
High-dimensional communication|Your high-dimensional communication is sending you messages all the time!

author:Forerunner of light and love

The man listened to a master, ready to summon up his courage, walked through the crowd to the master, and sincerely said to the master: I know that you are very busy, and everyone is eager for your attention. I know you don't have time to listen to me, but I'd love to invite you to my home.

The master stared at the sincere man and said: Go and prepare, I will go.

The man was overjoyed and happy. I can't wait to entertain the master and show him my love. So, the man prepared a delicacies at home and gave them to the master.

High-dimensional communication|Your high-dimensional communication is sending you messages all the time!

While he was anxiously awaiting the arrival of the master, there was a knock at the door, and he saw an old woman standing in the doorway, looking him in the eye and saying, "I am so hungry, can you give me a piece of bread?" ”

The man was a little disappointed to see that the person who came was not the master, but he nevertheless invited the old woman into the house, and made her sit in the seat prepared for the master, and gave her food. But he was also very anxious in his heart, hoping that the old woman would finish it quickly.

The old woman finished eating, thanked her, and then left immediately.

The man immediately re-prepared his food and table, but at that moment there was a knock on the door. Thinking that the master was coming, he hurriedly opened the door, only to see a stranger in a hurry. Look into the man's eyes and say, "I'm thirsty, can you give me something to drink?" ”

Although the man was very disappointed, he still invited the stranger into the house, still entertained the other person in the master's place, and handed the stranger a drink to entertain him. After he had drunk and left, he began to set up again.

High-dimensional communication|Your high-dimensional communication is sending you messages all the time!

There was a knock on the door, and he opened it to find a child outside. The immature face looked at the man and said, "I'm cold, can you give me a blanket?" ”

The man couldn't help but be a little disappointed, because this time he was still not the master, but he looked at the pure face, took the child into the house, and put the clothes prepared for the master on the child. The child thanked him and left.

Although the man knew in his heart, how could the master take the time to meet someone he didn't know. After a period of internal friction in my heart, I slowly relaxed.

That night, he dreamed, and he dreamed that the Master had come to his dream. He was overjoyed and said, "Master, you are finally here!" ”

High-dimensional communication|Your high-dimensional communication is sending you messages all the time!

The master said, "I have been hungry for a long time, and you have given me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink; I'm cold, you give me a blanket. All that you do for others is done for me. ”

The man wakes up like a dream, and his heart is extremely happy. He understood the teachings of the master. And this is precisely the way the master loved him, so he sent three people to teach him the most important lesson:

The master is in everyone's heart. When you give the most sincere love to someone in need, in fact, you are showing love to yourself. The love of the Master, deep and tender.

High-dimensional communication|Your high-dimensional communication is sending you messages all the time!

You always say, why can't I receive information from the higher dimensions? I want to say, child, it's not that you can't receive it, it's that you don't notice.

Your high dimensions are always giving you messages in every aspect of your life. If you can gradually increase your awareness, you will be able to see how the higher dimensions are communicating to you.

They are there for you all the time and help you all the time! However, you need to give a little more attention to yourself and focus on the present moment.

Just like this man, though he was anxious in his heart. But when things come, he will accept and deal with them on the spot. He didn't let the uncertain future block his present.

The reason why we do not have a good life in this life is because the mind likes to transport us to the past and the future, and it is to reject the stability of the present. As everyone knows, this moment is the channel opened by your wisdom!

It is also the key for you to link yourself to high dimensions!
