
Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

author:Mr. Liu in the south of the city

Fans, let your anxieties go! Fernando really missed the game this time because of a strain, not because of some other gossip that "didn't want to play" or "was absent-minded".

No, the Tarzan team's winger was unfortunately strained in training, which makes people wonder: "Is this the fate of athletes?" Or does the turf just have a grudge against him? ”

Speaking of Fernando, the player's performances on the field always make the opposition's defense look like they are chasing the wind, and the speed is dizzying.

Now that he is temporarily out of the field due to injury, the tactical board of the Taishan team may be greatly changed.

Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

If you think about it, a main force who can run up and down the side road and keep sending deadly crosses suddenly disappears, what a headache Coach Choi Kang-hee has to have!

The coach's original plan must have been built around Fernando, after all, the change that a player of this level can bring is not a star.

Now, the plan can't catch up with the changes, and Coach Cui can only temporarily call in substitutes, hoping to find a new breakthrough.

Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

The substitutes, although usually unknown, are not just a great opportunity to prove themselves? There may be unexpected discoveries.

As for Fernando himself, his mood must also be mixed.

As a key figure in the team, he suddenly stood on the sidelines because of an injury, and he was so anxious that he was even more nervous than playing an official game.

Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

He is said to be undergoing rehabilitation at a sports medical centre in Beijing, and the medical team is confident that he will soon be able to return to the field and continue his football journey.

This sudden change not only made the team's strategy adjust greatly, but also focused the attention of the media and fans on Feinan's injury for a while.

The media is also quite hard, and new reports are released every day, but to be honest, some of the reports are of worrying quality and have a lot of misleading information, which makes people laugh and cry.

Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

The Tarzan team is indeed facing the double dilemma of budget and reinforcements at present.

The limited budget has left the team at a loss in the transfer market, but the management and coaching team seem to have a plan to supplement their capacity by developing young players.

It's a long-term plan, but it also shows the team's forward-thinking and self-adjusting ability.

Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

In short, although Fernando's injury temporarily deprived the Taishan team of a big player, it was also a good opportunity to test the overall strength and team spirit of the team.

Fans, we look forward to Fernando's return as soon as possible, and we also hope that the Tarzan team can find new growth points in this crisis.

Don't forget, football is always full of uncertainties, and every setback can breed new hope.

Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

We'll see how the Tarzan team shows their resilience in the next games!

Okay, let's go back to our Tarzan team, this time without Fernando, is it like eating hot pot in summer without cold beer? But don't forget, who's going to know for sure what's going on in football? Maybe it's this opportunity for other players to stand up and shine their own light!

Take Xiao Zhang as an example, he has always been Fernando's substitute, and the previous game time combined, not as much as Fernando's game.

Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

Now, the opportunity has come, isn't this just the right thing to prove that "my Xiao Zhang also has real materials"? Don't look at Xiao Zhang, who usually doesn't talk much, but he is not ambiguous at all, he is fast, has good skills, and can handle the ball calmly at critical moments.

You say, at this time, can Xiao Zhang seize the opportunity to make people's eyes shine?

One netizen said: "Really, Fernando's absence is really worrying, but maybe this is the time for the Tarzan team to show team spirit."

Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

You don't have a superstar to play quality games, that's the hallmark of a really strong team! ”

And the coach of the Taishan team, Cui Kangxi, can also show his wisdom and strategy this time.

A good coach should be able to adjust his tactics and explore the potential of his team when it matters most.

Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

The current situation may be a good opportunity to test his ability to deploy troops.

Don't look at Coach Cui, who doesn't usually show up, but every time he arranges his tactics, he is very accurate, just like the fortune teller in old Beijing, who can see through your past and present life with a single hexagram.

Some netizens commented: "I think that Fernando's injury and retirement this time may be a turning point for the Taishan team."

Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

Looking at how Choi Kang-hee adjusts the team, maybe new tactics will appear, so that we can see a different Taishan team.

At the same time, the fans' concern for Fernando is also overflowing.

Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

After all, there is no substitute for him in the team.

Now that he's being treated in Beijing, fans are hoping for him to recover quickly and get back on the field.

After all, with Fernando present, the attack power of the Tarzan team is different, and that kind of impact is like a submachine gun being loaded, where to point and where to hit.

Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

Another netizen mentioned: "Fernando's injury is indeed a blow to the fans, but it is also a personal test for him."

Seeing how he overcomes his injuries and gets back on his feet is also a common challenge in an athlete's career.

We should cheer him on, support him, and wait for him to return with an injury and make meritorious contributions to the Taishan team again.

Fernando is suffering a strain, and this is key news, not that he doesn't want to play

And for the future of the team, it's a real challenge now.

But who says challenges can't be turned into opportunities? The young players of the Taishan team may be able to stand up in this crisis and prove their strength this time.

This is not only a test for them, but also a big test of the team's ability to work together.

Today, the team's strategy needs to be recalibrated and every player needs to be ready to take on the challenge.

Just like the fried noodles in old Beijing, the lack of cucumber shreds may not be refreshing, but adding some bean sprouts is not a different flavor.

Although the Taishan team temporarily lacks Fernando's "cucumber shred", this does not mean that it cannot be adjusted to a different taste.

In short, football is just that, full of uncertainties and challenges.

Tarzan players, now is the time to prove yourself.

Let's see what kind of surprise this team will bring us, and how Fernando will come back strongly.

Remember, every trough can be the starting point to the peak, and we will wait and see what the future of the Tarzan team will be!

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