
"Sister Hong Kong Harvester" resists the kiss scene! Speak bluntly about nuclear prolapse! Self-destructed once had a "reverie" about his female partner

author:Beanie is not funny

Feng Subo, known as "Sister Bo", is a senior actor in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and is deeply loved by the audience for his superb acting skills and friendly image. Born in 1946, she has a wealth of acting experience, starting from ATV and later joining TVB, she has created a variety of roles, whether it is a mother, a grandmother or a mother-in-law, she can win the resonance of the audience with her sincere emotions and delicate performances.

Tao Dayu, who is also a famous actor of TVB, has left a deep impression on the audience with his handsome appearance and solid acting skills. During his golden years at TVB, he participated in a number of classic dramas, such as "One Royal Court" and "Criminal Investigation Files" series, which enjoyed high popularity not only in Hong Kong, but also in the overseas Chinese community.

"Sister Hong Kong Harvester" resists the kiss scene! Speak bluntly about nuclear prolapse! Self-destructed once had a "reverie" about his female partner

The cooperation between Feng Subo and Tao Dayu can be said to be a beautiful landscape in TVB's classic dramas. Their wonderful performance in "No Regrets in This Life" made many viewers remember this on-screen pairing. In the play, Feng Subo plays the role of a wise and loving mother, while Tao Dayu plays a young man with complex experiences and a changeable personality. The interaction between the two in the play is full of dramatic tension, showing the complex emotional entanglements between the characters and the deep exploration of human nature.

In the drama "Blue Out of the Blue", Feng Subo and Tao Dayu joined hands again, this time their roles are more closely related, and they jointly interpret a story of deep love between teachers and students. The teacher played by Feng Subo has won the respect and love of the students with his rigorous teaching attitude and deep concern for students. Tao Dayu plays a student who is rebellious at first and gradually reformed. The emotional changes between the two, from the initial antagonism to the final mutual understanding, show the power of education and the brilliance of humanity.

"Sister Hong Kong Harvester" resists the kiss scene! Speak bluntly about nuclear prolapse! Self-destructed once had a "reverie" about his female partner

And "The Pearl in the Palm" is another highlight of their collaboration, in which Feng Subo plays the elder of a family, and Tao Dayu is the younger generation of the family. This drama focuses on the power struggles and emotional entanglements within the family, and the performances of Feng Subo and Tao Dayu are very in place, portraying the characters' personality traits and inner world vividly. Especially Feng Subo, she interprets the complex psychological and emotional changes of the character very well, which is impressive.

These collaborations not only show Feng Subo and Tao Dayu's profound acting skills, but also reflect their diversity and creativity in character building. The cooperation between the two can always bring new surprises to the audience, so that people can enjoy the wonderful plot while also feeling the deep understanding and investment of the actors in the role. Their wonderful performance in the play has undoubtedly added a lot of luster to TVB's dramas, and has also made them an unforgettable classic screen image in the hearts of the audience. 457

"Sister Hong Kong Harvester" resists the kiss scene! Speak bluntly about nuclear prolapse! Self-destructed once had a "reverie" about his female partner

Tao Dayu, an actor who has left a deep mark on the Hong Kong television industry, his acting career is like a wonderful TV series, full of ups and downs and changes. In 1983, Tao Dayu graduated from the TVB artist training class and officially started his acting career. His first work was the TV series "The Big Dipper", which marked his debut as an actor.

In the early years of TVB, Tao Dayu did not immediately get the opportunity to star, but played a supporting role in many dramas, and even played tricks. He played the disciple of the Heaven and Earth Society in "The Legend of the Deer and Ding", played the role of Fan Yao in Chow Yun-fat's version of "Smiling Proud Jianghu", and played Fan Yao in Tony Leung's version of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer". These experiences, while seemingly unremarkable, laid a solid foundation for his future success.

