
After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

author:Qu Xin Jian Zhi
After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion
After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

After cashing out 700 million in China, she actually showed the Star-Spangled Banner behind her at a speech by a senior American official! The You family, a family that once vowed to serve the motherland, in just three years, after reducing the shares of their own company 7 times in a row, they frantically cashed out 2 billion, and then the whole family ran away in style. In particular, You Lijuan, the second sister of the You family, is the person with the most equity, and she is also the fastest and most high-profile person. After cashing out 700 million, she actually left her figure at the speech of a senior American official, and the fluttering American Stars and Stripes flag was unbelievably conspicuous in the picture.

After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion
After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

Opinion: Such behavior is outrageous, and the perfidy of the You family not only pierced the hearts of patriots, but also triggered a deep reflection on business ethics and the integrity of the family business. Is the You family's approach commendable? Who should bear the doubts of the market and the losses of 170,000 shareholders? Let's talk about it now.

The story of the You family has to start from the nineties of the last century. At that time, Mr. You keenly captured the spring breeze of reform, and he resolutely devoted himself to the foreign trade industry and the wave of market economy, and began his own entrepreneurial road. With his fearless willpower and outstanding business acumen, he developed the company step by step and became one of the first successful businessmen in Wenzhou. He not only built the company into an industry leader, but also trained his children to become the backbone of the company.

After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

You Yuxian, the eldest daughter of the You family, is undoubtedly the pride of her father. Smart and clever since childhood, she has shown extraordinary leadership skills in school. After graduating, You Yuxian returned to his father's side, helping his father manage the company while constantly improving his business acumen. Later, You Yuxian naturally took over the printing factory founded by his father and developed it into "Hongbo Shares", which was successfully listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and became a listed company.

After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

In the early days of Hongbo shares, it was the most glorious moment for the You family, with a market value of 6 billion and an annual net profit of 3-400 million. However, the success of the business has also attracted a large number of competitors. On the one hand, the price of printing raw materials has skyrocketed, resulting in a sharp increase in costs; On the other hand, the competition within the market is extremely fierce, which weakens the profitability of Hongbo shares. Under these circumstances, the company's business situation gradually deteriorated, and the business empire of the You family fell into crisis.

This stark contrast between brilliance and bleakness set the stage for later events.

After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion
After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

Since 2019, the You family has frequently reduced their holdings in Hongbo shares. You Yuxian, the eldest daughter of You, and You Lijuan, the second daughter, are facing a huge financial crisis, which has to maintain the company's operations and deal with fierce competition in the market. You Lijuan is particularly high-profile, she not only occupies an important position on the company's board of directors, but also frequently appears in major entrepreneurs' social occasions, becoming a veritable celebrity.

In the context of the rapid deterioration of the company's operating conditions, You Lijuan planned a "stock reduction drama". She first stabilized the stock price through a series of "positive news", and then sold her shares at a high level. You Lijuan's series of operations not only allowed her to cash out 700 million, but also did not forget to appear in a high-profile speech meeting of senior American officials after cashing out, and the fluttering American Star-Spangled Flag in the photo is particularly eye-catching.

After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

You Yuxian and You Lijuan understood that continuing to operate would only put the company in deeper trouble, and they finally decided to take radical measures - reduce their stake and cash out. In just three years, the You family has reduced their holdings seven times, and finally cashed out 2 billion, especially in November 2021, the You family has reduced its holdings most frequently, with a cash amount of 1.3 billion.

This kind of behavior is like dropping a bombshell on the company and shareholders. The market reacted violently, and the stock price fell sharply in a short period of time, and 170,000 shareholders suffered heavy losses. Some investors believe in the "good news" of the You family and think that this is just a short-term fluctuation; Some questioned the You family's motives and were worried.

After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion
After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

In the process, the You family did not forget to appease shareholders, and even concocted a false agreement with SpaceX to cooperate. These measures have not calmed the market's suspicions. In the end, the You family successfully cashed out and left the market, while the 170,000 shareholders could only helplessly face huge losses.

The You family's reduction and cash-out operation has aroused widespread public attention and questions. As the core shareholders of a listed company, their behavior is not only related to their own wealth, but also directly affects the vital interests of tens of thousands of shareholders. On the surface, the You family has successfully realized wealth realization by reducing holdings at a high level, but there are a series of complex problems hidden behind it.

After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

The behavior of the You family reveals the general mentality of major shareholders of listed companies in the face of corporate difficulties: when the company cannot continue to grow rapidly or faces a crisis, they can reduce their own risks by reducing their holdings and cashing out. To a certain extent, it is irresponsible to the market and shareholders, and it also reflects the lack of determination and perseverance of some entrepreneurs to operate for a long time.

After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

In the process of reducing their holdings, the You family used a series of "good news" to stabilize the stock price, which touched the brink of information disclosure and market manipulation. You Lijuan's high-profile appearance behind the speeches of senior American officials was a well-planned drama of stock reduction. made her cash out 700 million, and also concocted a false agreement with SpaceX to cooperate. These actions may not only face legal accountability, but also seriously damage the credibility of the company and management.

After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

This series of actions reminds us of the importance of paying attention to business ethics and corporate integrity. In the capital market, investors' trust in a company is one of the most valuable assets of a company. The behavior of the You family not only damaged the reputation of Hongbo shares, but also caused serious damage to the trust system of the entire capital market. How to maintain integrity in capital operation has become a common problem faced by entrepreneurs and investors.

A series of radical measures by the You family successfully cashed out and left the market, and the 170,000 shareholders could only helplessly face huge losses. With such perfidy, we need to rethink business ethics and the integrity of family businesses.

After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

From the success of entrepreneurship in the 90s to the controversy caused by stock reduction, the history of the You family is full of brilliance and shadows. With his keen business sense and firm willpower, Mr. You has developed the company from scratch and set an example for the business community in Wenzhou. However, the subsequent stock reduction turmoil has led to a re-examination of entrepreneurship and business ethics.

The arbitrage behavior of the You family not only caused huge losses to 170,000 shareholders, but also dealt a serious blow to the trust system of the market. When entrepreneurs face the company's predicament, how to balance their own interests and market trust is a question worth pondering. The behavior of the You family exposes some hidden dangers in the process of inheritance of family enterprises: when the enterprise faces difficulties, it lacks long-term vision and business perseverance, and is prone to short-sighted behavior, which ultimately leads to damage to its reputation.

After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

In the future, how to restore market confidence and protect the interests of investors has become a challenge that Hongbo shares and similar companies must face. The incident was also a wake-up call for other family businesses. While pursuing business success, entrepreneurs must adhere to integrity and responsibility, be responsible for their own enterprises, and be responsible for the majority of investors.

The capital market is built on the basis of trust, and only by operating in good faith can we be invincible in the fierce competition. Although the story of the You family has passed, the lessons it brings are worth remembering. It is hoped that more entrepreneurs in the future can learn from it, always maintain integrity and responsibility on the road of running enterprises, and create greater value for shareholders and society.

After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

You are welcome to share your views in the comment section and discuss the importance of business integrity and the future direction of development.

After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion
After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion
After cashing out 700 million in China, she showed the American flag behind her, and the whole family cashed out a total of 2 billion

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