dishes that do not release soy sauce, almost all other dishes will be put in, which shows how much everyone loves it?

My use of soy sauce is neutral, I will put the dishes that should be soy sauce, and I will definitely not put the dishes that should not be put in, and I don't put too much, just the amount of use up to the point.

Some people who love soy sauce are almost obsessed, but how obsessed are they? It is that you can pour light soy sauce into rice to make a bowl of light soy sauce bibimbap, and it is eaten with relish, and the aftertaste is endless.

Some people only cut a few raw chili dishes, then pour soy sauce on them, and make a simple chili saucer, which can be compared to the delicacies of the mountains and seas.

My father was one of those people, he was a man who was almost obsessed with soy sauce, and his dependence on soy sauce was like people's dependence on rice.

When my father was stir-frying, he didn't put chicken essence or monosodium glutamate, and he had a good way to improve freshness, which was to release soy sauce in the dishes.

My father used a lot of soy sauce when he cooked, and he used soy sauce as chicken essence

My father said: "Cooking and releasing soy sauce is equivalent to putting chicken essence and dark soy sauce, which can not only improve freshness but also dye, killing two birds with one stone." It can be seen that my father's feelings for raw soy sauce are not ordinary.

The consumption of light soy sauce is particularly large, a bottle of 3 liters of light soy sauce, under the hands of his father, about half a month or so to be used up, he measures the light soy sauce utensils, usually uses a vegetable spoon, every time a dish is fried, it is a vegetable spoon of light soy sauce, without blinking your eyes.

For my father's stir-frying, the amount of light soy sauce is so large, I once warned him: "Light soy sauce can be eaten, but it is like chicken essence, it is only used to enhance the flavor and flavor, not used as a staple food, and the amount is only a little slight." My father didn't listen, and he still "went his own way", and every time he stir-fried a dish, it was still the amount of a spoonful.

There have been many times when I cooked, but my father put too much soy sauce in it, and the dishes were dyed black by the soy sauce.

Every time this kind of thing happens, when eating, my mother looks at the black pot of dishes, her brows are tightened, and she has no appetite, because my mother doesn't like black, and when she sees a black dish, her taste buds will lose her appetite.

For my father to be so keen on soy sauce, my mother often poured cold water on my father to cool down: "I put so much soy sauce, I should have the taste of the dish, but it was covered by the taste of the soy sauce, and it didn't taste original, and I lost my appetite." Can I put less light soy sauce when cooking? ”

The father replied with a displeased face: "I am used to it, but I can't change it." "It's really speechless.

I can't even convince my father, let alone my mother? From childhood to adulthood, my father looked high in front of my mother, and my mother lived so "humblely", how could she persuade my father!

I've seen a lot of people who like to eat soy sauce, but this is the first time I've seen someone like my father who likes to eat soy sauce.

Every time he goes to the polder to catch up, he will definitely buy light soy sauce, in the town he can not buy pork, do not buy vegetables, but he can't buy light soy sauce. He was really addicted to raw soy sauce.

My father used a lot of soy sauce when he cooked, and he used soy sauce as chicken essence

What is soy sauce made from? Will eating soy sauce as a meal affect my father's health? What ingredients are in light soy sauce? Why did my father become addicted to soy sauce?

With these questions, can my father, who loves soy sauce, be able to answer them?

Light soy sauce can be eaten, but when you put it, just like putting MSG, just sprinkle it lightly with two handfuls to let it help improve the freshness and flavor, and you must not eat it as a staple food.

Eating soy sauce is the same as doing things, it has a degree to measure, and after exceeding this degree, it is another uncontrollable outcome.

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