"Sister Hong Kong Harvester" resists the kiss scene! Speak bluntly about nuclear prolapse! Self-destructed once had a "reverie" about his female partner

In 1992, Tao Dayu changed the image of a traitor in the past in "No. 1 Imperial Court" and played the filial and infatuated lawyer Jiang Chengyu, a role that made him begin to attract the attention of the audience. However, what really made him famous was "Criminal Investigation Files" in 1995, in this suspenseful reasoning detective drama, he played the wise and brave policeman "Zhang Dayong" who was deeply loved by the audience, and the show also became the TVB annual ratings champion. Tao Dayu won the honor of the first of the top ten artists at the One TV Awards for this role, which marked the first peak of his acting career.

Tao Dayu's acting career was not all smooth sailing, and he experienced a period of low ebb after his contract expired in 1997. But he didn't give up, and in 1998, he participated in the Singapore TV series "The Legend of Wesley", playing the role of Wesley, a role that once again proved his acting skills and charm. In 1999, he ushered in the second peak of his career, starring in "Across the Seas" directed by Wang Jing, and played the role of the financial wizard "Li Zhaotian" who is both good and evil, and his ratings once beat TVB.

"Sister Hong Kong Harvester" resists the kiss scene! Speak bluntly about nuclear prolapse! Self-destructed once had a "reverie" about his female partner

In Tao Dayu's acting career, he has cooperated with many Hong Kong sisters Hua Dan, including Guo Keying, Cai Zhuoyan, etc., and is known as the "Hong Kong Sister Harvester". His partners not only praised his acting skills, but also praised his character, believing that he was a person with a good mouth and would not freely divulge private affairs with the actresses he co-operated. This kind of professional ethics and personality charm have allowed Tao Dayu to establish a good reputation in the entertainment industry.

Tao Dayu's image is not only a tough guy or an infatuated man on the screen, his personal life is also concerned. In 2000, he married his girlfriend Huang Huibao, who had been in love for 10 years, but unfortunately, the two divorced in 2007. Despite this, Tao Dayu has always maintained a low-key attitude to life and focused on his acting career.

"Sister Hong Kong Harvester" resists the kiss scene! Speak bluntly about nuclear prolapse! Self-destructed once had a "reverie" about his female partner

As the years go by, Tao Dayu's acting career has spanned decades, and he has played a variety of roles, from a righteous policeman to a complex villain, each of which is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience. His acting skills have been unanimously recognized by both inside and outside the industry, and both director Huang Weisen and the audience have spoken highly of his performance. Tao Dayu has proved himself to be a rare and excellent actor with his talent and hard work, and his acting career, like the characters he plays, is full of color and depth.

Tao Dayu, as a veteran actor in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, has a colorful acting career, playing a variety of roles, from an upright policeman to a complex villain, each role has left a deep impression on the audience. However, as he grew older and his personal life experience became richer, Tao Dayu's attitude towards kiss scenes also changed.

"Sister Hong Kong Harvester" resists the kiss scene! Speak bluntly about nuclear prolapse! Self-destructed once had a "reverie" about his female partner

In his early acting career, Tao Dayu has performed kiss scenes in many dramas, which can often increase the tension and emotional depth of the plot, adding more highlights to the emotional entanglements between the characters. For example, in "No. 1 Royal Court", the affectionate kiss between him and the heroine not only shows the deep emotions between the characters, but also makes the audience feel the inner struggles and contradictions of the characters. In the "Criminal Investigation Files" series, the kiss scene between him and the heroine more reflects the trust and dependence between the characters, adding more warmth to the plot.

However, as time went on, Tao Daewoo began to show resistance to the kiss scene. He believes that as he gets older, his identity and image are also changing, and it may seem inappropriate to have a kiss scene again, and it may even make the audience feel abrupt. This change in attitude is not only out of consideration for one's own image, but also out of respect for the feelings of the audience.

