
Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

author:Kawako Films

Li Lizhen, this name, seems to be a classic clip of a Hong Kong movie, every time it is mentioned, people can't help but think of her pure face and the legendary experience from ordinary to brilliant.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys
Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

remembers that 14-year-old Hong Kong girl, by accident in the library, was discovered by a talent scout, and since then she has stepped into the dazzling entertainment industry. Her appearance, like a fresh wind, blew into the hearts of countless people, and her sweet smile and clear eyes became the dream lover in the hearts of countless otaku.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

But Li Lizhen was not satisfied with the setting of "pure jade girl".

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

She was eager to challenge and break through, so at the peak of her acting career, she made a bold decision - transformation. This turn made her transform from a pure jade girl to a star, and conquered the hearts of countless audiences with her bold performance and stunning image.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys
Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

The release of the "When the Peach is Ripe" series of movies made Li Lizhen's name popular all over the country.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys
Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

Her bold performance in the film made people look at her with admiration, she is no longer the girl who can only play innocent roles, but an actress who dares to challenge and break through herself.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys
Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

This movie not only earned her the title of "Star Actress", but also brought her acting career to a new height.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys
Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

But Li Lizhen did not stop, she continued to challenge herself and broaden her acting field.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

"Jade Futon: Jade Maiden's Heart Sutra" with Shu Qi has become a classic among the classics, and her acting skills and charm have been proven again.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

In addition to her acting career, Li Lizhen's emotional life is also full of drama.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

From her youthful first love to her marriage with a wish, to the emotional twists and turns after the divorce, her life is like a series of ups and downs.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

But no matter how many ups and downs she has experienced, Li Lizhen has remained optimistic and strong, and she uses her own experience to tell us: no matter what difficulties we encounter, we must face them bravely and stick to our own path.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

Now, Li Lizhen, who is over half a hundred years old, has gradually faded out of the public's sight. But she hasn't stopped pursuing her dreams and passions.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

On social media, she often shares recent photos of herself and life details to make people feel her happiness and contentment. Although she is no longer young, her charm and temperament are still the same as they were back then.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

Looking back on Li Lizhen's life experience, we can't help but be moved by her courage and persistence.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys
Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

She has gone from a Hong Kong girl from a poor family to today's status step by step, and has put in too much effort and sweat. Her story tells us: as long as you have a dream in your heart, you must be brave enough to pursue it; As long as you persevere, you will be able to create your own brilliance.

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

Friends, let's like and forward Li Lizhen together! Let more people know the story of this actress who has gone from a pure jade girl to a legendary actress in the film industry. At the same time, I hope you can follow me and get more exciting content!

Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys
Do you remember the "star" actress Li Lizhen? The third-level film masterpiece is full of fire all over the streets and alleys

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