
Why are many officers single, and it is not easy to get out of singles? Netizen: Too much pressure!

author:Xiaowen said a joke

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Today, Xiaowen saw a hot topic on a certain topic: Why are many officers single, and it is not easy to get off the list?

In our society, officers have always played an important role in guarding the security of the country and the people. However, many may find that these valiant warriors seem to be a little powerless in the face of love. So, why are many officers single, and it's not easy to get out of singles?


Why are many officers single, and it is not easy to get out of singles? Netizen: Too much pressure!





‬坐标南京,父亲空军现役,大校正师。 When I was still in high school, I made it clear that I would not be asked to find a young man in the army, and none of the sisters who grew up together in the compound married an officer. The process can also be reversed from the results.

‬嘎嘎嘎做梦都想找军官背景的女孩,我小时候就住在部队大院,我就这么说吧,家里有女孩的,一早就被各种预定,尤其是以前还是独生子女的时候,那些同个大院的男孩家庭就莫名的害怕以后找不到对象,听我妈说,我小时候抱下去晒太阳,就有叔叔伯伯来,甭管好看还是不好看,就一副要娃娃亲的样子。 I'm just a baby, the Abba Baba kind

Why are many officers single, and it is not easy to get out of singles? Netizen: Too much pressure!


‬这些人都这样! It's all like that! It's all like that! Little sister, you are not alone, believe me!


‬大概率他是北方的,大概率他家官本位思想比较重,大概率他有了新的优质对象,大概率他是个狠人,你都放弃自己事业去他那边跟他团聚他却翻脸不认人。 Such a person is suitable for leadership. Able to climb up by stepping on people


‬不只军官 底层读书一路往上 拿到国家人才帽子的人也是这样 男人真的很现实 [微笑]


‬副团结婚立刻就可以随军落户(有可能因为名额稍微排个队),几年后(我们那会是4年)他转业也可以落户北京。 The house can be solved by his unit, which basically does not require much effort from the woman. But I can't understand this man's operation, the deputy regiment is a bird in Beijing, and he doesn't have a skill, I can only say that the JD environment is easy to distort some people's personalities. Now anyway, my colleagues consult me about J marriage, and I am basically persuaded to quit.

Why are many officers single, and it is not easy to get out of singles? Netizen: Too much pressure!



‬离婚难,不离婚也很难,有孩子就要过单亲妈妈的生活,军婚,无论男的多优秀,外人看着光鲜,内里的辛苦不容易,女性全部承担了! I have a daughter, and I don't want her to marry someone who is a soldier, no matter how good he is...... Ordinary people, just live a normal family life~



‬其实军官结婚难是伪命题,就像女老师结婚难一样,只要降低要求怎么可能不能结婚? It's nothing more than being demanding [covering his face]

‬男的出轨被开除,我有个认识的人,军人本人出轨,被开除了! The organization is strictly disciplined, and it is just a guess to say that the military is okay to cheat!

Why are many officers single, and it is not easy to get out of singles? Netizen: Too much pressure!

‬军属在考编的时候只是有专门设置军属名额,不是直接安排的,符合要求就去考,考的上就进考不上照样进不了。 Now that even the special position of flying has been canceled for family members, how can others be arranged directly for you [embarrassing] [embarrassing]





There are many reasons why it is not easy for officers to get out of their orders. From the perspective of occupational characteristics, working environment, social cognition and personal factors, there are certain difficulties and challenges. However, we should also recognize that these difficulties and challenges are not insurmountable. As long as we can know and understand this group more deeply, and give them more support and love, I believe they will be able to find their own happiness and love.

In this regard, why are many officers single, and it is not easy to get out of singles? 您‬对‬军官‬的‬婚姻‬有何‬看法‬? Welcome all friends to leave a comment in the comment area, don't forget to like and follow!

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