"Sister Hong Kong Harvester" resists the kiss scene! Speak bluntly about nuclear prolapse! Self-destructed once had a "reverie" about his female partner

Tao Dayu said that as an actor, he hopes to let the audience feel the real emotions of the character through his performance, rather than attracting the audience's attention through external forms such as kiss scenes. He believes that real acting skills should be shown through the inner drama of the character, rather than relying on external performance forms. This understanding and pursuit of acting skills reflects Tao Dayu's professionalism and artistic pursuit as a senior actor.

In addition, Tao Dayu also believes that with the change of social concepts, the audience's acceptance of performance forms such as kiss scenes is also changing. He was worried that if he continued to perform kiss scenes in the series, it might make the audience feel uncomfortable and even affect the overall effect of the series. Therefore, he chose to resist the kiss scene in order to adapt to the needs of the audience and the changes in the market.

"Sister Hong Kong Harvester" resists the kiss scene! Speak bluntly about nuclear prolapse! Self-destructed once had a "reverie" about his female partner

In general, Tao Dayu's change in attitude towards the kiss scene not only reflects his professionalism as an actor, but also reflects his keen insight into the changes in social concepts. This change in attitude is not only a protection of one's own image, but also a respect for the audience's feelings. As a veteran actor, Tao Dayu has always held himself to high standards, constantly pursuing the improvement of his acting skills and the depth of his role, in order to bring more high-quality works to the audience.

Tao Dayu and Guo Keying, the unforgettable on-screen couple, became one of the most popular on-screen couples for their outstanding performance in the "Criminal Investigation Files" series. Their cooperation began in 1995, when the series became the annual ratings champion of TVB with an average rating of 32 points and a maximum of 38 points.

"Sister Hong Kong Harvester" resists the kiss scene! Speak bluntly about nuclear prolapse! Self-destructed once had a "reverie" about his female partner

On screen, their love story is full of suspense and romance, and the two characters gradually build a deep bond in the process of solving the case. Tao Dayu's Zhang Dayong is a wise and brave policeman, while Guo Keying's Gao Jie is a smart and strong female character. The chemistry and tacit cooperation between them make the image of this on-screen couple vivid and real, and many viewers even hope that they can carry this relationship into real life.

Although they are an enviable couple on the screen, in real life, Tao Dayu and Guo Keying have not developed into a real couple. They are all very focused on their work, keeping their personal emotions strictly separate from their professional lives. Despite this, the two also have a good friendship in private. They had watched movies together, enjoyed relaxing leisure time, and had private jokes and conversations, which made their friendship even deeper.

"Sister Hong Kong Harvester" resists the kiss scene! Speak bluntly about nuclear prolapse! Self-destructed once had a "reverie" about his female partner

Tao Dayu and Guo Keying both understand that as actors, they need to maintain a certain sense of mystery and distance to maintain the image of the characters and the expectations of the audience. The mutual respect and understanding between them allows them to maintain their professionalism while enjoying each other's company and support. In such a stressful and competitive environment as showbiz, it is very precious to be able to have such a friendship.

In many interviews, Tao Dayu and Guo Keying have expressed their appreciation and respect for each other. They believe that it is a blessing to have met each other in their careers, and that they have impressed each other with their professionalism and talent. Although they didn't pursue each other in real life, they maintained a good friendship and had many fond memories.

"Sister Hong Kong Harvester" resists the kiss scene! Speak bluntly about nuclear prolapse! Self-destructed once had a "reverie" about his female partner

With the passage of time, Tao Dayu and Guo Keying have experienced changes in their respective lives, but the image of the on-screen couple they created in the "Criminal Investigation Files" series is still unforgettable. Their stories teach us that sometimes, the deepest emotions don't necessarily need to be sustained in real life, but can exist in a more pure and eternal way through art. The friendship and cooperation between Tao Dayu and Guo Keying has undoubtedly added a good story to Hong Kong TV dramas and left countless good memories for the audience.